Chereads / Ascendance Online / Chapter 3 - Chapter. 3 - Enlistment and Goodbyes

Chapter 3 - Chapter. 3 - Enlistment and Goodbyes

"Hmm.... Potato." (M) [1]

"Banana... Wait, what are you saying?" (T) [2]

"I dunno? It just came out of my mouth. You did it too though." (M)

"Right." (T)

It's early in the afternoon, Miyata and Tina are doing chores in the inn together.

Miyata was thinking of the conversation she had with Lucia yesterday and couldn't just ask Tina if she could attend the recruitment today. She thought to herself: I don't have the strength to ask her.... I mean, I'm a girl right? And I don't think it's normal for women to fight in gritty wars. But I just can't stand here, I made a promise so shouldn't I try my all to fulfill it?

Steeling her resolve, she started a conversation.

"Uhm, Tina-chan is the country in some sort of conflict?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I saw quite a few soldiers awhile ago and they seem to be busy. I got a little curious."

"Hm, That's because the nation's military army is currently recruiting. Not that we're in bad conditions with any other neighboring countries, but with the alarming amount of monsters appearing here and there."

"I see... Tina-chan, do you mind if I... Try to join?"

"Eh?! W-what? Miyata-chan what're you saying? Please don't joke like this! fighting in wars are not a woman's job we should clearly avoid such dangerous things, didn't you just lose your memories? If you go out there you might even lose this one... I don't want you to forget this one."

Confused with her words, Tina was in a state of panic of what to say.

"I'm sorry Tina-chan! but this is something I want to do... And I simply can't freeload here forever, I want to at least help you guys!"

Breaking into cold sweat, Miyata still pushed on, trying to complete her goal.

"I.... I understand... We've only been together for a short time but I know Miyata-chan is someone who will not simply give up so I'll at least try and support you..."

"Eh? Really?"

Giving up an and letting out a warming smile, Tina finally let loose and accepted Miyata's unreasonable words while still having her doubts with her decision.

"Yep, you better go soon though, the line will be longer the sooner you stay."

"Un![3] well then! Later!"

Taking her leather cloak quickly, Miyata left before Tina changed her mind, slightly gritting her teeth, she dashed forward to where the soldiers were located.

The line is longer than expected. Miyata said to herself.

Here and there, men ranging from fifteen to thirty years old are lining up and no sight of any of the opposite sex. While two soldiers were sitting and writing the names of the men, there's also another man without armor but with fancy clothing taking loud enough to be heard even at the back and started a speech.

"Men of the age above fifteen, we require your utmost assistance to maintain peace to our beloved country! You will be receiving 15 silvers every month after your enlistment and training lasting for 3 months. We are not involved in any war whatsoever but the danger grows ever strong with the monsters and in order to protect our children and the futures children! We must fight with the Lady of white to ensure safety for our nation! For our future and the future of our children!!"


Roars of men filled the village, even women were cheering raising their babies high in the air.

With the man's speech, even more men came lining up with big grins on their faces shouting the nation's name while throwing their fists in the air.

Some time had passed since the speech and Miyata who was wearing a leather cloak with a hood on is already next in line to sign up as a volunteer.

She stretched out her glove covered hand, she took the quill dipped in ink and wrote an odd signature. The man in charge of the paper was perplexed for a while and shrugged afterwards.

Those who have finished were to gather outside and wait to be transported to the nearest fort for training.

Some men were sitting idly, some sleeping, chatting and making conversations with others and the rest are saying their goodbyes to their family.

A warming scene indeed. If only my family loved me as much as that...

Lost in her own thought she started to reminisce a certain past. Losing her sense of time, about a minute or two had passed.


"Tina-chan? What're you doing here? And how'd you know where I am?"

"That's the cloak I gave you! Of course I'd know it was you hehe."

She wore a smug face. She's really cute like this. Miyata said in her mind. But apparently, she's not the only one thinking this, some younger men also directed their sights towards the beauty with jealousy.

