Chapter 9 - Chapter 8

In the morning, you had woken up early to make food for Link and yourself. You knew he would wake up hungry, so in order to save yourself from his begging for food, you decided to cook. He was still sleeping soundly, so you did your best on making very little noise as you made an omelet for the two of you. Once it was done you grabbed your omelet and ate it slowly, in order to appreciate the taste. As the smell of the food rose in the air, Link began to stir. He mumbled a few things before rubbing his eyes, which helped him wake up a tiny bit.

"Morning sleepyhead," you said with grin. You moved to his side and tilted your head to study his features. His eyes were half open, and there was a tiny bit of drool on the corner of his lips. You kept in a laugh as you started to shake him gently. "I made you food."

"Food?" Link asked in a husky morning voice. He sniffed and caught scent of the omelet you had made. This began to wake him up more, which made you snicker before offering him the well cooked egg. He slowly sat up and stretched, letting out a small groan as he did so. He then looked at the omelet you were offering and smiled. "Thank you." He took the food from your hands and immediately brought it to his mouth.

"You're welcome," you replied with a soft laugh. You enjoyed seeing him eat, but soon your eyes went to his golden coloured hair. "Oh dear god, your hair is a complete mess Link." Indeed, the boys hair was like a birds nest which made you laugh. Link, however, was very focused on the food he was stuffing into his mouth that he didn't pay attention to his messy hair.

"Hmph," he mumbled with a mouth full. "Can you fix it?" He looked at you as he continued eating. He would have done it himself, but the food was too tasty. "Please."

"Of course," you chuckled as you fumbled off the ground. Once you were standing behind him you came down on your knees and removed the blue hair tie he had. You decided to untangle his crazy blonde locks first before fixing it. As your fingers ran through strands of his hair, you couldn't help but gasp quietly at how soft it felt. You then shook your head and quickly began gathering pieces of his hair to make a small lower ponytail. Once you were done you stood back up.

"Thank you," Link said as he rolled his head back to look up at you. His eyes looked so big, and he appeared almost child-like which made you crack a smile.

"You're welcome. Now, seeing that you're done with your omelet we should start packing up, don't you think?" You said as you put your hands on your hips. You didn't wait for him to respond. Instead, you walked over to your things and quickly began to put everything away. "You said it would take a few weeks to get to Kakariko Village, so let's get going."

Link nodded and got up from the ground. He dusted his clothes while helping you out and once you were done he took out his Sheikah Slate. His eyes scanned the long path that was displayed on the screen before glancing over at you. "Ready?" He asked you with a soft smile. You nodded as a response and then the two of you made your way through the path that led out the peaks.

The two of you stayed quiet as you walked, which you didn't mind at all. Silence between the two of you was not all awkward, compared to the first few times. If anything, it was comfortable and you came to enjoy the peacefulness that came with it. But as always, it didn't lost long.

Link kept his eyes on the road, though he rose his eyebrow when he heard noise coming from the left. He glanced to the source of the sound and spotted a camp filled with Bokoblins that rested on the other side of the peaks. Lucky for you two, the large river divided them from you. He snickered when the monsters noticed him and started to screech, but due to the water they couldn't get to you both.

"Are those Boko's?" You asked when you heard the annoying sounds they made.

"Yeah, and it looks like they're trying to get to us," Link answered with an amused tone. "But the current of the river isn't allowing them to."

"Good. It's way too early to fight," you said as you continued walking, but Link stayed put. When you didn't hear him follow along you turned to look at him. His eyes remained on the Bokoblins and there was a grin on his lips. "Uh, Link? Why are you just standing there?"

Link glanced at you to reveal his growing grin. "I think it's time to practice my archery skills," he said as he grabbed his bow. His hands reached behind to his quiver full of arrows, and once he had one in his hand he positioned it before raising the bow. You rose an eyebrow and went to his side. Ever since Link had gotten his bow he had only used it once and that one time he did... well he barely managed to hit his target.

Still, he seemed awfully confident with himself as he pulled the bow string back. He breathed out and focused entirely on the Boko that moved around in an unpredictable manner. /He's not going to make it/, you thought. Maybe you should've had more confidence in him, but you were taking into account the wind, and the movement of his target. But Link proved you entirely wrong. Trusting his instincts, he let go of the arrow and it met its target by going right through it's head. Your mouth hung open as the creature vanished.

