Chereads / Through all ages / Chapter 20 - 20th

Chapter 20 - 20th

I desided I will go out on the street enjoy the sunny weather outside and go shopping later. I need some new clothes. On the street were some people walking around and I heard some birds singing. I passed a designer clothes shop, a backery and a florist shop. After a while I got to a clothes shop for young adults. I was still 25 and I slowly got bored of it. When I was in the changing room I changed to 22 years. It wasn't much of a diffrence but felt a little different. More natural. I picked a sexy dark red shirt, a pink jeans and kept my black jacket and my black shoes. Also I bought a light blue T-shirt, a purple, a green and a white one. Then I found a gray and a blue jeans.

Moreover I bought some socks, underwear and some bras. Finally I got everything and went to the cash register and waited. A few people were in the queue before me and I put the clothes on one hand and put my phone out of my bag. I checked my messages and saw that Klaus, David and Hugo wanted to meet me and I got a text from a person I didn't know. "I miss you. " I wondered who that was and where did he got my number? Maybe it was one of my exes. What if it was Jason? I sometimes remember our good times, when I was 17 and we dated.

I wrote back:"who are you?" Then it was my turn and I paid my new clothes and left the shop. I went into another clothes shop and searched for some more clothes because I wanted to and didn't wanted to take all my new clothes from just one shop.

The other shop was a little different. I bought a red and a blue shirt. Also I found another nice blue jeans which was a little lighter then the one I already bought at the first shop. Furthermore I discovered some pretty earings. I paid for my things and left the shop. Heading back to the hotel, I got another message from the mysterious person who texted me. It was:"did you really forgot about me? I hoped you remember..." Seriously? Who does this person think he is? I meet a lot of people during my travels, how should I know who that was? I was annoyed and wrote back:"Seriously, who is this?" Sighing I put my phone away again and entered the hotel. I got back to the third floor and into my room to put all my new clothes in my closet.

Then I thought about what I should do. I remembered that Klaus, David and Hugo wanted to meet me and set up to eat dinner in that italian restaurant where we ate the first time. So what will I do till then? It was just 10 am and I had a lot of time. I could just watch some TV till lunch time and go swimming in the hotel pool or visit the garden. I wasn't really in the mood for watching TV, so I wondered if the hotel had a game room or something. Maybe there were some people I could talk to. I longed for some social Interaction. Somehow I felt kinda lonely.

Leaving my room I got down to the reception to ask if there is a game room and luckily they had one. It was at the end of the second part of the hotel and I made my way there.