Chereads / The Rise Of A Porter / Skill descriptions

The Rise Of A Porter

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Skill descriptions

Arnold's current stats :


NAME : Arnold Ling

TITLE : [Crouching figure], [Extraordinary figure], [Perfectionist], [Master Tamer], [Killer Of The Masses], [God Killer], [Forgemaster], [Cosmic Summoner], [Rule Breaker]

LEVEL : 351

Current EXP in storage: 123,046,567.

EXP required to level up: Max Level Reached

RANK : Cosmic SS+




• (lvl 10)

EXP : --/--

[QUICK SHOT] (lvl : 15)

[EXPLOSIVE SHOT] (lvl : 15)

[LUCKY SHOT] (lvl : 15)

[CRITICAL SHOT] (lvl : 15)

• (lvl 10)

EXP :--/--

[QUICK ASSEMBLY] (lvl :15)




• (lvl 30)

EXP : --/--



[BLOODLUST] (lvl : 25)

[BLOOD BOND] (lvl : 25)

• (lvl 1) 

EXP : --/--

[FUSION] (lvl : 1)

AFFINITY: Ice (Wind and Water), Lava(Earth and Fire), Nature (Earth, Water, Wind and Light) 

Personal details and stats :

HP: 30138/30138

MANA: 50337/50337

EXP: 0/1,500,000

STRENGTH (STR) : 3032 [+400] (due to the gears)

DEFENSE (DEF): 2500 [+226] (due to the gears)

STAMINA (STA) : 1800


AGILITY (AGI) : 1706


EVADE (EVD) : 1927

MYSTIC (MYS): 3037


Summons details :


• Scylla (Uncrowned Queen of Dragons)

• Cetus (World Whale)


• Duke

• Cerberus

• Talos

• Bad-Breath

• Natasha

• Asterios

• Dread

• Alice

• Grock

• Tiamut

• Yan

• Ogur

• Miro

• Shyok 

• Hercules

• Dani

• Heimdall



• [ESSENCE OF LIFE] (lvl : 10)

• [POSEIDON'S BLESSING] (lvl : 10)

• [STATIC RAGE] (lvl : 10)

• [RAPID FLASH] (lvl : 10)

• [ELEMENTAL CONTROL : ICE] (lvl : 12)

• [ICY VEIL] (lvl : 10)


• [FROZEN LANCE] (lvl : 10)


• [WILL OF EARTH] (lvl : 10)

• [DEMON'S RAGE] (lvl : MAX)

• [FORESIGHT] (lvl : 11)

• [PROBE] (lvl : 10)

• [ENHANCEMENT] (lvl : 12)

• [DEMON BLITZ] (lvl : 10)

• [SACRED PROTECTION] (lvl : 10)

• [SOUL GRAPPLE] (lvl : 10)

• [ASTRAL MAGIC] (lvl : 12)

• [BERSERKER'S RAGE] (lvl : 10)

• [ARCANE FLAMES] (lvl : 10)


• [PLASMA SHIELD] (lvl : 10)

• [FROST FLAME] (lvl : 10)



Excess EXP : 0 (Stored EXP was converted into levels) 


Skill/ability descriptions :

• [ ESSENCE OF LIFE ] : (Active ability) After being used, you'll instantly gain half of your HP back, Further, it'll increase by 10 points/minute for the next five minutes.

[ Rank: B ]

[Mana cost: 80]


• [ POSEIDON'S BLESSING ] : (Passive ability) Your HP will be increased by 250 points each time you level up.

[ Rank: B ]

• [ STATIC RAGE ] : (Passive ability) After successfully inflicting damage for 5 times in a row, the sixth attack would deal +35% of physical attack as additional true damage.

[ Rank: B ]

[COOLDOWN: 2 minutes]

• [ RAPID FLASH ] : (Active ability) After being used, you'll instantly gain an additional 10% of your current agility (AGI), hence increasing your movement as well as reaction speed to superhuman levels. The skill lasts for two minutes and slowly decays over the next five minutes.

[ Rank: C ]

[Mana cost: 30]

[COOLDOWN: 4 minutes]

• [ ELEMENTAL CONTROL: ICE ] : (Active ability) You can conjure a field of ice and can control it as you wish. It can be used to slow down your enemies, to make weapons, you can do literally anything you want.

[ Rank: A ]

[Mana cost: 60/per use]


• [ ICY VEIL ] : (Active ability) After being used, your surrounding is immediately covered in mist and fog, lowering the accuracy (ACC) of your opponents while increasing you evade (EVD) by 10% The skill lasts for ten minutes.

[ Rank: C ]

[Mana cost: 35]

[COOLDOWN: 30 minutes]

• [ ELEMENTAL SUMMONING: FROST GOLEM ] : (Active ability) Summons 4 frost golems to do your bidding. Their HP and abilities depend on the summoner's level. When they are destroyed, they have a 10% chance of exploding and freezing everything within a radius of 2 meters. This explosion can cause damage up to 30% of the target's HP. The affected objects are frozen for a duration of 3 minutes.

[ Rank : S ]

[Mana cost : 100/Golem]

[COOLDOWN: 20 minutes after all summons are destroyed once ]

• [ FROZEN LANCE ] : (Active ability) summons five frozen lances from and throws them continuously at his target. Once hit, the target becomes immobilised. If more lances manage to hit the target it causes continuous true damage (10% of target's HP/hit) to the target.

[ Rank: B ]

[Mana cost: 20/per lance]

[COOLDOWN: 2 minutes]

• [ ELEMENTAL CONTROL: EARTH ] : (Active ability) Similar effects like the ability [ ELEMENTAL CONTROL: ICE ], only it is less effective for attacking and duration is lesser. But consumed less amount of mana as well.