Link smiled widely when he saw this, but before bragging about it he quickly grabbed another arrow, plopped it between this fingers and bow and pulled the string back again. He lined up his shot in seconds and let the next arrow go. This one successfully flew right into another Boko's skull which only caused you to have a surprised expression on your face. Link glanced over at you and when he saw your facial expression he felt like giving a comment about it, but he focused on shooting the remaining Bokoblin's.

As you watched him take each one down one by one, you did nothing but stare in complete shock. When he had defeated every single monster he lowered his bow and faced you. You closed your mouth when you realised it was still hanging open from shock, and looked at him. To say you were speechless was merely half of it.

"What?" Link asked, holding back every urge he had to smirk and brag (in a playful way of course) about his improved skill. He was highly aware that his first attempt at archery ended poorly. In fact, he couldn't even believe he had made every shot himself, but he figured it was the skill he had acquired over a hundred years ago that helped him. "You're looking at me funny."

"You... you made every single shot," you stammered over your words just a bit. You were still very much surprised and because of this Link couldn't help but laugh. He strapped the string of his bow around him and held his head up high.

"I'm just so amazing, you know?" He said in a bragging manner. It was obvious he was playing around but you didn't disagree with him. The boy never ceased to amaze you, and you made a mental note to remember that he was capable of many things.

"I don't think the word amazing even covers the way you handled them with your bow and arrow," you admitted with a shake of your head. Link chuckled at your words and then pulled his slate out.

"Well, I'm sure you're just as amazing with a bow (Y/n)," he said as he began walking down the path again. You scoffed and followed beside him. You doubted that greatly, but you decided to not say anything about it. "Now, lets not dwell on my amazing skills. We have a village to get to."


"What is that?" You asked as you squinted your eyes in hopes of seeing what was ahead of you better. From where you stood, you could see a large circular tent of a kind resting just a few feet ahead of you. It seemed like a very lively and festive place, due to the amount of travellers that seemed to be passing by and talking. The chattering noise reached you, which made you smile a bit. Link on the other hand seemed to stiffen slightly when he saw the amount of people there. "Come on," you said as you gently pulled him by the arm. You wondered what this place was, so when you got there you asked the first person you saw.

"Excuse me," you said as you tapped a young man's shoulder. You took a few steps back when he turned to look at you, since he had a very large bag on his back. Actually... the more you looked at it, the more you realised it was designed to look like a beedle. The bag seemed to tower over the man, and it made you wonder how he could even support the weight. You figured he was a merchant of a sort when you noticed the amount of items he had on him. "What is this place?" You finally asked, meeting the man's gaze.

"This place here? This is the Deuling Peak Stables!" The man exclaimed in a very welcoming manner. He then began to study you and Link for a few moments before scratching his head. "Say... I don't believe I have met you two before. Well, my names Beedle!"

"Beedle? Strange name,"  Link voiced his thoughts and when he realised that, his face got a bit red. "I-I mean, it's a interesting name and all." You turned to look at him with a stoic face before glancing back at Beedle.

"I guess. Anyway, what are you two doing here? Do you need anything? I sell many things that may be of use for you both!" Beedle beckoned with a smile. "All at a fair price of course."

"Oh... we actually don't have money on us," you said a bit sheepishly.

"Oh? Well not to worry, you can sell me things and I will give you rupees in exchange!"

You hesitated and looked over at Link to see what he thought. "We have a satchel full of things," he reminded you with a shrug. You nodded your head and opened your satchel. It was mostly filled with a lot of monster parts, ancient screws, and gemstones. You weren't quite sure if Beedle would buy everything, but to your surprise he did. The heavy weight you once felt in your bag disappeared, and your shoulder was grateful for that.

"Wow! All of this is amazing!" Beedle said with a thrilled tone. "Although, I would hang on to those monster parts if I were you. You can make elixirs with them when you combine it with creatures like lizards, frogs, or even insects!" As he spoke, he began to stash the things away in multiple sacks he had on him. "Now, seeing as you have rupees, would you like to buy something from me?"

