Lulu turned around and walked back to her little home. She waited for it to turn dark before she set out to retrieve the egg. When it became dark she left her home and tried to disguise herself by putting straw around her clothes and mud on her face. Even though this didn't really disguise her, but it was the thought that counted. Lulu took her bag and placed it around her shoulder.
She left her house and headed towards the place that she thought eggy would be kept: The village kitchen. Since the greedy man said they would be having a feast, there would probably be a lot of people in the kitchen. Lulu had an idea. She climbed onto the roof of the kitchen and peaked through the holes. Even though they weren't big holes, she could still most of the kitchen.
Eggy want placed on a table at the back of the kitchen, it looked like it hadn't been cooked yet. Lulu reached for her bag and took out some rope. She looked around the rood and saw an opening big enough for the egg, she wrapped the rope at the end so she can fish the egg out.
Carefully she looked around to see if anyone was around and luckily there was only 1 person who was preoccupied with cutting vegetables. She put the rope in the hole and slowly brought it down, Lulu tried lining the egg and rope. Lulu had to hurry up before anyone else walked into the kitchen before it was game over. The rope was about to grab when she missed it, Lulu tried again but failed, on the third try she succeeded and started to lift it up carefully. It was half way though, Lulu just needed to pull a bit more and would be able to grab it.
She slowly pulled it up making sure it wouldn't fall out of the rope, and soon enough it was in reach for her to grab it. Lulu grabbed the egg and hugged it tightly.
"I missed you eggy." She whispered to it. "Let's get out of this village before someone takes you again."
Lulu, still on the roof, walked to the back of the kitchen and took out a lantern from her bag and then placed eggy in it. She threw the lantern on the floor and proceeded to climb down. Picking up the lantern, she lit it with a match. As the lantern was lit, it reveled the forest. The whole village was surrounded by a forest, this made it easier for Lulu to escape.
Quickly she ran into the forest and didn't look back. Even though Lulu didn't know where she was going, she let her heart guide her.
It started getting darker and Lulu knew that she had to find shelter. She then found the entrance of a cave, it wasn't very big but it would be alright for one night.
"How about we stay here eggy." Lulu said in a very sweet voice.
During the whole night, Lulu tired her best to keep eggy warm, even if it meant that she that she had to be cold. For a while she couldn't sleep, but after thinking, Lulu fell sound asleep while hugging eggy tightly.
After waking up she looked at eggy and smiled, "Did you sleep well?"
Lulu then looked at the egg and then started to cry. Eggy had been cracked, Lulu thought she hugged eggy too tightly.
"I'm so sorry eggy this is my fault." Lulu said with a guilty tone.