when I signed the paper saying that I was okay with the job I read the paper and I just got a music without without even knowing I was happy cuz it was a good job but not the job I was looking for I was looking for a job that can maybe help people of that a doctor officer but sadly I didn't get either so I simply went home and told my mom and my mother told me that is the best job what's the good news and I said but that wasn't the jabos before she said oh I told her that I wanted to be something that could help people like I said before butshe didn't really listen she was just so caught up that I was going to be all over the news and that I was going to be famous but then I realized I'm famous if I want another job I could simply find one but I'm not famous yet I haven't sung in front of anyone so I simply said Mom I'm doing this for you but I'm only going to sing 10 songs after I sing the songs I'll find a new job the job that I've been dreaming for the actual John that I was dreaming for was becoming a model but as you see or hear I didn't but my mother was heartbroken but I was going to remain as a singer but I mean it's not my dream but what I was also thinking instead of just quitting and going to a new job I can find somebody that can replace me I don't know who yet but time will only tell