"Maybe he has plates," Link said as he nudged you. You glanced at him and cracked a smile.

"Show me what you have," you said with a nod of your head. Beedle happily obliged and demonstrated the amount of things he possessed. In the end, you bought many ingredients —plates and bowls as well— along with a few critters and arrows for Link. You then put away your remaining rupees in a pouch and looked up at Beedle. "Thank you."

"Oh no, thank you! Hope to see you two around another time," Beedle said, smiling at Link and you gently before walking to another possible customer.

"Well, it's nice to know we won't be eating off leaves anymore," Link chuckled as he put his hands on his hips.

"Yes, now you will be fed properly," you giggled, poking his cheek with a grin.

"Hooray for me then," he laughed softly and then directed his eyes towards the stables. He hummed in thought while tapping on his chin. "You know, this trip would move faster if we weren't going on foot."

"Obviously, but there's no other way to travel."

"Actually, you're wrong. There is," Link said as he pointed towards a few horses that were in their wooden pens. Your mouth formed an 'O' before looking at him. "I think we should purchase some horses." He grabbed your hand and led you towards the entrance of the tent that formed part of the stables. When you stepped inside you could see a few beds pressed against the sides of the tent. A few people were resting on them, but your attention soon went to a man that stood behind a counter. He smiled when he saw Link and you, and gestured for you to step closer.

"Welcome! Will you two be staying with us?" The older man asked.

"Uh no... we were actually wondering if we could purchase those horses you have outside," Link said as gently removed his hand from yours.

"Oh? Young man those horses are not for sale. Do you not know how the stable system works?" The man said in a disapproving tone.

Link hesitated before nervously rubbing his arm. "I'm afraid not..." he said, his words trailing off. "Care to explain?"

"Gladly. You see in order to have a horse, you must catch it. There are a few residing north from here. I must warn you though, taming a horse is not at all easy. You have to approach it slowly from behind, but keep in mind that if they see you they'll kick you," the man said as he shook his head. "Many have... well lost a few teeth or broken a bone because of that. Anyway, once you tame a horse you can come back here and register it for twenty rupees. We'll then give it to you with a saddle, bridle and a few other things!"

Link nodded slowly. "You say there are horses north from here, correct?"


"Alright, we'll be back soon then. Thank you for the information sir," Link said. He took your hand once again and led you out the dimly lit tent. "Well I guess we better go tame some horses."

"And hopefully not get teeth knocked out in the process," you mumbled as you now walked north.

"I'm sure that won't happen. To me at least," he said with a snicker. You looked at him seriously which made him burst out laughing. "I'm just joking."

"No you're not."

"Yes. I am," he said while playfully shoving you. You shoved him back and moved your hand away from him. "Oh come on, I'm just playing around. You won't get your teeth knocked out." He couldn't help but laugh more at your little frown and the way you crossed your arms. It was hilarious in his eyes. Nonetheless, the two of continued over a tiny hill and once you stood on top you were both able to see a large amount of ruins, all spread across a vast field. This made you perk up as you curiously studied everything from afar.

"Look," Link said softly. His finger was pointed to a group of horses that grazed upon a few pieces of grass. A smile came onto his lips as he looked at you, excitement writing itself into his eyes and face. "Come on!" He was about to sprint towards them, but he then remembered that they would just scurry off when seeing him.

"We should crouch down. The grass is pretty tall. If we're careful, they won't see us coming," you whispered. You came down onto the ground and very slowly began your way down the tiny ridge and towards the group of horses. Link followed your example and came down as well. He looked around the horses, trying to see which one he would want and his eyes landed on a blue coloured one. He 'oohed' to himself and started to go towards it a bit more quickly, but in doing so he stepped on a twig. The sound startled all of the horses and they neighed loudly before running off in different directions.

"Ugh," you said to yourself before standing up. "Link you really need to watch where you step."

Link sheepishly looked at you and sent you a toothy smile. "Yeah... sorry about that," he apologised as he also stood up. He looked for another group of horses and nodded. "Over there, come on."

You sighed and followed the boy as he jogged towards the horses. But as before, he stepped on another twig, causing the horses to run off once again. This happened various times, and it only got you both frustrated. As he once again tried to sneak up on another horse he tripped on a rock, causing him to go forward. Hoping he could still jump onto a horse, he stood up quickly and ran to them, but they simply ran away.

