Cherry blossom woke up in the morning covered in golden pillows and a blanket. Her white bed was very comfortable. It was 6 am and she elegantly rolled off her bed and stood up. She got dressed in a red dress and brown boots. Carefully she put on her necklace with a flower hanger and went in the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face and put on make up. At 7 am she arrived in the kitchen to drink a coffee for breakfast and get to work on her laptop in the office. Her fashion company was very successful and she was making a lot of money. It was a dream job being a designer and she loved it. Numb came by at about 10 am and asked if she has clothes for guys too. "Of course! Here is a gift with 100 Euro, go shopping!", she said happily and offered him the PC with a gift coupon. After a while Numb had bought a gray jacket, a blue jeans, two T-shirts and one pair of black shoes. He handed her the laptop back and thanked her.
Frosty was in her room putting her ear piercing in when Phoenix stood in the door, admired her new ice blue hair and asked her if she had seen her necklace. It was a silver chain with an orange and red flame hanger. Frosty said no and suggested to ask Dark Dark and Young Blood. Phoenix told her, she already spoke to her brother and then she left.
Numb and Fade were sitting together at a table in a side room talking about what they dreamed about at night. "Last time I had a weird dream. I was at a Fall Out Boy concert and...", Numb started. "Oh my God, I'm so jelous", Fade interrupted him and smiled but Numb went on:"I had a lot of fun, the music was exciting but then something really strange happend. Everything disappered slowly. The people, the stage, them. Then I was alone and it was all dark. I had to walk home alone in the night."
Fade's smile turned to an upset face expression and he said:" that's so sad. I'm not jelous anymore." "No, you shouldn't be. It was weird", Numb answered.
Fade was sitting in the office with a notebook on his lap doing food online shopping. He bought salt, milk, eggs, flour, sugar and a new kitchen knife for Sugar. Chocolate for Menace and alcohol for Frosty. Meat, rice, pasta, vegetables, sushi, soup, fish, sauces and potatoes in general.
It was movie evening and everyone gattered in the living room to sit on the sofa looking at the big TV. Young Blood said she wanted to see a horror movie but most of the others were against it. Especially Trick and July. Sugar wanted a love film but the guys weren't happy with that. Numb suggested an action movie and everyone was excited. Dark Dark and Care brought fresh popcorn and potato chips from the kitchen. They watched the movie and it was a lot of fun.