Chereads / My Nerdy Assassin (BWWM) / Chapter 26 - Chapter 25: Pregnant

Chapter 26 - Chapter 25: Pregnant

Angel's POV:

I've been depressed since Justin left. We decided to make the most of our lives since he had a short amount of time. We um, 'played' a bit before he left but I thought he maybe had a stomach virus because I was throwing up a lot. I didn't like it. Even now, I'm throwing up. "Damn Angel. Are you sure your feeling okay?" Kacey asked. I shook my head but that made it worse. I threw up again. "Uh uh. Come on we going to the hospital. You throwing up too much for me." Keisha said, helping me up. "Guys it's probably a stomach virus. Justin said he felt sick as well. Our emotional connection." I said. "Well if you got a stomach virus, maybe the doctor will give you something for it." Kacey said, as she grabbed my keys. We went outside to the car and got in. Tasha wanted to come with so we let her. She's been more cheerful after I told her I wouldn't tell on her if she didn't kiss Otis again. She was cool with it but they still are together, just not physically touching.

As we drove to the hospital, I got angry. "Kacey can you please drive faster?" I asked, irritably. "Oh sure I can drive faster. Then get a ticket and then go court regarding the ticket, and maybe we'll just crash if I go faster." She said, sarcastically. I growled at her. "Angel what's up with you dawg? Your never mean to Kacey." Keisha said. "Nothing." I said, as I crossed my arms. I then felt bad. "Kacey, I'm sorry. I just upset right now." I said. "Why? Because of Justin?" Tasha asked. I nodded. "I miss him so much." I said. We pulled up to the hospital and got out. "Kacey, I wanna go to the gift shop they have. Oooh and they cafeteria." Tasha squealed. Kacey looked at me. "Why not? It'll burn off her energy." I said. Tasha grabbed her hand and pulled her to the elevator. Me and Keisha walked up to the receptionist. "Hi excuse me. We'd like to see a doctor." I said. She shushed us and I snapped. "Bitch don't ever shush me!!" I yelled. "Angel." Keisha said, holding me back.

"Bro she just shushed us." I cried, angrily. "I know but now is not the time to be fighting." She said. I went over to waiting room and sat down. "Girl I don't know what got into you but you need to let it out." She said. We waited til a doctor and over to us. He took us to the an elevator then to a room. We sat down and I told him my symptoms. I asked if it was a stomach virus but he said we needed to wait. He wanted me to pee in a cup. I did. It was always uncomfortable and nerve wracking when they have you do that. It makes you feel like they're tryna tell you that you have something. As we waited for the doctor to return, Keisha stared at me. "Don't do dat. It's creepy." I said. "Girl I'm worried about you." She said. I groaned. "You sound like Justin right now." I said. "Well he's right to be worried about you. Abby and Grey are after you." She said. Just then, the door opened to reveal Kacey and Tasha.

"Hey guys." Kacey said. Tasha bounced around. "She got sugar in her?" I asked, frowning. She nodded. "So much energy." She said. "I'm full of energy." Tasha said. "So any word from the doctor?" She asked, sitting down. "Nope. Waiting on him." Keisha said. We waited another ten minutes before the doctor walked in. "Congratulations Ms. Starlight. Your pregnant." He said. Pregnant? Yayyyy. "Excuse me? No there must be some mistake." I said, standing up. "Imma be an auntie!!!" Keisha yelled. "Me too!!!" Kacey squealed. They hugged each other. "Doctor are you sure this is right?" I asked. He showed me my chart. I was indeed pregnant. I was twelve weeks pregnant. "Tasha, your gonna be an Aunt." Kacey said. Tasha squealed and kept on bouncing on the bed. "Tasha stop. Let's go." Keisha said. We walked out the hospital and to the car. I was silent the whole ride. "Angel you good?" Kacey asked.

I looked at her. "Kacey did you know?" I asked, quietly. She nodded. "I'm sorry Angel. I had a vision last night." She said. "Why didn't you say anything?!" I cried. "Cause it's not my business to spoil. Now relax." She said. I laid back in the seat. I stared out the window and thought of my life and everything that's happened. I almost let Tasha drown, I discovered a secret assassin society, I'm almost killed twice by Abby, I get turned into a Uni-Hybrid by the Great Amulet, I learn new powers and transformations, I find out Justin and I were meant to be together, Abby leaves but threatens me to watch my back, turns out the bitch has been stalking me for weeks, Justin and I broke up, got back together, now he's gone again, and now I'm pregnant. My life is so damn crazy. You ain't lyin. We pull up to see my Mama's and Trey's cars. We got out and walked inside. "Angel, Tasha?" Trey called.

