Chereads / Broken Boundaries: Unorthodox chronicles. / Chapter 109 - Announcement of the chambers.

Chapter 109 - Announcement of the chambers.

The announcement is far to important for just the nobility voters to be privileged to. In quite a break neck twist for anyone to follow with the mage society, meaning anyone whom cares for newcomers for breaking through the private barrier that the royals have retained for the entirety of their name as so.

The introduction of Mattu was not just to be spoke out to the chamber by the child yet it is also to be mirrored during a mass gathering within the cathedral of colour. The devil himself posed in disguise took stance to speak this chaos to all of the mage public. It started as all new nobility are announced go. That of the twists of language needed for Mattu's status as the god seer for the Lord of Omens. A fitting segway to also announce the death of the king too. Before even the new crown queen was aware of the news.

The landslide of politics is thrown in utter chaos. Mattu as the new administrator of stamping approved documents by commons and nobility was the only light of guidance many were quick to believe and snatch up. As it were assumed as among lies as part of the kings last order. The new queen is not exactly moved by rumours. She knew what she needed with being the inherentance of the kings power, such power will never leave her until her first born child. See how things become chaotic and complicated. She becomes distracted from learning her father final order and turth needed the king power to follow the Easter egg hunt.

The division of royals mouths had brought prince and princess to close with to many failures... many small coffins. This anger has became a 3 year long drowning drama. Four bastard children of the king. Three to greedy for their own good... converted into cathedral grounds keepers.

The last child is yet to be known by anyone but the king and his most loyal advicer - Mattu. Mattu knew that there is possibility of this child being important to the god fear, as a ender of other timespace warned him.

The greatest outcome of all the political chaotic trouble. The without a single doubt batting an eye towards the the one whom made it happen. Is the perfect cover for shuffling laws into existence and enforcement of older laws that hidden in the background.

The chaos among royals has been a stir for the nobility to play their games. More and more people are the victim looking for escape. Mattu and the late king had it smoothly. The background behind the princes awareness of those poor street beggar missing. It were with the queens awareness and her approvals. She trusted Mattu as the middle man between her and her husband in the business side of being royals. Just a perfect storm of more things to fall for Mattu's pull.

There is more to throw into the issue of everything which was the back stabbing nature of the prince's family... the reason of a lack of marriage still. That of the young brother, whom became among the noble society only fairly recently. He has been making quiet the impression over the queen.

Thankfully this drama of two brothers and a queen trying for any child to live past the age of 4. For all the hassle of nobility taking their greed for their own houses. It was making folks ignore the bigger issue that was why Mattu was doing this for at all... why the king gave title in document name only. Mattu didn't need the queens permission for the things he was ordered to do.

"The last gate to the god lands has closed today." A crow informs Mattu... sitting on the roof watching the mobs of locals whom had enough of being ignored. The riots are just more confusing chaos for the royals to be distracted.

"The beginning of the end... what of the boy?" Mattu asked.

"His mother soul is to be taken today... not now. She still around."

"It be about time I sneak this one into the palace before the Darkwood find out." The nods of many crows lined every roof ridge... miles of them. A crow for every soul here.

"Its about time for the first open barge... whom is allowed on first?" The demon in a reptile form, sitting in bow to Mattu.

"The skilled trades like wood carvers, glass blowers... the folks whom can make a business. The extras whom join the agency for the escaped net ones. Whomever the Queen see fit. She has half her private hand maids of court joining." The demon leaves in a puff of vaper, left the sulphuric hint behind, "If these people are to die, they aren't going to be lost in the oceans depths."

"You being summoned by the newly crowned King." Yes... that is also today. The marriage, they finally started seeing the problems.

"Thank you all... I happy to return the favours when I die." Mattu doesn't joke.

"Your to good for us." The chatter of bird has no change.

The years of being desk bound has thinned Mattu, as was the lack of sleep for the guilt of things his done to be here. He knows there will be a time when the sir king that brought him here could end him.

"My lord and Lady... you have requested me." Landing upon the table end of the their breakfast. The stir of tea with the twirl of her finger, pose with the click of drops back to the cup. She is mad... there was few to many reasons that she would be.

"What of this fourth child?" She asks with annoyance. She take up her cup, sipping the silence, "I also need a process report of my barge." Mattu bows double so with taking the orders. The soon to be crown king stands at the windows... watching the roof areas.

"To be fair, I wanted to know how long has there been problems." Mattu couldn't bow to that. He knows he could answer that without the judge here. The silver eyes glaring from the corner of the room. That of the mask posed as if hung as a decoration on the wall nearby. That of Markus Darkwood, reading a demon print paper... flicked pages lightly. Listening.

