Chereads / The Forgotten Creator / Chapter 78 - Chapter 78: A Demanded Wish

Chapter 78 - Chapter 78: A Demanded Wish

"Hug me."



"Oh is it that for you hard to hug me when i look like this? Well here you go."

The entity said as he changed from his transparent form into his old man form. The beings not knowing what to do, just proceeded to hug him.

"Do you know how sad i felt when i found out you didn't know me?"

The beings were silent. They didn't know how to respond. Seeing this the entity hugged tighter, and slowly started to give back the 3 beings their powers.

"This?! Are you giving us your power?"

"Oh your underestimating me Mear. I'm giving you back what was originally yours."

Hearing this, they all felt a slight joy inside their hearts. How long had it been since they were in their best and upmost condition. It had been so long. Joy took them over, and they started to hug him back too.

"Haha, now now. I know your happy. But, why don't we stop now."

Hearing that, they all let go and stood there. They were waiting for the entity to pass his judgement on to the 7 humans.

"Now you seven. What do you want. I shall atleast grant you a wish for coming this far."

It was not a question. It was a demand, a demand of evaluation.

'Waiting around wouldn't change anything anyway'

As one of the guy quickly thought that, he stepped out from his group, then fell to his knees.

'Hmm? Respect? Or fear?'

"Creator. I would be happy if you helped our human race."

The entity narrowed his eyes, and gleamed.

'Humility huh? It's fine, but not great'

"An abstract request. One that can be fulfilled in many ways. Well, first let me evaluate you...

So, the human race. As compared to the various other species that exist all around The Universe, the human race has slightly above average Intellect.

A ridiculously low physical prowess. Barely countable amount of phenomenal related power. A slow and bad growth rate. A body bad at practically everything naturally. But, has one of the best talents in also practically everything."

'Knowledge. He definitely has knowledge, saying all that about one of the weakest and the most uninteresting species the moment i finished my words. I'm sure he could add a few thousand words about us if he wanted to'

The guy thought to himself. Then the entity spoke again,

"Request, may be granted but. Remember, i am no benevolent being, I'm not one who would go out of his way to personally fix every mistakes that happen. But I'm not one without emotions either."

As the entity said that, a force slowly pressed on the man bowing down.

'Is this? My end? Did he thought i was getting greedy? Heh, being killed by the Creator himself doesn't sound too bad'

As he slowly got crushed into the ground, the force suddenly stopped. Then he felt himself in and around his body. He was surprised, how did he become so strong in just a moment like that?


"A race such as yours cannot live without a leader. So here, I'll bestow upon you this. You shall find out about your newfound powers by yourself. But, make sure you remember the reason i did this."

The guy bowed and gave his thanks. Then he went back to his group who were standing behind him, surprised.

The other 6 started to talk about what they should do and what they should ask for. Then a few moments later, they all came one by one,

One of them asked for knowledge, a considerably large amount of knowledge. Then the next asked for a pet, a mythical pet which was a mix between 5 mythical beasts. The next one asked for a divine weapon that could change into anything.

The next asked to extend the lifespan of the whole human race. The next one asked for a technique that could heal every injury and harmful effects that may inhibit the humans. Then, the last person came out, and she asked.

"Please Creator. Allow me to stay here and learn about godhood."

When her friends heard that, they freaked a bit.

'Oh. So there was one who would ask for it'



They were all surprised, even the three divine beings were too. Even they were not sure about whether staying in this place or not, then one of the humans had already gotten a headstart. They wanted to ask too, but they waited until they finished.

"Ok, your wishes have been granted. Now it's time for mine."



Silence. Even though it was completely silent, the humans were scared. A price? They had to pay a price? What could they even give the Creator? If they were unable what would happen to them? These came flooding into their minds.

"My wish is a very simple one. Never, EVER. Disclose the information about this place to anyone EVER! I do not want to deal with the human race going nuts over getting a wish from the Creator or something like that. If that happens, i may even need to end the Universe right then and there."

"B-but why Creator? Will a riot like that be really that dangerous?"

"Do you remember the 'True' Gods that they mentioned?"

Godo said referring to the three divine beings. Seeing that, they nodded.

"I don't want the creations of my creation to try to come up here. I can already think of what they would do to fulfill that."

Hearing that, they understood the reason now. They also had an idea of what could happen. Thinking about it, they all decided to keep their mouths shut.

"So why don't you go back now."

The old man said. The 6 remaining humans started to talk amongst themselves, discussing about something. After around 5 minutes or so, one of the humans came out with a device on his hands.

It had a strange light floating in the middle, surrounded by spinning wheels around it, and sharp pointed edges were coming out from the wheels, touching the light. As the wheels spun, the edges never touched each other, and just passed through each other.

'The Omni-Divinity'

"Creator, we would like to leave this here. We are sure there will come a day when we will lose hold of this. For a day like that to never come, we would like to give it back to their original owners."

"Qualities. You sure have shown good qualities."

As the old man said that, sitting on his chair. He held out his hands, made a grabbing gesture, then held it in his palms. After glancing at it for a split second, he gave it to the three beings standing on the side of the other group.

"I shall send you back then."

As they slowly disappeared into thin air, they all bowed and shouted.

"We Thank You Creator!!!"



As they turned into thin air, he glanced at the remaining human, then the three beings.

"So, why don't you three help her."