Chapter 51 - 51

51. A compromise for peace

Week after week passed. My detention had come to an end but I didn't care. Sometimes, I even missed it because it would keep me busy and refrain from thinking to much. I forced myself not to think to much about what had happened. It worked quite well nowadays – as long as Severus wasn't in the same room that was. I had become quieter and more serious. A true heartfelt laugh was overcoming me rarely these days. It felt as if all the mistrust others had in me, drilled deeper and deeper in my heart with each day.

Every new day, it felt more difficult to be with my friends because I knew they didn't believe me. Seeing as I never spoke about Moody again with them, they thought I'd given up on my opinion. Hence, I had to endure Harry and Ron's rapture about most of the Defence against the Dark Arts lessons either during meals or in the common room. Somehow though, I made it through each day, never thinking about the following morning.

My physical health was very affected after months of lack of sleep, unregular meals, nightmares, my burning arm and all the troubles I had with Severus, Professor McGonagall and my Gryffindor friends. I had lost some weight but I didn't really care about it. I was to busy trying to keep myself occupied at all times. Whenever I found myself drifting away with my thoughts, I forced myself to do school work or read book after book in the library. I wouldn't allow me once to think about Severus longer than necessary. Nowadays, I spent a lot of time watching Moody whenever I had the possibility. I observed his behaviour, his movements, choice of words and how he used his wand. I still tried to find a prove for my theory – which I was still one hundred percent convinced of. But he never stepped out of line or did anything suspicious to my growing frustration…

"Ms. Jackson, please stay behind." The stern voice of none other than Professor McGonagall called as the bell had rung merely seconds ago. I didn't bother asking Hermione to excuse me in Potions. Firstly, because it was Severus who wouldn't do anything that would make him spend more time with me in the same room than necessary. Furthermore, I didn't care enough about it anymore. I went to classes because I had to, I came in time because it was required, I did my homework because it kept me occupied. These days, school was nothing more than a pastime.

Lazily, I strolled to my head of house and stared absentminded at her desk. I hadn't gotten much sleep tonight again – merely four hours. I was so tired and drained of energy that my fairy healing was of no use anymore. It barely managed to ease my headaches and make me fall asleep eventually.

"Jackson." I winced and turned to look at her. She shook her head and pressed her lips in a thin line. Her expression turned softer and she watched me with troubled eyes. "I'd like to know how you're holding up with everything. I'm quite concerned about you. Madame Pomfrey and Severus both noticed your change of health as well."

I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath. As I released it slowly, I tried to relax ever muscle in my face to show her a blank and careless expression. Inwardly, I felt my emotions raging though – pain, anger, sorrow, desperation…

"I'm fine. If I should feel the sudden urge for help though I'll most certainly just ignore it." I replied calmly and stared her dead in the eyes. McGonagall sighed and folded her hands.

"You aren't alone, Ms. Jackson. I know you believe you are but many people care for you and wish to help you." She explained warmer now but I simply didn't care about anything she said.

"Oh, I bet there're plenty of people…" I scoffed sarcastically. "But who of them cares for me AND believes me? Well, let me count them for you. There's Draco, Blaise and Derek. Did I forget someone?" I cast her a challenging glare but of course she wouldn't be provoked that easily.

"Is that a reason for not caring for all the other people anymore?" She asked irritatingly calm and I gripped my bag tightly in my hands. I wouldn't lash out on her. I had had myself under control since the break down with Draco. I had shut everyone out except for my brother, Blaise and Derek. Nevertheless, her words stung and made me angrier at the same time.

"I still do care for my friends or you or Severus bloody Snape." I drawled as carelessly as possible. "But I won't let you tell me any longer how mental I'm to think that Moody's a Death Eater. I tried to explain myself and I asked for you to trust me. You chose not to so I chose not to torment myself any longer by spending more time with you than necessary." I bit the inside of my cheek and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Very well. However, if we notice your physical health getting worse you'll have no choice than seeing Severus about it. I won't allow any of my students to neglect their self-care." Professor McGonagall warned me sternly and I couldn't do anything else than staring blankly at her in disbelief. It was quickly replaced with annoyance though.

