Rosana looked into her 1 galon hospital tank made out of a 1 gallon plastic pretzel jar from Cotsco, which now housed the the little naked man. She watched the little creature swish the long ribbon like things on its, back. It stayed balled in a a fetal postion hands near its head, it's eyes were full of fear.
"Poor thing," she felt bad for scareing the pittful creature. "I'm sorry little one I didn't mean to scare you. I just don't want you in my tank where you disturb my fish. I dont even know what are. You're just going to sit here in this isolation tank for a bit, if you need me I'm going to be sitting over here doing my math work, so tap on the plastic if you need me okay?"
The little naked man just floated there, his big back eyes filled with fear. She shook her head and sat down at her desk to do her work.