Chereads / The Pantheon Game / Chapter 3 - Where Dark Things Sleep..., And Old God's Sleep

Chapter 3 - Where Dark Things Sleep..., And Old God's Sleep




After selecting my corn maze, I then proceeded to set up my other rooms. An orchard here, a field of wheat there, and a couple places to store them. Divine Energy Production and Storage (Realm) Upgraded. 

Open Field-> Wheat field = +10 Divine Energy (Realm)

Orchard: Varies -> Apple Orchard = +10 Divine Energy (Realm) *Locked* Diverted to Realm maintenance. 

Silo: Wheat and Grain Storage: +20 Divine Energy Storage (Realm) 

Market Variant: Farmer's Market: +5 Energy from Realm(Storage) for Personal Use.

Corn Maze: Divine Core Defense. 

System Notices:

1. Each area can be upgraded and changed further at certain levels and DP and ExP costs.

2. Certain storages are allocated for certain crops (energies in a different form). These energies are representative of different aspects or entirely different ones of your domains, and can only be accessed once additional storages of a similar type are unlocked. 

3. The Divine Realm is an extension of the hosts mind and thoughts will translate to how they think separate areas should function upon placement. Do note function cannot be changed, aside from upgrades, upon placement or selection. 

Okay... that's a thing now. Damn, where's a Rule and Guidebook when you need one? ** Would Player Marracam like a brief reminder of the rulesets?** Oh yeah I can do that now. Alright, let's do this.




In a place beyond the prying eyes of Gods and Men, stood a temple to the darkest depths of reality.  Torture, some. Death, a lot. Other profanities, here and there. But what many of this place did not know was one of it's secret elements, Subterfuge. This was a dark god's temple, and they were known for anything it was subterfuge. 

Behind a hidden panel, their was a level. Once pulled, the lever would reveal a secret passage leading to a hidden arena bellow the temple. It was here in this dark place that Dark Warriors trained, bled, and slept. At the moment, their was a test of sorts underway in the arena. O f one was to look closely, it's architecture modeled very closely to that of the Roman Coliseum. In the Emperor's seat sat a lithe figure clad in shadow. This figure was absently paying attention to the fight below while his attendants did their best to lighten their Lord's sour mood, but it was all for naught. Nothing had peaked their interest for a millennia or so. 

Apraxis, the Old God of Darkness, Murder, and Thievery, was tired and quite bored. For millennium, the God's played a game one after another, all to decide who ruled who, allegiances, family squabbles, and etcetera etcetera etc. In the last match they had almost won, had it not been for his useless traitor of a brother. Well what could one expect from the God of Honor, Sacrifice, and Light. Despite his domains, his brother was about as corrupt as they come, to him at least. After all, who questions the honor of the God of Honor. No, it was inevitable, but forcing Carmen and Raermthral, The Gods of Creation and Time, respectively, to activate the failsafe plan. That was not cool, but tolerable.

The failsafe plan was to force all gods of the age, with significant power of course, back to their own Divine Spaces and Realms. The next part was to said seal gods in realms and slowly integrate new gods onto the world. But of course their brother had stolen a vital piece of the equation, the Trials. Hence why the Realms were in chaos because any Gods worth their weight in Divine Salt were either gone, or dead, and their was no one to replace them.

Eventually, some being, or hopefully beings, would stumble upon the Trials, and would ascend to Godhood. Now all that was left for them to do, was to wait for the time to strike. Fortunately they had developed a wonderful pastime, torturing their brother and making Godlings from his blood. 

Godlings were the main bulk of any gods army. Godlings themselves were created solely from a gods divine essence, but had not been ascended to Godhood. While this wasn't always an issue, their were of course some gods who took this as an opportunity to make loyal vassals for themselves should the need arise. Of course this wasn't without it's downsides. First it caused a portion of divine essence from a god, second there was always a chance of revolt freewill and all, and of course, thirdly and finally, anyone could make them gods with enough divinity and/or become a god, or goddess, themselves by siphoning some of their divine essence through them. 