"Let me love you!" Link shouted with frustration clear in his voice. You face palmed yourself, but you didn't speak out the many thoughts that went through your mind. Instead, you tried to remain optimistic as you patted his back.

"Calm down," you said as you looked around.

"Calm down? We've been doing this for over an hour. They won't let me love them," he huffed out in a very childlike manner. You suppressed a laugh and pointed out one horse that seemed to be grazing alone.

"Well we have to continue trying. Look, that horse over there might let you love her," you said, mimicking a voice of a little kid. Link sent you a playful glare before sighing out deeply.

"Fine," Link groaned out as he dragged his feet towards the horse. You decided to wait just a few feet behind to watch.

He wasn't entirely sure if he would get this horse, but he tried to stay positive. As he crouched closer he took notice of the horses admirable features. It was a lovely brown color, which was followed by a beautiful white mane. He bit his bottom lip as he got closer, but as usual he stepped on a twig. He groaned out and stood up, knowing the horse would simply run off, but he was surprised when this didn't happen.

Instead, the horse turned its head to look at him and gave him a small neigh. Link hesitated and took slow steps towards the magnificent creature. "Hey there," he said in a calm manner. The horse didn't seem bothered with his presence. Rather then move away, she moved closer and gently nuzzled her snout into Link's chest. When this happened, a large grin appeared on Link's lips. "You're quite friendly." For some reason, he felt an instant bond with the horse, and this caused him to grin widely.

"I'll name you Epona," Link said as he gently rubbed the horse's neck. He turned to look at you and quickly waved you over. "I did it!"

You were amazed with how easily he had bonded with the horse. But you tried not to show it because you knew he would then brag about it. You slowly walked towards him and when your reached the spot where he stood you let your jaw drop slightly. "Wow," you said as you slowly extended your hand out. Epona leaned towards your hand and allowed you to rub her snout softly. "She's beautiful."

"I know!" He beamed. "I'm going to name her Epona."

"Epona? Gorgeous name," you breathed out, taking in the horses amazing features before stepping back. "Well I guess I better get my own now. Though I doubt it'll be easy." You turned on your heel and hummed to yourself in thought. There was a certain horse that had gotten your attention from the moment you both began to tame horses (try to at least). It was entirely black, and you found that absolutely admiring. A smile grew on your lips when you noticed it galloping around.

"That's the one you want?" Link asked as he stood closer to you.

You nodded quickly and began to go towards it, since you didn't want to waste any time. As you got closer to the beautiful animal, you crouched down and watched every step you made. You inched closer, though you remained careful as you remembered what the man back in the stables had said. You would rather not be kicked back and have a couple of teeth knocked out. You gulped when you were right behind it and mentally counted to three before jumping onto its back. You squeezed your eyes closed, getting ready for it to start moving around like crazy, but nothing happened.

"That was easy," you sighed out, but you spoke too soon. When the horse realised you were on it, it started to neigh, and in a very explosive manner it started to jump around. You yelped and grabbed onto its mane in order to stay on, but it was not at all easy. The constant movements almost threw you off, but you kept your grip tight as you tried your best to sooth it. The horse ignored your attempts of taming and continued bucking its back legs over and over again.

"(Y/n)!" Link yelled as he ran to you, hoping he could be of help.

"No, don't!" You shouted. "I can manage!" You gripped the horse's mane tightly. You were getting tired from holding on, but you pushed yourself to remain on its back just a little longer. Your vision began to rock due to the movement, but you simply closed them and focused entirely on staying on and taming the creature. It was putting on a hell of a fight, but it started to get tired. Soon it snorted and stomped lightly on the grass. You panted, finding it hard to catch your breath. "You sure are a fighter," you breathed out with a small smile. The horse began calming down, which allowed you to loosen your grip on her mane.

Link saw this as an opportunity to slowly walk closer, while Epona followed behind him. "She's outstanding," he said as he hesitantly brushed his fingers through her mane. He looked up at you with a smiled as he stroked her. "What you gonna name her?"

