Chapter 3 - Dire Situation

Luigi charges at the grand priest and does his spinning move. Luigi: "Yahoo!!" The Grand Priest stops it with one hand. He breaks Lugis neck and kicks him far away and destroys many trees. Priest: "Pathetic". Everyone besides the intruders are shocked by this defeat. Sasuke: "Susanooo!!!! Quick guys, enter in the Susano which will be a great shield.!!" Kuroko, Meta Knight, King Dedede and Kirby enters. Zorro: "Not a chance this guy is mine, I'll make him pay for what he did to Luigi.!! Graaa!!! 8 thousand pond hoooo!!!!"" The Grand Priest took no damage and wasn't fazed. Zorro used his haki and made his sword go black, pump his guns with 3 sword styles. Charges at the Grand Priest with all his might. Zorro: "Onigiri!!! Dragon Tornado!!!!!" The Grand Priest stood there and didn't move. All 3 swords of Zorro breaks upon contact. Zorro and the others are shocked. Priest: "Is that all you got? Be gone, Dissapear Hakai!" Sasuke: "Rinnegan!" Sasuke teleports Zorro our of the attack and in the Susano. Kirby absorbs Sasuke. Sasuke: "What did you do?" Meta Knight: " he absorbed you to gain your power, he can now absorb 3 things at once". The others are amazed. Kirby absorbs Zorro and Kuroko as well. Kirby jumps out of the Susano and makes his own Susano and activates the rinnegan and has 3 swords and a basketball and does the 3 sword style with the basketball floating on top of him. Sasuke:" Quick now is our a chance, everyone combine all our powers and attack at the same time!!" Sasuke prepares the arrow on his Sasano with Amaterasu and lightning on it. Kuruko prepares his Ignite pass to strike with. Kirby does the same combined with a Ignite pass and 8000 pond Hooo. And crossing of the six paths. Meta Knight prepares his Most powerful Drill Rush. King Dedede prepares his most powerful Jet Hammer. Sasuke: "Attack on my signal." Zorro: " I ain't done Yet." Sasuke: "Go, Rinnegan". Zorro: "20000 pond ho". Zoro attacked with broken blades and the rest attacked. With the Rinnegan teleporting the close range attackers such as Dedede and Meta Knight. Then Sasuke used the Rinnegan to freeze the Grande Priest and take all the damage. After a huge explosion happened. Zenos: "Wow awesome, Cool." After the smoke cleared out. It appears the grand priest took no damage. Most people were losing hope and thought they were doomed. Zoro: ". Don't lose hope guys. Were just gonna have to break past our limits. ". Sasuke: ". Yami used to say that, to break past our limits, he is a great swordsman like you. I met him in one of my travels and he invited me to join the black bulls. Now is not the time for my rabbling we need to figure out a strategy to win this."

Zeno: "Huh your boring, why did you stop fighting?" Zeno2: "Yea fight". Zeno: "bye, bye, I'll erase you." Sasuke" What did he say? He looks like the strongest so I better be careful and dodge his attack that he claims can erase. Everyone split up now!" Sasuke breaks his Susano and keeps teleporting around the area with his Rinnegan hoping to evade Zeno's erase move. He doesn't want to abandon the others so he is staying in the area and will use his Rinnegan for others too if needed. Zeno does his erase move to Sasuke. The move was to quick to dodge. Elder Nai used his full strength to appear in the erase move and sacrificed himself and saved Sasuke. Meta Knight: "Nooooo Elder!!!!" (Elder Nai looks like a bigger Kirby with a grey moustache and brown hat). Elder Nai: "My people, I must say farewell to you. Stay strong. And remember to not worship false god's and only worship The One True God. You were born with it. Don't forget it. I'm old and it's better that the young are alive. I leave the rest to you all. Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede. You too my friends who came earlier and who just came. Take care of them my young Fired up Friend." Elder Nai disappeared. The Locals are crying. Meta Knight: "HaaaaaaaaaaaAaasaaaaa, Elderrrr, you will payyyyyyyy, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!"

Meta Knight Awakens a new power. And shines yellow gold white and with a white cape. He becomes Super Meta Knight. Meta Knight: "Dimensial cape." Appears behind Zeno1. "Meta Knight: "Dimensial blade weaver". The 2 guards quickly teleport in front of the attack and take the hit and take some damage while they blocked with their forearms from the many sword attack that weaved and that kept appearing and dissapearing. They were getting overwhelmed by the attack and being pushed back. Grand Priest sweating: (These 2 are stronger than me and he is pushing them back?! Who is he!? "Zeno erase him before he becomes a bigger threat than he already is." Zeno:" Are you ordering me, you wanna dissapear?" Priest: "Sorry, but plz do it or things might get ugly here." Zenos: "No this is fun. Stop being boring or I'll erase you." Grand Priest: (If only that power was mine and not to those immature brats, I would of finished all those who opposed me already. Well I'll at least finish the others who were weaklings all along). The priest moves to strike. Zeno2: "You wanna fight too? Go ahead and entertain us." Zeno1: "Yea!" Priest: ( I'll start with that pink ball, that power could be troublesome, I don't want him to absorb Zeno and erase us all. Or even have another power like that metal dude. He's the biggest treat so far and I gotta end him now.)

Back in the forest. Luigi is still down with a broken neck and in pain all over his body. He is dying. Sasuke: (Sorry Luigi, hang on for a bit until we get out of this mess, if someone goes to check on you, he might die, get erased or blasted or something, things are still bad, we still gotta deal with the Zenos and the priest and their allies. Maybe my Rinnegan might work.) Sasuke uses the Rinnegan to escape to the forest. But the priest freezes him in a green bubble so he can't leave. He is stuck in the bubble. Sasuke:"Grrrr". Priest: ". Not so fast, where are you going? I remembered that I can catch him this way. You can erase him now Zeno." Zeno2: "It's boring that way, don't be a buzz killer." Zeno1: "Yeah you finish him yourself." Sasuke: (That monster is just toying with us, Thss,.). Priest: (where's that ball so I can trap him too.). The Grand Priest traps everyone but Meta Knight who dodge it with his Dimensial Cape and Kirby and Kuroko who got unnoticed. Kirby got that power from absorbing Kuroko. Meanwhile in the forest. Luigi: "huhu". Luigi is coughing and in pain. A man arrives with a cat looking thing flying beside him. He appears in front of Luigi and checks his condition. ???: "This is bad, he's dying." The man grabs Luigi's neck and snaps it back into place. Luigi: "Woaaaaa". ???: Sorry, It was to help you out." The man wraps up Luigi and uses the leaves as medecine and quickly makes him a drink to help him heal. ???" Rest up here for now, my buddy will stay with you.

I'm gonna join the battle and beat the crap out of this monster that did this to you. That short stuff who thinks he's tough. Elder Nai called me up and he died too I see. I can't sense him anymore. Elder Nai informed me of what happened before he died. I'm his fired up friend he called." Happy: "You got this Natsu!!" Luigi gives his final fire power to Natsu to eat. Natsu: " thx buddy, that was delicious, I feel even stronger. I'm all fired up now!!"