"Professor with due respect but I've got better things to do than wasting my time arguing with people. I hate fighting and I'm most certainly not keen to have Severus lash out on me again anytime soon. If you wish to help me, I'd like all of you to leave me alone." I raised my hands and scoffed, my heart stitching strongly. "Look at Severus, he's mastered the art of getting out of my way." I looked at her with a cool expression, hoping that my struggling emotions weren't visible. She watched me for a moment before nodding.

"Just remember that you're welcome in my office at any time." My head of house sounded strangely defeated, catching me by surprise. "You may leave now. I'm afraid your next lesson has started already."

"As if I'd care." I mumbled when I turned around to leave. I blew out my cheeks and growled in frustration. Such a funny day today. I thought sarcastically. First McGonagall scowling me and now Potions with Severus. Can't get any better!

"Oh and Ms. Jackson?" I let out the deep breath I had been holding and stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't bother turning around. I had reached my line of patience during the last few weeks. I felt so incredibly hurt and desperate but I had swallowed my pride so often for Severus this year already that I was tired of it now. Inwardly, my heart never stopped bleeding but I simply couldn't take all the mistrust any longer.

"If you believe Severus is doing fine, you're highly mistaken." Her voice sounded sad, almost pained. My heart sped up in less than a second, my blood boiling painfully in my veins. Furiously, I whirled around and glared darkly. Not caring about any courtesy any more, I pointed at her. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest when I barely contained myself from yelling.

"Don't you dare appealing to my conscience! You – especially you have no right to! If Severus has a bad conscience for everything he said in the headmaster's office, I'll gladly accept his apology. But other than that, I don't want to hear another word about me being mistaken about anything, Professor." I spat disdainful and cast her a hateful scowl. How dare she say that to me?!

Before she could do or say anything, I practically run out of her classroom. I was fuming when I stomped down the stairs to the dungeons. And knowing that I'd have to face Severus now wasn't really helping either…

Annoyed, I strolled in the Potions classroom and looked for my friends. As soon as I had found them, I moved towards their table.

"Any pathetic excuse as to why you're late Jackson?" Severus' voice drawled provocative next to me - way more impressive than I ever could. Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned to find myself face to face with him. My heart pounded loudly in my chest with bubbling anger. When I looked in his extraordinary blank eyes, I felt my own stinging though. I wanted to scream and hug him at the same time…

"I don't know. You should ask Professor McGonagall if it's pathetic or not." I replied carelessly, glaring as best as I could but by my squeezing chest I knew very well that my emotions were about to overwhelm me once more.

Severus' eyes turned to slits and his lips twitched in a very ugly sneer. I clenched my jaw and lowered my gaze until I was staring at the buttons of his robes. "Talking back to a teacher. That makes ten points, Jackson… Let's see, you're ten minutes late, therefore I'll gladly deduct another ten points from Gryffindor."

I gulped and pressed my lips together as hard as I could. I wouldn't break down now, but most of all not in front of him! Severus crossed his arms but I refused to look up.

"Well…" He drawled icily. "Go to work, now!"

I stopped myself from growling when I passed him. Angry at him, myself and my friends sharing the table with me, I threw my bag on the floor and pulled out my book. The potion today wasn't complicated to my utter disappointment. I had hoped it could distract me from Severus and McGonagall…

Who would've guessed…? I thought sarcastically. Severus and I got together at Christmas and look at us now almost half a year later. Oh yes, we're great together – our love is very strong…! Dumbledore was right though. Love is a beautiful and terrible thing at once…

While a part of me was quite annoyed, another part of me was also surprised and curious when Severus called me back at the end of the lesson. But whilst I watched the other students leaving the classroom, cold erupted in my chest and squeezed my heart almost painfully. My heartbeat fastened when I realized that I was finally alone with him – for the first time in weeks.

I gulped and clenched my jaw. With shaking hands, I dropped my bag on the table and gripped it firmly. I heard the rustling of robes when he seemed to come closer. Nervously, I raised my head and forced myself to look as self-confident as possible. A very difficult task if one's heart was almost jumping out of the chest and clouding the brain.

Blue eyes locked with cold black ones. I gulped when my mouth dried out all the sudden. It had been to long since I had last been so close to Severus and most importantly looked into his eyes. Agonizingly slow, I felt the guards I had built to protect myself from my own emotions crumble piece by piece. Luckily, Severus decided to move and cross his arms. That snapped me out of my mesmerizing state in the blink of an eye. I blinked several times and cleared my throat before watching him again.