You thought for a few moments as you began stroking her as well. You were in deep thought until a soft gust of wind made her mane flow in such a elegant manner. This made you think of a name. "Zephyr, it means gentle breeze," you said as you then leaned to the side to get a look at your horse. "Do you like that name?" You smiled when she neighed to your words.

"I like it," Link commented as he then turned to Epona. He smiled before getting on her back. He gently pulled her mane to the side to have her facing the direction of the stables. "Let's go register them."

You nodded and kicked Zephyr's sides softly. When she began to move you grinned from ear to ear. Maneuvering her wasn't as hard as you initially thought it would be. You pulled her mane to the right, she'd go right, and vice versa. You kicked her sides again to which she started to go from a gallop to a light run. It was interesting really, feeling the wind hit your face and whip your hair around as she picked up the pace. Freedom is what it felt like when you thought about it. When you turned to look at Link, you could see him enjoying the horse ride to a great extent. He had a carefree look, and a wild smile plastered on his lips.

Before long, you were both back at the stables, but you didn't expect so many people to turn their heads to look at you. Or well, the horses you were both riding. A couple of their jaws dropped, while others began to whisper to one another. This made Link and you look at each other with a puzzled expression. Pushing their whispers and looks away, you hopped off Zephyr and stroked her neck. "Be right back," you said to her with a smile.

Link got off Epona and quickly went to your side. The two of you walked over to the same elder man from before, who was now resting his elbows on the counter. He was dozing off, so Link cleared his throat while tapping the counter to get his attention.

"Ah! Yes," the man said as he shook his head. He blinked a few moments before fake coughing. "I see you are both back."

"Yes, and we are ready to register two horses," Link said as he put his hands on his hips. The man rose his eyebrow and leaned over the counter to see the two horses you were now gesturing to. His jaw then dropped.

"Y-You... wait. /Those/ horses?!" The man exclaimed in disbelief. "So many people have tried to get them, but they've all failed."

"Really?" You said. That explained the amount of stares you two got. This made you feel somewhat proud.

The man nodded and admired the magnificent horses from afar before remembering he needed register them. "That will be forty rupees," he stated as he held out his hand, waiting for you to hand him the money. You nodded and opened your pouch. You counted the amount needed and then gave it to him. "Alright, we'll saddle up your horses and have them out for you in a few."

"Thank you," you said. You then turned on your heel and walked away with Link.

"So what now?" Link asked.

"Guess we just wait."

"Waiting is boring. I want to go and ride Epona already," he huffed out, glancing to see the two horses being taken into the stables.

"I'm sure it won't take forever," you laughed a bit at his impatience.

"It feels like forever."

"Link, we've seriously been standing here for a minute."

Link groaned out and plopped down on the floor. He rested his elbow on his thigh and put his chin on his hand. His eyes stayed on the stables until you sat next to him.

"So," you said as you put your arms behind you. "Now that we have horses, how long will it take to get to Kakariko?"

Link turned look at you and hesitated. "Three weeks maybe? Way better then before."

You nodded and glanced at the stables. "Hmm, alright."

A few minutes passed, and with all honesty you were growing rather impatient. Soon enough, two little boys came out, each holding the reins of your horses. When they spotted Link and you they smiled and started to lead Epona and Zephyr towards you.

"So you guys are the ones that got these horses!" One of them cried out in surprise. "That's amazing!"

"Sure is! My dad tried to get one of them, but he obviously wasn't able to," the other little boy said with an adorable giggle. "Make sure to feed and take care of them well!"

They handed you two the reigns of your designated horse and then ran off.

"They're so cute," you said as you watched the little boys run towards another horse in the stables. You smiled to yourself before turning to Zephyr, who was now fully equipped with a saddle (among other things). "Well don't you look lovely," you spoke to her, and she seemed to respond with a snort. You went to her side and lifted yourself onto her back before putting both of your feet in the stirrup.

"I think Epona looks better," Link said as he mounted his horse. "Isn't that right girl?" He spoke to her in a baby voice, which of course made you laugh. You then grabbed ahold of Zephyr's reins and nodded your head towards the path.

"Want to lead?" You asked.

Link responded with a nod. He gently kicked Epona's sides, to which she began to walk forward. You did the same with your own horse and followed behind him.