"Over here!!" Tasha yelled out. She ran over to him. He picked her up. "You ate a lot of sugar today. I can tell." He said. She nodded. "There's my babies." Mama said, walking up to us. She hugged us. She immediately knew something was wrong with how I acted. "Angel what's wrong baby?" She asked. "Life." I said, as I walked upstairs to my room. I said hi to my Dad but that was it. I climbed in bed and laid there. I laid there for a few minutes before a knock on my door could be heard. The door opened and I smelt my Mama's scent. She came over and sat down next to me. "Hey baby. How you feel?" She asked. "Why?" I asked, staring off into space. "Kacey and Keisha told me." She said. I sighed deeply. "Remind me to kill them later on." I said. "Oh baby." She said, chuckling. I looked at her.

"Your not mad?" I asked. "Well I'm not thrilled but it happened. I'm gonna be a grandma." She said. I didn't say anything. "Baby, aren't you happy?" She asked. "Of course I am, but Abby..." I trailed off. "What does Abby has to do with this?" She asked. I sighed and told her everything from her leaving up to til now. "Wow. This bitch really needs to let that boy go." She said. "Yep. That's why he left. To live with her so she'd leave me alone." I said. "Oh baby. I am so sorry. I know how much you love him." She said. "I really did Mama." I said, as I broke down crying. I cried in her arms til I fell asleep. I woke up to see myself under the covers, with a bottle of water and a note. It was from my Mama.

Angel, please relax and take it easy for the day baby. I talked to Alicia and told her about your pregnancy. She's gonna give you advice on what to eat to have a healthy pregnancy. I'm going to talk to Annie, Bishop, and the Magic Council to see if they can take you away someplace safely. Babygirl, I'm sorry. I just want you safe. Love Mama.

I stared at the note. I got up and went downstairs. I made a sandwich, some chips, a burger, and pancakes. I ate the food in my room. After awhile, I got hungry again. I decided to go to McDonald's. I got in my car and drove off. As I drove, I thought about everything that's happened to me. When I turned a corner, I saw the alleyway where Grey first attacked me. I sighed and shook my head. I pulled in the parking lot and walked in McDonald's. I ordered two cheeseburgers, two large fries, , one chicken sandwich, one Big Mac, and a drink. I grabbed the food and headed out to my car. I drove back home and went upstairs to my room. I ate my food in silence. I watched SpongeBob as I ate. I heard my phone ping. I lost it and seen I had missed texts and calls from Justin. I honestly didn't want to talk to him. I didn't what I could say to him about my pregnancy. I had no idea how I was gonna tell him. I began to cry. I loved him so much yet Abby took him from me.

Speak of the devil, she texted me. I looked at her text. It was a selfie of her and Justin lying bed together. Her pregnant belly in the shot. Justin wasn't wearing a shirt and he was looking at his phone. Her text said I made the right choice and that she was gonna leave me alone. I didn't believe her for a second. I looked at my phone and decided to text Justin.

Angel: Hi.

Justin πŸ’™: Hey. What happened to you? I been tryna reach you all day. Is everything okay?

Angel: Everything is fine baby. I'm just laying here in bed.

Justin πŸ’™: Angel can you be extra careful over there?

Angel: Why?

Justin πŸ’™: Abby has been showing signs of giving birth. Plus, she's been ordering a lot of stuff. I didn't get a good look at all of it but I seen an explosive. I think she's about do something.

Angel: She said now that your there, she'll leave me alone. But I honestly don't believe it.

Justin πŸ’™: Just stay on your guard baby. I'm gonna try to make her leave me so I can come home . I miss you.

Angel: I miss you too King.

Justin πŸ’™: I really hope you practiced not being able to walk for a week.

Angel: Lol. Boy whatever. I gotta go. Love you.

Justin πŸ’™: Love you too.

I put my phone on the charger and sat up. I turned my ears into bat ears. I heard a noise. I opened my door and looked around. I transformed into a bat and flew around. I flew high up to the ceiling and looked below me. I seen a little girl, with a camera, walk in and look around. I flew down and landed behind her. I transformed and walked behind her. I tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and stumbled down when she saw me. "Hi there young one." I said. I looked down at the camera and saw a red light. I used my telekinesis to take it from her. I then rinsed it under hot water. The camera malfunctioned and shut itself off. I threw it at the little girl. "Tell Abby, I said to watch her back. And if you ever come into my house or near me ever again, I will end your life." I said, icily. I growled and made my eyes glow bright red.

The girl screamed and ran out the house. I slammed the door and locked it. I texted Annie and Bishop when my Mama was coming back. Bishop texted saying that Grey was now back and that they are looking for a place for me to be safe in. I walked back upstairs to my room and climbed in bed. I went to sleep after a few minutes. "Angel?" Called a voice. Justin? "Angel where are you?" He asked. I looked around but didn't see him. "Justin where are you?" I called. I heard running footsteps. "Angel?!" He cried. I turned a corner and saw him. "Angel!" He cried as he ran towards me. We ran right into each other. I hugged and kissed him. "Baby!!! I missed you so much." I cried. "I missed you too. So, you ready?" He asked, with a smirk on his face. "For what?" I asked, curiously.

