Vincent watched as she disappeared towards the direction of the restroom. He finally broke free from the girl, he gave a very thorough close look at her before excusing himself to get some drinks. He watched as her lipstick smeared around her lips and her lips swollen by the effect of their kiss. He walked away in thought, girls have always flaunt themselves around him and this one he just kissed isn't an exception. In fact when he arrived with Jeremy, she instantly threw herself to him. And since he's the Ladies man he gave her the attention she wanted.

And she was the one who initiated the kiss and he couldn't turn her down. He just used her to pass out his time here although he got an invitation from Debby. And this kinds of parties are his thing, that way he can hook up with a girl, spend the night with her and send her leaving the next morning. He's school playboy prince and he doesn't give a fuck what people think of him.

He doesn't care of anyone's feelings especially girls, he saw it that girls don't have any shame or pride in them cause of the way they flaunt themselves around him. He doesn't take themselves serious, he believes all girls are all the same but Fortune...he couldn't quite understand that girl. She always parades herself like she's better than everyone in school. Who the fuck think like that?.

He couldn't understand why he did what he did when he saw her in this party, he never believed he will run into her here. I mean she still had the nerve to show her face here even after being humiliated in school. He can't help but assume that something about her interests him, he can't quite pinpoint that. He couldn't understand why he continued kissing that girl in her presence. What was he trying to do?.

Was he trying to get her jealous?. He always knew she harbours some feelings in her for him because she always fight with him. Someone who doesn't have feelings for you won't argue or fight with you instead they let you live your life they way you want. So which means she does have feelings for him if not she won't be lecturing him all the time.

He didn't know why, he felt disgusted with himself after kissing that girl in her presence and the reason she made a run for the restroom was because she can't stand the sight of him with girls. He smirked as he made his way to the bar counter to get a drink for himself. He will find a way to make her confess her hidden feelings for him.

He walked to the bar counter, bringing out a champagne and pouring the liquid in a glass cup. He sat on one of the tall stool there, taking a sip of his champagne as his eyes roamed the entire room filled with students and friends. His eyes darted to where Jeremy sat with Ada.

She was sitting quietly, not moving an inch while Jeremy do all the talking, he suspected something going on between these two but he didn't have solid evidence to prove so. He suspected them the day he told him and Jeff that Ada will no longer be his maid but Fortune. The way Jeremy protested made him suspect him, he only thought he did that because he didn't like Fortune but seeing the look in his eyes as he talks to Ada.... there's more that meets the eyes.

But he didn't let his mind waver on it, he watched as the students were busy having fun, life of teens are more of having fun. He wasn't surprise at the way they were having fun like there's no tomorrow. He continued sipping and drinking his champagne when he saw Fortune marched her way towards Jeremy and Ada. Maybe she did make use of the restroom.

He smirked as he climbed down the tall stool, making his way to them. Now the real fun begins. He won't forget the slap she gave him just because he rubbed her flaws on her face.

What are you going to do this time, Vincent?.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Fortune apologized to Ada.

"No need to apologise, I was here keeping her company." Jeremy smiled.

Fortune was taken aback by his smile, she eyed him suspiciously. Why is he acting all gentlemanly towards her?. She knew he never liked her, he speaks ill of her and don't spare any moment to humiliate her. So why is he acting strange?. She remembered what Ada told her about him standing up to defend her in the Hod's office. In as much as she doesn't like him, she would have to thank him for what he did.

"Jeremy." She began, sitting beside him. "Ada told me you and Jeff are the reason the Hod called off my suspension."

"Yes, we found out the truth." Jeremy answered. "We found out you didn't steal her things, they put in your bag to make look bad but I'm sorry for the way V insulted you."

Fortune stared at him, for the first he actually said something good about her. He didn't try to insult her or humiliate her. His words soothed her soul making a smile creep on her face.

"I'm thankful to you and Jeff for standing up for me." She smiled genuinely for the first time at him. "I didn't know you will do that for me, I was surprise when Ada told me that, I thought she was lying so as to make you two look good."

"Hey, why would I lie to you?." Ada pouted. "I told you he and Jeff did accompany to the Hod's office to clear your name."

Fortune smiled.

"Thanks once again for what you did. I really appreciate it."

"No need to be thankful." Jeremy inserted. "You're innocent but I'm sorry for the way V humiliated you, he's not in his right mind that day. We might look rude or arrogant but we have souls in us."

"And she showed her face here even after being suspended from school." They heard a voice say. They look up and saw V wearing a smug smile on his face. He held a glass cup in one hand and shoved the other hand inside the pocket of his trouser. He directed his gaze at Fortune.

Wow it's been long she has seen his face and nothing has changed. He still have that annoying arrogant accent in him and she knew he came here to make fun of her. When she returned from the restroom, she didn't see him on the seat beside Jeremy. She concluded he must have left with that girl to God knows where.

She thought he left for good and the reason she made her way for the restroom was to avoid him and clear her thoughts of him kissing a girl in front of her. She didn't know why she was reacting differently to that scene, this isn't the first he kissed a girl, he has been doing that. But certainly this was the first time she watched him kiss a girl in her presence.