"Why am I here?" I asked monotonous. Severus' lips twitched but other than that he looked irritatingly controlled.

"I suppose Professor McGonagall spoke with you." He replied coldly. I stared at him incredulously before scoffing.

"Yes, she did." I snapped sharply, casting a glare. "If I'm here so that you can offer me your help, spare our time. I'll refuse it anyway… Now, if that's it then I'd like to leave." My heart told me to run out of here before Severus would say something that would free my buried emotions at once. I didn't want another fight, I couldn't go through it again – not with Severus at least.

"I believe, I'm the teacher here to dismiss you." He commented dryly which was enough to make me wince slightly. Teacher, right… I pressed my lips in a thin line to keep myself from saying anything. My heart felt as if it was already burning.

"I called you back for two reasons." Severus stated emotionless and looked me dead in the eyes. "You already mentioned the first one so there's not much left to discuss about it. I'm merely… suggesting that you should be aware of the facts. Despite the current circumstances, you're still a student and under your teacher's authority. If we see a serious threat to your health, we won't have any other choice than acting upon it."

I bit the inside of my cheek when I felt annoyance forming in my heart. My blank look became a scowl but of course it wouldn't impress Severus the slightest. As if I'd care…

"And your other reason?" I asked forcefully. Severus shifted and sighed. Suddenly, his cold expression faltered and his body lost some tension. Oh no, please don't…! I pleaded inwardly.

"What are we doing here Arya?" His voice sounded tired and his face showed true exhaustion. His skin was unusually pale, making his dark eyes only stand out more. Obviously, McGonagall's right… He's not holding up better than me.

Frustrated, I shook my head and shifted a little to lean my hips against the desk. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmingly weak and defeated. Lazily, I crossed my arms and sighed deeply.

"Well apparently, we're stubbornly ignoring each other." I muttered sarcastically and raised my eyebrows at him. Severus pressed his lips in a thin line and cast me a dark look. Irritated, I rolled my eyes and hissed incredulously.

"What do you expect me to say, Severus? You made it perfectly clear that you don't believe me so I interpret that as mistrust. Besides, you're the one who told me to stay away unless I apologize." I explained fiercely and clenched my jaw.

In a heartbeat, Severus' expression became guarded again and he watched me carelessly. I cast him a helpless look before averting my gaze.

"I did… but it was a mistake. Some things I said… I never should've spoken out aloud." Severus said quietly. Annoyed, I glared at the shelf behind him.

"Yet you did…" I replied sharply. "And you meant every single word."

A tormented expression flickered over Severus' face before he tried to hide it by pinching the bridge of his nose. When his gaze landed on me again, he looked incredibly worried.

"I did…" He murmured and my heart stung painfully. I bit my bottom lip and averted my gaze. "But I hardly believe you have the right to hold my words against me."

I snapped my head up and gulped when I saw him staring darkly at me. I opened my mouth to reply something but didn't know what to say so I closed it again. There was a long silence during which neither of us moved. Then I unfolded my arms and tiredly rubbed my face.

"Severus, I'm sorry for betraying you… again." I raised my hand in a helpless gesture. "You probably won't believe me but I'd never invade anyone's mind recklessly. I'm perfectly aware of the extent of the act." I swallowed the thick lump in my throat and pushed myself of the table. I felt so nervous and scared of the outcome of our conversation. I licked my dry lips, blinking a few forming tears away.

"But Moody… I cannot apologize for what I did Severus. I just can't." I cast him a desperate look and waited for him to say anything. But Severus simply stared at me, making my heart almost jump out of my chest.

"We both know life isn't that simple." Severus stated coldly when an uncomfortable shiver run down my spine. "But if I'd give you the choice between your unhealthy obsession with Moody and a relationship with me… would you drop your accusations?"

My heart clenched tightly when I almost stumbled back in horror. He won't… He can't possibly do this to me – to us! Realizing, that he was obviously waiting for an answer, I cleared my throat and tried desperately to concentrate.

"I…" I gulped nervously and fidgeted with my hands. "I could never… No… I love you Severus, but I could never choose our relationship if it meant becoming oblivious to the danger my father causes."

