Chapter 6 - Introduction: Victor

"Got that... and that... and..." Victor mumbled. "Wait. Where's..."

He walked over to a bookshelf and began fingering the spines of the books. There was one more text book he was taking, but he was having a hard time finding it.

"Yo! Bro!... This what you're lookin' for?" came a voice.

A boy entered the room carrying a book, as Victor turned to get a better look at the item.

"Yep! That's the one. Thanks."

"No problem!"

Silence filled the room. The young boy gazed around the room as his friend continued his preparations.

"So... explain to me why a rich kid like you is going to a school like this?"

"Miguel. I told you ten times already," he said.

"Yeah, but... I don't know. Saying 'nobody's perfect' isn't exactly a good reason," Miguel replied.

Victor stopped packing for a moment, thinking about what led him to this decision. Sure, he was rich... But he was also talented, smart, respected, quick on his feet...

However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. He could have almost anything, as long as he negotiated the right price. And for as long as he could remember, the only accomplishments he made was ~HIS~ title in the family. Nothing glorified his work more than his title.

It made him furious that people perceived his name a an invisible crown; that a title was more honorable than the hard work involved. If anything, ~this~ ultimately drove his decision.

"No, it's not," Victor said slowly. "But it's a way to start over..."

"Start over?!" Miguel cried in shock. "The hell you talking' 'bout, bro?!!"

"I'm takin' about changing my life... or at least my name... I want to be recognized by the work ~I~ do and not by stupid my name!!"

"Uuuh... you didn't do what I think you did... did you?"

The boy nodded, returning to his packing. "Yes, bro..." he replied. "Yes, I did."

Silence hung in the air longer than the two of them liked. But in some ways, it was well deserved.

After another half hour, everything was ready to go. Everything was ready for his new life.

"Best of luck, bro," Miguel said in a solemn voice.

"Yeah," he replied, giving his friend a brief over-the-shoulder hug. "You, too."

"Make sure to write!"

Victor chuckled at this. "Sure, man... Sure."

They waved their final good-byes, and the young boy made his way down the street, with his dark skin sparkling under the sunlight and the light flowing over his short, black hair.

Yep... He was ready for his new life at the academy.