It was around this moment that Belefialnonaen, Goddess of Messengers, Truth, and Secrets paid us a visit. Belefialnonaen was a good example of rule three for the dangers of Godlings. She had served under the God of Knowledge, who shall not be named for several reasons. Until said God went mad turning into an undead abomination. Somehow, the excess divinity from his intentional suicide had transferred over to his Godlings, allowing for some to ascend to the ranks of Godhood.

"Aww... Belefia, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? You're not here to cut my brother's dick off again are you? It just finished growing back.", I asked. He wasn't the only one who was pissed off by their brother's antics. 

The newly arrived goddess who they thought was spacing out replied, "Hmm, no. It's something else actually. Although I might come back to do that later. No, we're having a meeting today.", the meeting in question was basically a gathering of the remaining gods to pass the time and catch up, while trying to figure out alternative ways to break the seal placed upon them.

"Alright so when is it I'm in the middle of a gladiator match? And these guys," pointing to the attendants, "can't record anything right.", so many matches they'd not quite were sure how they ended, and they were pretty sure those two attendants of his just did it to screw with him. 

"Oh, the meeting is now.", smirking before she disappeared. 

"That cheeky little...", before disappearing as well. They'd hadn't had time to leave detailed instructions, but that was life. 

"So, wanna go watch some of those romcoms we made.", Attendant #1 one asked Attendant #2. 

"I thought you'd never ask. Maybe later we can switch put some of the video recording with that. The boss will love it.", while throwing there palm leaf to the ground. 




"Ah, so that's why I don't have a dick. I haven't set my preferences yet.", while going over the catalogue for body shapes. After finishing reading the rules they had looked at themselves in the mirror, part of the status screen for body figures.

Honestly they looked like a blank golden humanoid. So I decided to fix it. Going with his signature brown hair and style they slowly changed how they looked in order to make themselves more comfortable. 

Now, what size should I go with, 8 in, 10 in, or 12 in. Of the ones they decided to mention, there some pretty weird options on there: circumcised, uncircumcised, human dick, elf dick, dwarf dick, centaur dick, gnome dick, fairy dick, giant dick, an actual horse dick, a clit dick, or any other species version of a dick. 

For sanity reasons, I went with the slightly above average looking White American style dick, 7 to 8 inches, when erect, and circumcised. Now that that was out of the way, time to visit the mortal realm, setup a religion, and win so I could get the fuck. But first time to select my avatar, and their my starting class. 

Jude Simmons

A lady in waiting in Trentialand, she serves under lady Roscoe of the House of Angelo. At the moment their land is besieged by Raiders of the Squirrel clan who have taken her captive.


A farmer much like you were in life. Only he summons from a rare form of lycanthropy where he'll turn into a wolf and back, but always the opposite gender.


A soldier in the Army of Baron Von Moscoe-Le'Doy. And his lover. 


A healer in Trentialand, serves under the church of Porniloa. totally is not yandere hopelessly in love with her brother.

Ruby Fenderson

Daughter of Lord and Lady Fenderson, heir to the March of Titiulia. Or she was before her soul was yanked out of her body and put into some slave serf. Will she reclaim her body or title, or will she succumb the advances of her growing madness. 


The backbone of society, never a bad choice. Except when it is.


Fighting junkie, or reluctant defender. You decide next time on "It's not porn mom."


Healers are usually rich. Hence why we made pimps, or agents, for them.


Plant magic similar to vivimancy except one works on people the other on  plants. Totally not the same thing, like religion.


You have an obsession with penises if you are reading this.


Let fate decide. possibly better, or  horribly worse. You totally end up a sex obsessed rock or a prude stuck in a living orgy or walking aphrodisiac.

Yeah not gonna lie pretty underwhelming. Also penismancer is out for several reasons. Farmer warrior, mage classes, or random. I'll come back to it later, probably. Now than who should I pick? What'll happen to them if I don't pick them. I need a break from this moral dilemma. 

I wonder how everyone else is doing? Are they already there, or lounging about like me. In any case, I need to get this done.