Kuena, annihilation maker, all speak,beastform:draco wolf,skull werewolf, Skeleton Hydra,Bone Harpy Dragon, controls: flying,psychic, bug ,,Rock ,ghost ,dragon, dark ,steel ,and fairy elements.
Reina, Infinity forge. dragonize:half-beast,full dragon. soul weapon, master swordwomen, enchanting, controls: ground, poison, fighting, ice Grass electric water,fire, and normal elements.
bio: two sisters that were sold by their scared parents as slaves when their powers manifested when Reina turned 6 and Kuena 12 as a glowing great sword and a White beast with bone like plates and glowing claws appearing from their shadows protectively but due to low mana disappeared shortly after and they fainted and the information for the rest of their powers appeared in their head when they woke up they were in a different place dressed in rags while the younger one was confused of the new area and strange clothing the older sister knew what they were and after hearing that their parents were the ones who sold them quickly used what little mana she had to turn into her base form draco wolf following her instincts attacked the ones guarding them and ran away with her sister before they were branded. Now at a new town using their powers to take down monsters outside of the town for food and using the town for shelter to save up money to leave for a better place