"There is a lot I should be saying... but I will keep to what you asked." Mattu walks along the table, his own use of magic with the tea poured to a cup for him. The queen stares shocked of him for such assumed ease of talent... the little boy whom smiled at a ice bird when he arrived here.

"You might as well spill the late kings secert... Its not that bad." Markus folding the paper, "You been a stressful little busy bird. I am sure Welwick is hidden around somewhere nearby."

"Ah, no. The demon has other business for us." Tasted the tea a few drops, "The last bastard is important... not for potential of being a snooby brat like the last three. He is a soul with high interest of the shadow fear. Not in being host... so I am well informed. This child is just another hand to the mask." Mattu tilts in how that poured more of the gooping figure into the room, the mask lifted out of mock sleep, "This child's mother is dying... Another plague has swept the eastern low slum town. My lord is guiding this child, acting as if me. He preferred it over talking to you."

Hops over the tea cup edge, perfect balance for more drinking tea. He hops back off the tea cup. The mask and the silver eyes in a argument that were distracting for Mattu to not continue speaking.

"Progress of boats."

"Today, my queen. The cruise ship is completely run by our men. Even the captain. All swear to silence. The capacity isn't the issue. Nor is the diseases control. Or the papers for everyone to have a photo ID. Or the legal talk with the country whom has agreed undertable to take us." Mattu hops with his continued barriers listing being checked through. Everything was put into consideration... from potential crimes through disasters on sea saling. The queen is pale from just how much work it is at all... how he hasn't checked everything with her completely for such things.

"Get to the point... stop ignoring her question. What is the problem?"

"Well its obvious... Its that this is home for all the public. Nobility of trade, the bakers, glass ware crafter and even the candle wax dippers. This dying island is their home... they dislike change... scared to leave. Some have already declared this to be their grave, their last stand." Mattu huffed, "I felt that way too. This is my home. Its quiet hard to let go."

"So when were you going to tells us of theis dying issue?" the king is angered.

"He was order to not speak. You can't undo the last order of the previous king." The queen has learned somehow or at somepoint, "Even I, whom inherented memories was blocked out of my fathers last order. I did however overhear the last words Mattu told him. The regert of not telling me something... am I right? A historical prophecy I later researched. This island wasn't built to last forever." Mattu sips more tea, as it was the more wise thing to do.

"What of Twilight?" Mark asks.

"The time isn't yet." Mattu answers plainly with knowing the aura of a host, "She sent her message early. As many do for some reason recently."

"Ah... so you know of my secert." Mark ponders, "How? for how long?"

Mattu flutters about with getting off the table. Turned human, quiet the teenager now... marks of many runic symbols from his time in dreams. These line glow strong and healthy.

"Please excuse me... I will return shortly." Left the room of raised voices... quiet the argument between them. Mattu walks soundless at ease among the shadows, taking short cuts through to where his senses guides him.

"Always a broken hurt one." He ponders inspecting the young child... The arm broken. A confused crow on one shoulder and his lord on the other side, "Young Master James Crafter, it has been quiet a long time seeing you."

"See I knew it. You never change. I knew it was the god that went to fetch me." Mattu picked up the young lad with ease... a starving little boy. A mirror of how Mattu came to this island. He makes sure this boy was even bit presentable for the royals.

"You father is indeed the king but you must never tell. Not even the servants. Not the kings brother but you will know of the shadow whom steals the kings brother often. A confusing affair. You could be taking to the goop mass and then you be asked something that Mark thought the conversation was. A riddle he is. The silver eyes judge has been hanging around... waiting."

"The island is really going to the bottom of the ocean."

"As it was to be, said Twilight in my past lifetime visit." James freezes up, "I am not the host. I am just hands that Twilight took interest in... keeping timelines alive while the goop is away. The silver mister is rather confused of the affairs."

"I am so glad that I can talk to you. Someone that will not see some child." The preaperations completed, Mattu entered the room once more with the three royals. The confused death carrier leaves the instant that it felt the Ender. It has no business to hassle the god fear.

"How are you even alive?" The one to exclaim in such fast action is the abnormal reaper of silver eyes. Quick to snatch and carry the boy over the table. Seated that instant with being told to eat. The lad annoyed that is being assumed as a simpleton. He takes a moment with considerable thoughts. The conversation goes as smoothly as any could. The Queen leaves with packing her bags and sorting her people. Not the time to play house.

"Just why is this child whom was meant to be in your watch so ill." The soon to be king makes demands.

"Its of no control. No god could heal such illness... his not dying anytime soon so I am informed. The attempts of keeping food delivered and medicines secert had been very scuessfully. Attempts of many healers can't find anything wrong... but are well aware of seeing the wrong." Mattu goes to speak on, "This issue is-"

"James Crafter, what a fitting personality for you to take..." Mark wasn't the one whom spoke, "Where have you disappeared to lately before being here?"