"Anyways! For the reason why I'm here, ta-dah! I brought snacks for you! Mother was really against you joining though and she got really mad at me for letting you, but she eventually accepted it and made her special roasted duck for you."

"I see, thanks a lot Tina-chan."

She handed over a basket filled with baked goods and the duck. While Miyata thought that it's a little too much with a perplexed face.

Pondering over this, Tina gives a little look of worry and suddenly..


A tight hug was given by her slender body.

"I'll miss you so much Miyata-chan... Don't forget about me okay?"

Touched by her words, Miyata also returned the hug with another which lasted for a few seconds. A few men also directed dagger like stares to Miyata but she gave it no thought and continued anyways.

"Goodbye, Tina-chan. I'll send you letters if I can."

"Yeah! I'll be waiting for them! Goodbye Miyata-chan! And be careful!"

Hugging each other one last time, the carriages arrived and non volunteers were urged to leave.

The carriages headed east for the past few hours and the sun had already started to set.

With the long travel a large fort can already be seen by the men, some cheered at the sight of the large fortress.

Half an hour passed and the carriages finally stopped.

"Here we are men, get your luggage and gather!"

A huge man clad in steel appeared and gave absolute orders to the volunteers urging them to quickly grab their luggage and gather in front of the man of steel. The man of steel took his full plate helm off and the face of a man in his forties appeared and is also known as the fort's commander.

"This is fort 'Dunning'. And as you were informed, you will be staying here for 3 months to learn how to fight and to survive! I can't guarantee your goodness in health so if you change your mind raise your hand and the carriages will bring you home, anyone?!"

10 seconds of silence passed and not a single man raised his hand.

"Good! Now line up, get your paper and head to your assigned quarters!"

Again, the men quickly obeyed his orders without a hint of hesitation.

Close to the front line, Miyata's turn to get her paper came quick.

Ugh, I just remembered.... I'm illiterate.


Coming from another world just a few days ago, Miyata doesn't know how to read nor write the current world's alphabet but instead, she spoke their language similarly.

Some men are already going inside the fort, yet I'm still here wondering where my quarters are...

Cursing her situation, a man behind started running towards her.

"Hey! You! What's your assigned quarters?"

A man in his early twenties tugged her cloak akin to a lost child in the super market desperately seeking help to find his mother. [4]

"Hey~ can I see your paper?"

As if the author- *cough* God was looking upon her she gleefully showed him her paper.

"Ah! We're both stationed at the North side!"

Bowing to him as if he was God sent, Miyata marched forward to the north side.

"Let's go together shall we? I'm actually kinda lost and I don't really know where the building is."

He must have a bad sense if direction. Miyata thought to herself, but as thanks, she nodded and went to the north side with him. In a few minutes, they arrived to their destination.

"Phew! That was close."

Miyata tilted her head to hide her identity and show her confusion.

"There were some men behind me talking about beating some guy with a cloak so after getting my paper I started looking for you. Hehe I know it's stupid but I just can't let something like that pass by."

Ah, a man of justice. Miyata thought to herself. She grabbed his hand and shook it, giving thanks. The man got surprised a little and went back to his former self.

"Heh, by the way, *shows paper* we're in the same room! Cool right?"

The paper he possessed and shown had similar contents to Miyata's paper, Another God sent event.

Busy thanking the Gods, Miyata's hand was taken and dragged by the man while a smile in his face is visible.

The room consisted of a bunk bed, a closet and a work desk, and inside, two men are talking. But the other man couldn't be called as one for his true identity is that of a woman named Miyata.

"Aren't your hands a little small? If your body is weak or something then why'd you volunteer?"

'It's not that I'm weak, it's just that I'm a girl.' Miyata cursed inside her mind and shook her head instead.

"Ah, sorry that I asked, I won't ask again."

Satisfied with his words Miyata nodded.

