Chereads / R;Rebiirth / Chapter 62 - Chapter LXII: Revenant vs Consume

Chapter 62 - Chapter LXII: Revenant vs Consume

Act: 62

Hano walked over to the arena entrance, stopping and directing his attention to everyone in the room. He looked at the three benches that were separated into rows. On the far-left side sat Team Revenant, who stared at Hano. In the middle sat Daichi, who was in front of Shizu and Taku, with his arms folded, for the last group were the student council members. The girls sat on the bench while the two boys leaned against the lockers on the far right side.

"Now that I have your attention, I want to address how proud I am that you made it here today. I can't wait to have an outstanding match with all of you. Team Revenant, the three of you must feel proud knowing that you'll easily beat your opponents and have a righteous fight against us. One I look forward to."

He raised his hands in the air with prideful intent.

"I apologize, Shizu. I won't be able to fight your pathetic ass. I genuinely am disappointed with Tora's previous actions. It was. Distasteful."

Hano lowered his voice while walking closer to him.

"To think he would- lose on purpose to the likes of you, it infuriates me that he left a bad image not only on himself but the rest of us. You shouldn't feel sanctimonious; consider it a blessing to be in this room with the likes of us strong fighters."

*Ugh, tainting. *

He said while spit flew out his mouth, hitting Shizu's uniform.

Standing a few inches away from his face, although no one stopped him from his actions. Shizu stood up, getting closer. His eyes dropped, showing no signs of interest in what he had to say.


Shizu kept eye contact with him until he pointed over to the team Revenant.

"When we finish them off. You're next. Anyone else who gets in my way, I will. Put them down effortlessly. That includes you too, Taku."

*Oooh- so scary*


Shizu stepped aside from Hano and walked to the arena with his team.

"Get up, both of you; we've got a fight to win. Ready, Team Revenant! Let's make this quick. Can't have them hog the spotlight!"

Hano clenched his fist. Standing in place, somewhat shaking with anger.

'Shizu! You! Piece of shit! I swear I will kill you myself!'

- - - -

The first to walk onto the stage was Team Consume, led by Shizu. Behind him were Taku and Daichi. Taku began waving to the crowd, and behind those three was team Revenant, also acknowledging the crowd, tons of people shouting with excitement. Shizu stopped, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a group of masked people in the far back rows; one in particular was gently waving at him.

'They're here just like he said. Now I can't lose, so don't worry; I didn't forget. However, those are not the only reasons why I won't lose. This time, I shall prove everyone wrong; prepare yourself, world!'

Shizu continued walking proudly, even looking over at Chul-Moo, who waved at him and his Shishou. Coming to a stop, he turned around with Daichi and Taku, punching his palm as he began to smirk.

The announcer shouted, riling up the crowd alongside everyone watching live worldwide.

*Are. You. Ready! It's time for the big shot! Now, I am presenting you with the students of Yoko High, who'll be fighting with us today. But before we begin, I will introduce you to each of the participating students and display their name, photo, Star, and number on the big screen!*

Switching the attention over to the big board.

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Shizu (M) Race: Human

Star (2): Resurrection [ Can bring anything back from the dead if touched, as long as it's within sixteen seconds after they die. Quite reliable. ]

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Fujiki Taku (M) Race: Human

Star (4): Ice Creation [ Taku can create ice to manipulate, although he learned to manipulate/reconstruct his ice or any form of ice to whatever he can imagine. ]

( Ice manipulation was learned subconsciously by unlocking his sub-star ability. )

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Daichi (M) Race: Human

Star (4): Phoenix Skin [ Coats Daichi in his flames made of star energy; this can allow him to assemble anything with the casted flames on his body or projectile-based attacks. ]

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Naru (F) Race: Human

Star (3): Projection Arrow [ Wherever Naru's Star appears, it allows her to fire thin arrows strong enough to pierce through a vast range of metals. ]

( Depending on the situation, she can change the type of arrows she fires.)