[ Rank: B ]

[Mana cost: 30/per use]


• [ WILL OF EARTH ] : (Passive ability) When used, this skill boosts the user's defensive abilities and exponentially increases the user's defence. The spell activates when the user's HP is below 20% also makes the user invincible for a duration of 5 seconds.

[ Rank : A+ ]

[COOLDOWN : 1 day]

• [FORESIGHT] : (Active ability) After using this skill, you can immediately see some broken version of the future however this future is not certain and can change. The duration of the skill is one minute, and you can only use this skill thrice a day.

[ Rank : A+ ]

[Mana cost : 200 per use]

[COOLDOWN : 5 hours]

• [ENHANCEMENT] : (Active ability) This is a type of support spell that can temporarily or permanently increase the rank and enhance the attributes (depends on the user's level and rank) of weapons and gears. This buff can be used on both yourself and your allies. One item can only be boosted once a day, and the duration of the buff varies from gear to gear.

[ Rank: B ]

[Mana cost: 100 per use]


• [PROBE] : (Active ability) This skill can be used on any target such as items, weapons, monsters, humans etc. When used, the user gains the ability to know about the level, rank, abilities and some other basic information of the target. The information provided will be decided by the difference in rank and level of the user and the target.

[ Rank : D]


• [DEMON BLITZ] : (Active ability) (Only applicable when using artillery class weapon) A type of enhancement spell. It can only be activated when your weapon has the last bullet left it. After using this ability, your weapon will be able to fire infinite bullets for a short span of time. Each bullet will cause additional true damage up to 2% of the target's max HP.

Duration of skill: 2 minutes (Can be increased by levelling up).

[ Rank: S ]

[Mana cost: 250]

[COOLDOWN: 10 minutes]

• [EXPLOSIVE SHOT] : (Passive ability) (Only applicable when using artillery class weapon) deals additional 60% damage when the target is closer than 10 meters.

[ Rank: C ]

[COOLDOWN: 5 minutes]

• [SACRED PROTECTION] : (Passive ability)

A type of defence spell. The ability will automatically activate and will protect you from lethal damage once. Even if you're on the verge of death, this ability will help you survive as long as it is activated. However, you'll lose 20% of your health after the ability duration is finished. Number of usage and Cooldown can be decreased by levelling this skill.

Duration of skill: 20 seconds

[ Rank: S ]

[Mana cost: 250]

[COOLDOWN: 7 Days]

• [SOUL GRAPPLE] : (Active ability) Using this ability allows the user to control the targets for a short duration of time. The ability has a low rate of success and depends on the difference between the user's and target's level. This ability will use up all of the user's remaining mana, and the amount of mana consumed will decide the time limit the ability would have.

[ Rank : S+ ]

[Mana cost : Entire mana]

[COOLDOWN : 10 days]

• [PLASMA SHIELD] : (Active Ability) When activated, the user gets surrounded by a thin layer of plasma which absorbs 45% of the incoming damage (Both Physical and Magical. Not effective against true damage).

[ Rank : C+ ]

[Mana cost : 80]

[COOLDOWN : 2 minutes]

• [ ELEMENTAL SUMMONING: LAVA HOUNDS ] : (Active ability) Summons 5 lava hounds to do your bidding. Their attributes depend on the summoner's level. When they are destroyed, they have 16% chance of splitting up and forming 2 smaller lava hounds and will have 80% of the original hound's attributes. They have low health which is compensated by their high attack and agility.

[ Rank: S ]

[Mana cost: 120/Hound]

[COOLDOWN: 8 minutes after all summons are destroyed once ]

• [ARCANE FLAMES] : (Active ability) The user controls the power of hellfire and can guide a sea of flames to incinerate anything in its path. This skill is only effective on organic targets.

Targets affected by the skill will get marked and receive 0.5% additional damage per second.

[ Rank: A ]

[Mana cost: 150]

[COOLDOWN: 5 minutes]

• [BERSERKER'S RAGE] : (Active ability)

A type of offence spell. When activated, all of the user's attributes will be boosted by 150%.

Duration of skill: 20 seconds

[ Rank: B ]

[Mana cost: 100]

[Cooldown: 1 Hour]

• [ASTRAL MAGIC] : (Active ability)

A type of Defense ability. When activated, the user is allowed to access the astral plane, making the user immune to all types of damage.

Duration of skill: 10 seconds (Can be increased by levelling up).

[ Rank: C ]

[Mana cost: 95]

[Cooldown: 6 minutes]

• [DEVIL'S RAGE] : (Active Ability) When activated, instantly boosts user's attributes by 400% and resets the cooldown of every ability the user has. The damage taken is reduced by 80%. Furthermore, the ability temporarily boosts the user's rank. The number of ranks boosted is arbitrary.

[ Rank : ]

[Mana cost : none]

[Cooldown : none]

[Lifetime usage : 06]

• [VOID DOMAIN] : (Active ability) Advanced ability for class. This ability helps the user to summon the void domain which is the domain in which users summons live in. The user can use this ability to enter the void domain or place different items into it. Time flow inside the domain is thrice as fast as the regular world, meaning if you spend a day inside the domain only 8 hours would've passed in the real world. Unlike your inventory, there's no limit to the number, size or type (organic/inorganic matter) of items that can be placed inside the void.

The user can use the ability to enter or exit your domain at any time, but there is a cooldown period of 02:00 hours if the user wants to summon his surroundings into the [VOID DOMAIN].

[ Rank: A ]

[Mana cost: --]