"I'm sorry about acting so familiar with you. My name's Jerard Aufor, what's yours?"

Looking for an excuse, Miyata looked outside the window and pointed. Taking the attention of Jerard, he also looked outside and gave a surprised look.

"Ah shit!! It's already time for dinner! I think we're going to be late! Come! Let's go!"

Saying "Phew" in her mind, Miyata followed behind the agitated Jerard.

The two headed to the cafeteria for regular soldiers and low positioned officers for they were to share with the volunteers. While the higher positioned officers are eating in another cafeteria.

Most of the men are rowdy. Some were complaining about the small space, some were talking with the regulars and other volunteers and some were quiet with a solemn air around them.

As for Miyata, she quickly lined up, took her food, went outside the cafeteria and started eating, some men also did the same.

Ugh, this taste is horrible, Tina-chan's cooking is way better than this.

Even in the dark of night, the expression of Miyata's disgust is obvious even with a hood on

Some men looked at her as if saying: "Ahh, another victim."

Finishing the meal, she looked around looking for something, or Someone.

Where is Jerard?

Shrugging, she headed back to the room first.

Ah I remember Tina's parting gift, might as well eat it before it goes bad.

In a hurry she walked briskly and made it back in a minute.

Looking through the luggage, a basket could be seen. Taking of the cloth placed on top, a brown meat is revealed, also known as: Tina's mom's special roasted duck. Looking happily at it, Miyata started to eat again and this time with a satisfied face.

Half an hour later, Jerard came and the smell of alcohol filled the room, with a tired face, he looked at Miyata.

He's dead drunk. Miyata said to herself with a sigh.

"A-ahh~ yer awredy hir~ Me kinde tiwed et ze mowmint, tim to shweep."

Throwing his boots somewhere, he headed for the bed and slept like a log.

Knowing she had to be aware of keeping her identity, Miyata enchanced her awareness even while sleeping.

A few hours passed after dinner and it's already midnight. Most of the men have already went to sleep and only the night guards numbering 20 are patrolling the fort and 2 near the gate.

Visible on the road to the fort, two gas lamps are visible illuminating a carriage as it approaches the fort.

Half a minute passed and the carriage had already reached the gate. One guard closed in with his weapons up and spoke to the driver.

"State your business!"

With the bright torches outside the gate, an elegant symbol of a book and a star was illuminated. As the guard saw this, he nodded and opened the gate without hesitation.

"I apologize for my rash behavior."

The guard apologized and bowed his head but not a single reply was given. Knowing the reason why, he stayed in his current position and waited for the carriage to enter, closed the gate and went back to his post.

With the carriage entering the fort, a man can be heard saying.

"Master Grey, we have arrived."

The warm sun heating the room and the addition of the leather cloak, Miyata couldn't help but wake up.

Under her bed is a body that belongs to a man who is currently still sleeping like a log.

The sun is not yet visible but the sky is already losing its dark color and a bluish color is appearing in its stead.

Stretching her body and sitting down for a few seconds, Miyata then decided to go outside.

Guards are still patrolling and some men are also awake probably because their previous farm work required then to wake up this early.

An elegant carriage is also within the fort which was not here last night.

Guards are also gathered at the command centre, the visitor is probably inside their, Miyata thought.

Watching her surroundings while resting, an hour passed.

A bell which was used to wake soldiers rang with a loud volume.

A few minutes later and most of the men are awake and gathered in the training grounds.

A huge man appeared which is also known as the fort's commander, but this time he did not wear his armor if steel but a white shirt with leather guards on his shoulders and legs.

"Alright men, today as the start of our training in the fort, I would like to hold a training battle. This way, I'll be able to separate you to three sets. First set are the ones with battle experience, second set are the ones who have potential or normal at most while the third set are the ones who are total shits and would need a ton of training, do I have myself clear?"

"Yes sir!!"

Mixed with different feelings, some confident and some anxious, the men shouted in response to the commander.

