Aera Choi graduated highschool at 16 when her boyfriend invited her to a party, she accepted almost immediently, she didn't expect to when she showed up him kissing her 20 yearold sister and declaring there realationship infront of everyone but most importantly infront of Aera.Out of fury and sadness she went to the bar to get a drink "I would like your strongest alchol please." Aera spoke to the bartender in a calm manner not ready to lose herself.
"Sure thing."
They replied after getting a proper look at her face, realizing who it was they swiftly poured the drugs in her drink and disappeared before she could say thank you.
She wispered and began drinking before she knew it she woke up in a luxurious appartment unaware of her surroundings, she looked around confused of how she ended up there spotting her clothes on the floor she huridly got changed and tried to recall the events of last night.
Realizing things she tried to remember an immportant detail of that night, she suddenly realized why the bartender ran of so suddenly as she was putting the puzzel pieces back together she realized she wasn't alone in the room.
Gathering her things she got out paper and a pen and quickly wrote a note and left 50 for the mystery man quickly heading home to face her fate of doom.They were most likly up by now anyway so she needed an excuse badly now more than ever.