it's nine in the morning as usuaL I woke up Late again, checking my phone if somebody or anyone remember to greet me good morning, but as aLway's just a sign that it's fuLLy charge, I guess I'm getting used to it pLay a worship song drink coffee whiLe preparing breakfast.
living aLone is good for I can Live in peace but sometime's I miss the oLd routine I used to. I miss my dad, I miss my younger brother, I miss my famiLy.
It's been a year since my father died and a month when my younger brother foLLowed him. I know their in a good hand's now happy and contented in the kingdom of God,
but I aLway's keep on asking myseLf why this tragedy happen's to me?
They aLway's keep on saying everything happen's for a reason.
I guess i'LL wait for that reason....
Life must go on trust the process, surrender aLL the doubt's to God for he wiLL provide just go with the fLow. I know that sometime's the fLow or the current wiLL become rough, but as my journey goes on with God by my side it wiLL be caLm and smooth.
Time run fast it's aLready eLeven and I'm here sipping coffee eating breakfast whiLe writing how bored my Life is
I guess it wiLL be same day.