"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I tried to stand up from my bed but I can feel a set of unseen hands grabbing me down, not wanting me to go up against him. "LET ME GO! UGH! YOU ARE A PIG!"
"Hahahaha!" He continued to laugh at me, making me even more furious than I already am. He was enjoying my agony that much. Though I guess he is right. There's no point in me trying to get my ego hurt. I already knew that I had a worthless soul.
But how dare he just blatantly make funply answered your question, you wanted to know the worth of your soul so of course, I answered honestly. Do I really have to sugarcoat thinguppose.
He then jerked up closer to me, giving me a sinister smile. "So do you have some sort of plan now? I told you what you needed to do to use that power so if I were you. I'd be scheming my ass right now if I wanna get out of the hospital bed." He giggled.