The commander shifted his gazes, looking at the men and finally chose a pair for the first battle.

A man in his twenties, he has a short brown hair and a medium build. While the other man is also in his twenties but is bald and also had a middle build, the commander choose the two because they had equal builds and close in age.

"Alright you two, the only rules is no killing and no serious injuries, if you fail to follow these and I will send you home are we clear?!"

"YES!" The two men replied in unison.

"Okay! I will count to three, take those wooden sword and I'll start."

The two nodded and grabbed a wooden sword.

Looking at both sides, the commander nodded and started.

"3..... 2... 1!!"

The bald man charged quickly, holding the wooden sword with his two hands. While the Brown haired man stared in surprise, holding his sword in one hand without a fighting stance. One strike quickly fell from the bald man while the Brown haired man barely dodged it, two more strikes were sent and this time, they both connected. The Brown haired man was confused and panicked making him have a difficult time to block it to dodge. One more strike fell from the bald man giving the Brown haired man no time to recover, this time the Brown haired man fell without sending a single attack while the bald man smiled fearlessly. It was quite obvious that the bald man already had battle experience while the Brown haired man had nil.

"Alright! That's enough, you in the first set and you in the third."

Judging their skills quickly, the captain assigned them to their sets.

More and more men fought and the sun is already on top of our heads. About 90% of the men had fought and only Miyata and some men are left. Jerard had already fought, beating his opponent and was placed to the second set.

"Alright! Only a few are left! Let's see... you! And the cloaked lad over there!"

A man two heads taller than Miyata with a short brown hair was chosen, he had a big build with lots of muscles while his enemy is.... unknown because of the cloak and hood, one could not know his build nor his face.

"You've been quite annoying recently! if you're not confident of how you look then you shouldn't be here at all! Now if you win this, I'll allow you to keep wearing that cloak! Do you understand?!"

Even with the commander's loud words, only a nod from the cloaked man was the reply. With this the commander's eye twitched and prepared the fight. Jerard made a facepalm pitying his roommate.

"Alright! You know the rules! 3... 2.... 1, FIGHT!!"

A huge grin from the man can be seen while he charges, he holds the wooden sword unfitting fit his size and slashes it downwards with two hands, the other men thought that it was overkill for him to attack such a pitiful prey. But, with wide eyes open, the large man slashes the sword horizontally this time, but again, dodged by the hooded figure. The large man fell to his rage, slashing more and more until finally, his attack connected. But, when he thought that victory was his, it was not his at all. After his sword made contact, the strength he thought was his pride was reduced to ashes, the attack which contained his full strength was parried, with his strength so focused in one direction, the change of direction caused his strength to backfire to him. The hand which held the wooden sword recoiled back and instantly, his abdomen received intense pain as his enemy slashed powerfully. His hand recovered from the sudden parry allowing him to regain his balance back, he grinded his teeth cursing his opponent to do such an attack and reminding himself that his opponent was not a weakling at all. Watching intensely at his enemy, he broke into cold sweats as he didn't even move, his fighting stance is just him holding the sword in one hand and does not take the advantage of attacking. So, he bet his victory into his final attacks, hoping victory was his. charging forward once more, he made a horizontal slash making the opponent duck or jump to dodge, 'YES!' He celebrated in his mind knowing victory was his. Quickly changing his attack, he slashed vertically to finish off his enemy.... But all he could see now is black and nothing more...

"Cloaked lad.... You're at first set...."

Surprised with the results, the men were dumb founded, even the commander was speechless.

The large man is there, unconscious. When he dodged vertically, Miyata dodged again as if she knew what was going to happen next and after his vertical slash, a strong strike to his jaw was made, making the large man collapse.

Walking over to the first set and sitting quietly, Miyata drew the attention of all the men in the ground.

She looked around and saw even Jerard staring at her, giving him a wave, all the other men stared at Jerard this time.

Thus, the training battle had been concluded.