"Our wedding is today." He said. "Wedding?" I asked. I looked down and seen that I suddenly was wearing a wedding. I looked at Justin as he was suddenly wearing a tux. He had his back to me. "Our wedding is today? I haven't had time to prepare." I said. "You had time Angel. Come on everyone is waiting." He said. "Why won't you look at me?" I asked. "You know it's bad luck to see He bride before the wedding." He said, as he walked out the room. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled. Kacey and Keisha ran in and smiled at me. "Girl you ready to fuck it up?" Keisha asked. "Yeah gurl you look so good." Kacey said. She parted my hair a bit. "Oh my baby look so good." Said a voice. I turned to see my Mama standing in the doorway, smiling. "You grew up way too fast." She said.

"Mama stop. Your gonna make me cry." I said, as my voice broke. "Don't cry. Your gonna mess up your makeup." Kacey said. "There she is. You can always leave." Dad said, coming behind Mama. "Bryant shut up. She is not walking." Mama said. "Angel you are so beautiful." Said a voice. I turned to see Tasha standing in the hallway. "Yes she is." Mike said, walking over to Kacey. He kissed her and that's when I noticed she was pregnant. "Angel, lets go. The music started." Alicia said. Everyone quickly rushed out the room. I looked on the counter and saw a tiara. I picked it up and put it on. I felt so powerful and so happy. I walked out to the reception to see a horrible sight. Justin and Abby, holding hands. She had a wedding dress on. "I thought it was my day?" I asked. Justin looked at me and frowned.

"You really thought I cared about you?" He asked. He began to repeat what I said to him the day I broke up with him. "Justin-" he cut me off. "I don't love you Angel. I love her. She's been my mate for the longest. It's always been her." He said, smiling at Abby. She looked at me and grinned a devilish grin. "Oh yeah. That's for the powers." She said. I looked and realized she was wearing the Great Amulet around her neck. It began to sank inside her skin. I screamed but no sound came out. Her and Justin kissed and walked down the aisle. "Congratulations Abby." Someone said. Everyone began to congratulate her and Justin. They got in a limo and drove off. I stared after them. "Angel take that dress off. You look fat and ugly in it." Keisha said.

I turned to her. "I'm your best friend. How can you say something like that?" I cried. "Well it's the truth. I'm just being real." She said. I began to scream and cry. Then I woke up. I sat up quickly and looked down at myself. I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I looked around and saw it was nearly dawn. I sighed and laid back down. I looked at my phone. Keisha, Kacey, Trey, Mama, Daddy, Bishop, and Celia, and them had all called and texted me. I texted everyone saying I fell asleep and that I was fine. Bishop told me to pack my stuff and that I was to leave for Paris in a few hours. I started to pack up all of my stuff and set them down near my door. I got back in bed and seen I had missed texts and calls from Justin. After my nightmare, I didn't wanna talk to him. I know it wasn't his fault but I just couldn't be bothered. I climbed back in bed but was afraid of going back to sleep. I decided to watch cartoons to help me get good vibes back.

I turned the TV to SpongeBob. It was an episode where he and the gang got trapped inside the Kristin Krab. I don't know how long I was watching TV before my alarm went off. I carried my bags downstairs and outside to my car. Kacey texted me saying she got everything set up now. I was glad but I couldn't get into the fight with Abby because of Grey being on the prowl. I got in my car and drove off. Keisha said that she was driving behind me to make sure I got there safely. So did Trey. As I drove, I thought about my dream. It doesn't mean anything Angel. It's just a dream. Your right. I took some deep breaths and concentrated on driving. When I pulled up the airport, I saw the same little girl from earlier. Now what's this? I parked and got out and approached her. She saw me and took off running.

I ran after her. "Angel?!" Keisha and Trey yelled after me. I wanted this little girl gone. She transformed into a fairy and flew off.

I transformed into a dragon and flew after her. I managed to catch up to her and I inhaled. I was so angry for some reason. I inhaled and blew a breath at her. The fire was a blue flame and it scorched her, killing her instantly. Her body dropped to the ground. I watched it and flew low. "Angel why did you do that?" Trey asked. "She was in house earlier. I think we found Abby's spy. That's genius. To use a kid instead of an older person. I hope now she knows I'm not one to be fucked with." I growled. Just then, I was grabbed. "Angel?!" Keisha cried. I sniffed the air and froze. "Grey." I whispered. "Hey princess. Missed me?" He asked. He then pulled out a knife and put it to my throat. "Don't do anything funny you two." He said, talking to Keisha and Trey.

"Grey just let her go." Keisha said. He shook his head. "Uh Uh. Not a chance. I've let her slip through my fingers twice now. Third time is not the charm." He said. "Grey man let her go." Trey said. Grey then dragged me back to the airport. "If anyone follows, I'll kill her then." He said. "Grey, man she's pregnant. Please don't do this." Keisha cried. "Good to know." He said, then we were teleported someplace else. He then threw me into a bed. He cut the lights in. I looked around and saw we were in a room. He looked at me and smiled. "Now I can finish what I started." He said, as he stalked towards me. Oh God help me.