"Keeping oaths and trading... a lot that you have left me to be uncharged of. Still passed about the last time. We had this conversation yet I am not truly mad. I am sure you have reasons. With how many poeple are seemingly missing without a trace... I take it you had to step in for some page cutting." James spoke in breaking the childish acts. Mark himself snarls in the shock of being rudely answered this way.

"What are they talking about?" The king to be asking.

"Lost time... as I was about to say. There is history with your cursed bloodline and this child. He knows things. His not as he looks. Whatever the real translation is because I don't know the context of what they mean. There no hard feelings... it seems."

"The preaperations of the wedding?" Changing subject for now.

"A boat wedding... your wife to be is making the last checks. She will be waiting for you." There is notice of a few things. Very suptile things, like the god of knowledge missing from this room. The lack of shadow. Mattu took a few steps around with being sure... there was more to it the. That.

"I take it that you must regret giving her that last chance." Mattu sorting the body into a peaceful lock up. Do so now before the body is harder to pose later. The lacking of emotion wasn't him being rude. It just that there is to much of others things that need his full awareness.

Like how Matt's own shadow was overlooking the boarding of boats. A gift of his God's title being cursed. To share damned ability without death or hunger for emotional feasting. He hasn't told the royals this.

"Its fine... leave it there."

"We still have months before the total collapse, sirs." Mattu informed, "But do not leave it to chance... as they say. The queen will breaking several trips. Today is the first." Mattu wraps the body as he would for anyone. Prayer of protection of the soul.

"There still plenty of time to get along better." James agrees, "Just what is the plan?" The inky traces of murky vaper had just left. The silver eyes peering about a tome book, peering about the names being added and erased. Flickers of just dots.

"I am going to make use of your liver and kidney. Tare them little lips off so you can smirk so smug. I will see that you suffer the hells for what you did." Mark nearly screaming at James.

"Love you to Uncle Mark." James blankly takes the answer, "Still a total nut case in disguise." He goes to leave.

"You will be treated up to being a personal servant. You will be trusted with my final wish... but you have to prove that you can be responsible."

"I am sure that we can trust James with-" Mattu bows.

"I will have your eyes removed the next time I see you!"

"Lord Markus... Your hatred must be for another time. We each have duties to prefer. We do not need another blood bath before everything is sorted." Mattu last his temper... he could not stop himself. Even the shadow of the elder brother backs off, "Forgive me shouting. I am just very worked up in everything. There cruise has only one last hour and only a 24th of the population has boarded. Of only you could have been a little longer for the order." Mattu huffed.

"Let us leave for now." Lord of omens tells James, "Before your uncle murders you too." James pouts with looking about the shadow but does as he is told by the bird.

"No... make it the queen to had finally snapped. If it were Lord Mark, the ceiling would be dripping." Mattu guides the boy out, using the lad as excuse to avoid Mark. But this sort of cheery conversation of good memories of lost time was what the subject is changed to.

Leaving Mark to pick up the demon newspaper once again, reading a headline to the spirit of his elder brother. Quiet the argument of magic being thrown was next. Brotherly love being sorted like children.

The at nodding approval to Matt's work... She gives the order of leave. The waving of the first set. The shadow took flight and returns to Mattu... The queen is now protected by the business the late king has left the demon to run. A cold shiver of what his 2 years has been under the study of the devil. The narrowing of pity to them whom are the first wave of guinea pigs.

"Mattu?" James catch the unguarded expression, a sort of stare that Mattu is not ever show to gave before.

"Forgive my worried expression. I had not meant to scare you." Showing the child to the room, "This is your room. You are to be taught by me. I hope that things will not be to harsh." Mattu lowered to be equal with the child, "I just pity those I just sent to be schooled by the devil." James laughed and Mattu just waited. He was serious.

"A craft fella whom didn't want a soul for the payment. Just wanted to repay the late king a debt... so it seems." The lord of Omens flutters about with checking the room. Mattu can't help but stare on the strange manifestation of fear that stood by the bed. It at bow of James... tucking the child.

"They are thankful for the many duties the thousand whispers does." The lord of Omens explains, "This child is famed... this soul type is famed for having strange abilities." Mattu hums with how strange it is.

"Broken..." He found himself repeating, "Well regardless of which whisper approaches... I trust you." Mattu informs, "Your information has been very helpful... just surprised that you not the host."

"I am borrowing the god title while his busy sorting a rather tricky tome of soul." James tells Mattu.

"It makes sense..." Mattu leaves the boy, walking to sort the rest of his evening. Trust his God to watch the child... The belt pouch is becoming to weighted. Aboit time to leave it to the next easiest container to carry around or have ready to ship off land. Another minor headache.