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Takashi (M) Race: Human

Star (4): Boosted Burst [ When Takashi's Star appears on his chest, he gains a physical boost, which he can amplify to enhance his overall performance or specific body parts. However, the more inputs he makes, the more star energy is used. ]

- - - -

[ Stats ]

Name: Yasu (M) Race: Human

Star (5): Emblem Focus [ A link that gets attached to whoever Yasu decides. It can boost star abilities and attacks, restore star energy, and even boost status-based attributes. With the emblem enabled, he can communicate with them wherever telepathically, and whoever is linked with the individuals can sense where both people are located. ]

- - - -

*Now that it's displayed, we'll get this fight started! As a reminder, any knockout that would occur, they'll be teleported out of the ring, and any injuries will be attended to immediately. *

*Ok! Gooo, fight! *

"Star activate, Emblem trigger."

A small hexagon with his Star inside appeared above his palm and on the rest of his teammates. It began to glow faintly, activating his first set of abilities and increasing their damage output overall.

Yasu stayed far behind his team. Naru and Takashi blitzed forward to the three boys who seemed to be waiting.

In response, Taku leaned forward, smirking, in response to whatever plan Shizu had suggested as a potential way of winning. Taku knew what to do as he was scheming something ferocious.

"Sorry, you two, but we'll be the ones to win this and fast. We have an important battle against some arrogant ass."


Taku said.

"Giant ice wall."

A wall of ice in the form of a wave structuralized in front of Taku, Shizu, and Daichi, which reached all the way and hovered over the enemy team; Tekashi charged up his Star. His body began to glow a faint red, and he punched repeatedly at the ice. His punches started drilling holes and rupturing the wall until his last punch, which fractured the bottom, cracking and shattering the ice.

*Crack crack*

Takashi took one final strike. 


 Takashi, full of joy and a sneer expression, came to an abrupt end as, in a flash, Shizu appeared. Punching Takashi directly in his jaw and within that same session, the emblem changed. The punch sent his body flying over to Yasu. Takashi quickly balanced himself back on his feet, slightly sliding in the process. Naru, who was standing on her star midair. She immediately directed her attention to Shizu, creating more of her star markings, which faced his direction. Thin arrows began firing repeatedly toward him; Shizu hopped back, tip-toeing, avoiding each one, though he started to realize they began firing much faster. However, his eyes averted to his left, and within vision, he saw a glowing red fist from Takashi, noticing that his face was utterly unfazed from the punch earlier.

"Pyro gale!"

An orange beam shot past the two, splitting them apart, and Shizu used that opportunity to dash back over to Taku and Daichi.

"Thanks. I wasn't expecting that, but now I'll become more observant of their strategies."

Daichi nodded his head at Shizu, and Taku, being Taku, spoke.

"Well, Shizu, it would make sense as to why you need to, you know, run away. Try not to go head-on with someone who specializes in hand-to-hand combat. I know you're decent, but these aren't your average weaklings you can take lightly."

Shizu rolled his eyes.

More arrows were fired, splitting them apart once more.

"Ok, Taku, let's get this started."

Daichi sprinted toward Naru, who happened to be on the ground; she noticed and began hopping on top of her stars to escape and gain the height advantage, though the boys were already prepared for that. A wall of ice shot out forward, creating a pathway. Shizu sprinted on top as it manifested, running to Naru and keeping his feet steady so he wouldn't slip.

However, he was unable to notice in time. She was still safe because Takashi ran underneath the ice, getting ready to smash it, but was immediately stopped by Daichi, who jumped in front of him. He stopped his actions and swung a few punches in response. Takashi's arms still glowed red while he blocked the unavoidable punches.

Naru and Takashi jolted in surprise when they looked back at Yasu and noticed he was targeted by an incoming "Taku" in the background. Takashi's entire body began to glow red as he grabbed Daichi by the arm, lifting and throwing him to the opposite end of the arena and into the wall, where his body crashed.