She grimaced as she continued to watch that smug smile on his face. In as much she hates to admit it, she couldn't help to admire his features, his handsome face. The way his eyebrows knitted together as his eyes stare intensively at her, she found herself thawing under his gaze as she shifted uncomfortably on the seat beside Jeremy. She didn't know why she's reacting this way to a stare. Why is her heart racing fast as the images of him kissing many girls played in her head.

A knot formed in her stomach at that thought. She averted her eyes from him, ignoring his presence. She came to enjoy Debby's birthday party not exchange words with him. She wasn't in the mood to entertain him.

"Oh I get it." Vincent continued. " You want to fit in so much you came to this party. To make everyone believe you're so innocent."

She ignored him as he kept on saying gibberish with his mouth...she wanted to speak to him since he won't stop talking but thankfully Jeremy came to her aid.

He stood up, taking V by the hand and leading him away from where she and Ada sat. They talked in hushed tones, she wondered what they're talking about.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?." Jeremy asked, as soon as he dragged him from the earshot of Fortune and Ada. "Why are you trying to create a scene here?."

"I wasn't trying to create a scene." V smirked. "I was only trying to be friendly to her, I mean it's been long we saw each other so I'm trying to welcome her."

Jeremy heard the sarcasm in his voice but he didn't let his mind dwell in it, he will try and prevent him from creating a scene because of Fortune. He didn't understand why he hated Fortune so much, he always insult or humiliate her on any given opportunity.

"You're trying to be friendly with her by reminding her she was suspended from school cause of theft?." He asked with distaste in his voice. He shook his head at his friend's childish behavior. In as much as he doesn't like Fortune but he has human sympathy in him.

"Dude you know she's innocent." He went on to explain. "You ought to apologise to her than making jokes outta her situation, I know you don't like her and I know you are still upset with what she did to you but can you please not create a scene here, let's enjoy this party. Please I'm begging you." Jeremy clasped his hands together in a begging manner.

Vincent looked at him as if he was crazy, why is he begging him on Fortune's behalf?. He couldn't understand what has gotten into his two friends, they are behaving weirdly these days. After giving him one long look, he spoke up.

"Fine, I won't speak to her if that's what you want." V said reluctantly. He didn't know why he accepted this. He would have given her the piece of his mind. "I won't say anything, I will seal up my lips."

"I didn't say you shouldn't speak to her, I mean you shouldn't create a scene." Jeremy prompted, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I mean try and have a healthy talk with her, stop fighting with her. Who knows you might like her…"

"No way." He inserted quickly. "What nonsense are you talking about?." He added rhetorically. "I will never like her and I'm surprised at you and Jeff, what's gotten in you two?. You never liked her so why are you saying good things about her. That girl is pain in the neck."

Jeremy smirked, patting his shoulder. "Just don't create a scene here." With those words he left and returned to where Fortune and Ada are. He turned reluctantly and followed him towards where Ada and Fortune sat. Who is he to order him around?. He should be the one ordering him around not him, and he's more upset that he's listening to him.

V, he's your friend and friends ought to listen to one another. So please keen to his words and not create a scene. His inner voice cautioned.

He returned back to them but Fortune was no longer there. Where did she go to?. Is she trying to get away from him, from the humiliation he wanted to give her but all because of Jeremy, he held back his tongue. That girl doesn't deserve any sympathy from him or anyone else. In fact she deserves more than just humiliation.

I don't why you are this heartless. His inner self shook his head in disappointment as if he could see him. He shouldn't blame him, that girl has taunted him enough.

"Where is she?." He asked Ada as he returned to where they sat.

"She went outside, she left without telling me where she's going to." Ada answered innocently.

He could see the disappointment look on her face, he understood what must be going on in her brain but he cared less. He knew she is disappointed at the way he spoke to her friend. He dropped his cup on a small table beside their seat and made his way outside but Jeremy stopped him by saying.

"Remember what I told you, don't create a scene." He repeated, he ignored him and left the room the party is been held on. He lurked outside, in search of her, he tried his best to avoid clingy girls on his way. What is he doing?. Why is he searching for her, he doesn't care where the hell she went to. But he was more surprised at himself. What's gotten into him?.


Fortune sat down on the wet floor of the swimming pool, dipping her legs inside the water. She gazed up to the sky as the stars twinkle, casting a shadow on the water, she smiled as she continued watching them shine forth their lights on the earth. She always feel at ease each time she stares at the night skin, they hold this life in them she couldn't possibly explain. She remembered her father's words.

He always say to her that no matter what she faces in life, she should look up to the sky and watch the stars. She should see herself as one no matter what life throws on her way. Her thoughts were suddenly clouded with Vincent images. His words from earlier brought tears in her eyes, she thought he would apologise for how he humiliated her in front of the whole class. But he didn't instead he kept on pouring fuel on the burning fire.

What's his problem?. Why does he like picking on her? Why does he derive joy in humiliating her?. She was labelled a thief in the department cause of him. She kept asking herself why she let herself be entangled with him. Now he won't let her be, since she came into the department. She tried to stay away from him, tried to stay off his path because only his attitude, his personality angered her. But since he saw her in his brother's car if actually Chris is his brother. He has been tormenting her.

