"Am I not worthy enough to talk to you?" She sarcastically muttered out, "Don't go thinking your above anyone else just cause you're a princess. I am still your teacher and I still have power over you." She then proceeds to grab her belongings and head out of the door with a victorious look on her face as if she won something.
I don't know but WHY ARE THE CRAZY ONES ALWAYS ATTRACTED TO ME?! Do I have some sort of tracking thing on me? Why are these people that are out to get me to keep showing up? Am I really that unlikable... I sulked, over in the corner as I can Lawrence coming over to me with Fatima behind her back ready to comfort me.
"Are you okay Celestina?" Fatima reached in for a hug, I reciprocated it immediately. Damn... I really need a hug from all of this. I feel like I've been up all night even when I just woke up earlier.
"Why are all these people so rude?" Lawrence growled, rolling his eyes at what just happened.