Chereads / Helios / Chapter 60 - Chapter 60

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60

I stand by the doorway of our home, with Jahní and Marleia both of whom have very sad expressions on their faces. I hold Jahní tightly, as we kiss farewell to each other. I pick up Marleia holding her, as we walk to the shuttle that is standing by for me. "Now remember that you promised to be a good girl, and take care of Jahní while I'm away."

Marleia nods her head and suddenly she wraps her arms around my neck. "You be good too." I smile at her child's innocence.

"You better believe I will be." I put her and turn to Jahní who's not far behind. "I'm coming back, I promise you that."

"I know you will." She looks at the shuttle. "Good hunting to you Warrior and may the Creator guide you home from among the stars." I can see the tears well up in her eyes, as I put my hand over my heart and bow to her. I board the shuttle looking back, as the ramp closes and I watch them till it shuts with a hiss.

I close my eyes know that we are going in to a fight, with out a guide to show us around. We will effectively be on our own. I sit and strap in as the shuttle lifts off.

Soon we are touching down in the Helios's shuttle bay, and Sam is there waiting for me. He snaps a salute as I step off the shuttle. I return it extending my hand to shake his. "How was the trip up Captain?"

"It felt different, since this time we going out to actively seek out and engage the enemy." He looks at me understanding exactly what I mean. "Well, how's the ship?"

He smiles. "The ship and the crew are ready and fired up to go get some Sir."

"Outstanding Commander." We both head for the bridge.

Once there the helmsman sees me. "Captain on the bridge."

"As you were." I head for the Captain's chair and I look at all of them; they're so young, but they don't lack courage. "Comms put me on speaker."

"Aye sir." She hits the switch.

"This is the Captain speaking. We are about to embark on a dangerous mission, in order to expose our enemy and their cohorts." I look at the mission clock on the wall. "Make no mistake we are going into harms way, so prepare your minds and your hearts for this fight." The bridge crew looks at me then at each other. "Earth is our home and if we want to keep it safe then this is where we do it."

"I expect all aboard this ship to perform at their absolute best. The lives of your fellow shipmates will depend on your actions." I stay quiet for a moment, so they can work this in their minds. "I know that most of us have little to no combat experience, but you are ready."

Everyone looks at each other with that look of confidence that comes from youthful exuberance, and the lack of experience. "Helm get us under way." I sit in the Captain's chair activating my screen checking that all systems are green; I feel the ship drift, as the moorings are deactivated.

I feel the engine start to hum, as they increase their power output. Soon we're exiting the doors and we are free to maneuver; I reach into my pocket of utility jacket and I pull out a small device, with an embedded crystal. I activate it and a holographic image of Jahní appears. I smile looking at her image, as I look up I see a couple of my crew watching me.

I turn the image recorder off putting it away back in my jacket, and they smile at each other. "Sir we are ready for a fold operation."

I send the coordinates to the helmsman. "Helm a

Set those coordinated and begin the fold operation."

"Aye Sir, we fold in thirty seconds."

"Execute fold when ready." The tear opens in front and we slip through poping out near the edge of Majah-tu space. "Run a scan of the area, to se if we are alone."

"Aye Captain." I wait patiently for the scam result. "We are clear Sir."

"Comms begin transmitting the prerecorded message." If this doesn't get their attention then nothing will. Especially since it's full of taunts to get their attention to our position. I toggle a switch from n my screen. "Tom, keep the fold generator hot."

"Aye Sir." He knows what's at stake here, so I know he won't let us down.

I look at the mission clock and it's been three minutes already. "Helm, to the next preselected position." I watch the clock. "Thirty seconds till fold operation."

The helmsman has his hand near the fold control, ready to punch it. I wait patiently for the science station, to let me know when the first sign of a spacial disturbance begins to form.

"Sir" the science officer's voice shakes a little. "Spacial anomaly opening up thirty five kilometers aft on the port side."

"Helm, standby to fold."

"Aye Sir, standing by." I watch the signal as it closes in.

"Weapons, heat' em up." We'll engage to annoy them, so they give chase. At least that's the plan. Then when they start to chase us around we'll start to relay our position to the Embassy. Lets just see how it begins to work. They now begin to maneuver differently; they picked up the activation of our weapons. "Helm, take us to two seven three point four."

Now they alter their course to match ours. "Sir, they will be in weapons range in forty seconds."

Ok, let's see what they do. "Helm do a 'Crazy Ivan' now!" We turn the Helios quickly and face them increasing our velocity. We see the ship for the first time and in this light the shadow it's them! The ones who killed the Hyperion. "Weapons fire one and two!" The beams streak across the expanse hitting the enemy vessel in the front which is heavily armored.

"Sir, enemy weapons are spiking!"

"Helm, take us zero zero 2!" The enemy beam grazes the hull, causing the ship wide alert to go off. "Weapons fire five and six. And keep up the steady barrage!" The enemy is adjusting his course. "Prepare to give them a full broad side! Close all bulk heads and prepare fire crews!"

Sir, enemy weapons spiking!" The ship shakes from the impact. "Armored hull not breached damage mostly in the exterior!" That God! The armor is holding!

"Target their engines!" All of our port side cannons fire striking their engines pods and engineering section. A bright orange plume flares out of the side of the enemy vessel. Damn! I think we hit them a bit to hard. The ship begin to list and drifting out of control.

"Sir. If I'm reading in this right there almost no life signs aboard that ship." What? That was not the plan. Damn it! This is going to get their attention for sure now.

"Comms, hale that ships Captain and see if they wish to have assistance." She begins to relay the message and I can see her becoming frustrated, but she maintains her professional manner.

She looks at me shaking her head. Come on answer the hale. "Sir!" I turn to look at her. "The enemy Commander wishes to speak to you."

I nod. "Put it through."

[Can you hear me?]

"Yes, I can hear you. We wish to offer assistance; will you accept our help?"

[We will hunt you down human. I swear it. Already we have sent word of what happened here.] I sit back looking at my crew.

"We offer our assistance if you want it. If not then we will be on our way." There's nothing, but silence coming from them.

Then the enemy speaks once more. [We will not accept your help. We would rather die then to be dishonored by your filthy hands.]

I look down realizing that this will not be easy, and from this point on they will be gunning for us. "Helm, fold to the predesignated coordinates; execute." Every one of my people look at each other, but they follow the order as given.


We are stationed off of a Majah-tu controlled world of green seven, with a small space port for some minor repairs to the fold generator and weapons system. We've been at this for more than two weeks and it's starting to show both in the ship and the crew. "Sam, do you think this is the right track we're following?"

He looks at the tactical issue we're in and smiles. "Well Sir, the Barhalmahní have not gotten what they want yet. Which is pay back for the that first ship we destroyed." Yeah, that's right. "We're following the plan to the tee; we have been sending the Embassy our position, and soon we'll be sending them the next position. We're going to start the next phase of the operation then we'll see if the traitor takes the bait."

Yes. We need to stick to the plan and get this traitor, and show the Barhalmahní that we won't go down easy.

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