She casts her gaze down to the water of the swimming, relishing on the warm it gave to her leg and throughout her body. She took back the tears in her eyes, that guy is not worth crying for. She won't shed a single tear for that scumbag. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the footsteps walking up to her and the words that came from the person.

"There you are." Vincent inserted, sitting beside her and dipping his legs in the water like she did. "I have been looking everywhere for you."

She turned and saw him beside her, immediately her face turns into a growl. She frowned and was irritated by his presence. What is he doing here?. Is he here to continue making fun of her. She ignored him as she continued drowning in her thoughts.

"Why did you leave the party inside, it isn't over yet?." He asked, she ignored him. "You know you're too boring, a big party is going on inside and here you drowning in self pity but I'm….."

"What do you want?." She finally asked, glaring at him. "Why did you leave the party and come to me, I never told you I needed some company so better go in and continue whatever you doing and let me be."

"Sheesh…. So blunt." He blurted out as he continued looking at her. "I was only trying to be friendly why so blunt….."

"Like I said earlier, I don't need your sympathy or your friendship." She said. "Just go back inside and be the ladies' man."

Fortune closed her in embarrassment when those words left her lips. Why did she say that?. He will now misunderstand her words for something else.

"You're jealous." He inserted, taking her by surprise.

"Huh?." She asked, shocked at his sudden outburst.

"You can't stand the sight of me with other girls." He teased, loving the expression on her face. "You're jealous cause I don't pay attention to you like I do to other girls."

"What?. What is he talking about?. What rubbish is he talking about?. Who told him she left the party because she couldn't stand the sight of him with other girls?. He's insane to think that way. So childish of him.

"What?." She asked, still trying to understand what he said. "Are you crazy?. What made you think I care about how many girls you sleep with?."

"Cause you have fallen in love with me." He blurted out again, loving the way her face turned blue at what he said. "I mean why would you excuse yourself to go the restroom when you saw me kissing that girl which only means you have fallen for me. I knew it." He smirked.

She looked at him, mouth agape and a shrink expression on her face as she tried to process what came out of his mouth. Her mind and head completely went blank at what he said. Where the fuck did he get that thinking from?.

Arguing with him will be pointless so it's better to return to the party. She stood up to leave when he held her back, pulling her back to sit back beside him.

"Vincent, let me go." She demanded furiously, ignoring the thundering of her heart against her chest at his words.

"I'm not done talking." He inserted, as he pulled her more closer to him, taking in her girly scent. "And why are you running away from me, I don't bite."

Fortune swallowed hard at his closeness, his face is right very close to hers that she could feel his warm breath on her face. She tried to push him away but instead that made him pull her even more closer to him that their lips are at verge of touching each other.

"Vincent, what do you want?." She asked, trying to ignore the harsh beating of her heart at his closeness. This is the first he ever came too close to her and the sound his voice carried sent chills down her body, her heart was in a lot of frenzy and all she could do was try to steady her voice. She didn't want him to have the impression that his touch and his closeness has a very big effect on her.

She completely stiffed when his hand went over the back of her hair to undo the chignon she did. She looked up to him to meet his eyes, his eyes were already clouded with something she never seen before in them.

"V, what are….you…. doing?." She asked, trying to steady her voice. In as much as she hated him, she can't help but found herself melting in his burning gaze.

"Shhh…." He placed one of his fingers on her lips, silencing her, causing hot blood to run down her veins. "I love the sound of my name on your lips." He smiled as he said those words. His voice carried the same sound she never heard before.

"I know you feel something for me that's why you're reacting to every of my touch." He inserted as he undid the chignon style she did on her hair. He lets her hair fall loose over her back, staring deep into her eyes. He couldn't understand the force making him do what he was doing but he was doing it. For the first time he saw how beautiful she looked as the moon casts its shadow on her face.

He lets his fingers trace from bridge of her nose down to her lips. He felt her shiver under his touch. He smiled, he didn't know why but he loved the way she's reacting to every of his touch.

He leaned more close to her which made her close her eyes instantly. He almost chuckled at way she was reacting.

Fortune tightened her eyes shut at what he was doing, she felt his breath brush against her left ear. For a second she thought he would nipple on her left earlobe but instead she got the greatest shock of her life with his words against her ear.

"I know I always have this effect on you but you're too stubborn to admit that, you should look yourself on the mirror. Your face is as red as a tomato." He whispered against her ear, making her to flutter her eyes open immediately.

He released her, standing up from where he sat beside her. He laughed the more at the expression on her face. "You look so cute with that look on your face." He smirked, walking away from her.

Fortune's face flushed with embarrassment at what happened now. What just happened?. Why did she react to his touch, now he will use it to tease her through her stay in the school. He did all that because he wanted to know how she feels about him. To know if she harboured any special feelings for him.

She closed her eyes once again as she lets the embarrassment washed through her. She's a fool for falling into his trap. She should know by now what kind of guy he is. She will always despise him.

But why is her heart still racing fast even he left. She placed her hand against her chest to calm it down.

"Gosh...this guy is something else. Ugh." She muttered to herself.