It was currently 11 am on Monday, I was in the dull grey room where the PTA meetings are usually held. I sipped the Chai tea in my hands, leaving a ring of my bright red lipstick on it before placing it back onto the table.
"I called this meeting because I found out they were serving our children unhealthy food in high calories, fat and sugar. My poor daughter was up all night on Friday high on sugar because she was served sprinkle doughnut and ice cream." Evelyn, Eloise mother, addressed everyone. A couple of the mothers gasp acting overly dramatic.
"We need to be aware of what goes into our children's body that's why I'm suggesting we make get a switch to a food vendor that uses organic farming only. I don't want my daughter eating processed food."
"I completely agree. My daughter has a very strict diet, I don't want her eating what I wouldn't feed her." another mother says from my side. Soon they all nodded, agreeing.