Severus nodded curtly and let his thoughtful gaze wander around the room. I bit my bottom lip until I tasted blood in my mouth but I didn't care. Taking not more than a few shallow breaths, I waited fearful for him to finally end everything we had ever had together.

"Being a spy… isn't simply about joining the opposing side." Severus said softly, more to himself though. He wasn't looking at me but staring into space. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but didn't even dare moving. "You have to act, speak and think like them and yet always remember your own mission. You need to become one of them… It requires a tiresome alertness and concentration at all times. You must shut out your emotions and intuition or else you would never remain discreet. Instead, you have to rely upon nothing but reliable evidences and truths to complete the task."

Severus snapped out of his trance like state. His sharp eyes pierced me fiercely now even if his expression was still rather blank.

"Arya, I'm making every effort to understand your suspicions but I cannot be convinced by a mere feeling on your part. I truthfully wish I could since I'm not willing to let you go. However, given the fact how you are unconsciously acting around him, I don't doubt your intuition. It's your conclusion I cannot comprehend."

I was dumbfounded and stared incredulously at him. I had expected him to say anything but that. A hopeful spark warmed and calmed my heart. I blinked a few times before averting my gaze, processing what he had just told me. I took a shaking breath, only to release it loudly afterwards. Relief made me run a trembling hand through my hair when I felt suddenly lighter than the last weeks.

"So where does that lead us?" I asked quietly. "Because I'm tired, Severus. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of everybody telling me how blinded I am. I'm trying to help but the only thing I get in return's condemnation and mistrust."

Desperate, I bit my tongue and crossed my arms firmly. When's this nightmare finally over? Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Welcome to my world…" I heard him mutter under his breath before he locked eyes again. I growled in annoyance. He folded his arms and watched me with a reserved expression. "Most people out there will never truly understand the Dark Arts, Arya. They foolishly believe their simple-minded approaches could protect them from evil. Many witches and wizards are blinded by fear since the first wizarding war. Cowards who separate the world in black and white. They are naïve enough to be convinced life being fair and simple… Don't expect them to change - they won't. Fear will make them hold on to their belief until they see the truth with their own eyes."

I scoffed snidely and turned away, suddenly feeling irritated again. "I'm not speaking about them, Severus… or perhaps I am, I don't know. But I meant us. What's happening with us now?"

I watched him with wide eyes when a cold shiver run down my spine. I didn't know anymore what I really wanted – simply that I wanted our fight to come to an end. Severus' expression softened slightly as he cast me a calculating gaze.

"I asked for an apology but knowing you, I'll obviously never get it. Well… As I mentioned, I don't doubt your magic rather your conclusion. Therefore, I can merely provide a compromise. If you choose to accept my terms, I'm willing to put our dispute to rest and remit asked apology."

I raised my eyebrows sceptically. "A compromise…? You, willing to compromise to simply drop it?"

Severus pressed his lips in a thin line and raised one eyebrow. I cleared my throat and half-heartedly waved my hand, mentioning to continue. When he raised his voice again a scowl clouded his black eyes.

"Most certainly not to simply drop it!" He drawled – his velvet voice dripping with pure disdain. I rolled my eyes at his typical teacher act. Severus glared dangerously in return. "My terms should be simple enough for you to remember them… I want you to stop sneaking behind Alastor's back and keep your distance. Furthermore, you'll report any reliable suspicious behaviour on his part to me. Under no circumstances will you run after him yourself."

I bit the inside of my cheek and thought about his conditions. With other words, I've to leave him alone then… Hissing lowly to myself, I tried to find a catch in the promise he asked of me. As I looked at Severus sceptically, his eyebrow raised even higher.

"Does that mean you're considering my accusation that something's wrong with him?" I asked carefully.

"Not necessarily…" He stated slowly and I sighed deeply. "I don't doubt your magic hence I trust your bad feeling. Although, I refuse to believe that Alastor might be a Death Eater. The cause for your bad feeling is as yet for the moment unclear."

Severus pierced me with a painfully blank stare. I gulped absentminded and nodded slowly. Well… it's an oncoming start. Thoughtfully, I let my gaze wander around the classroom. At least, he's not dismissing my bad feeling anymore… or asking for an apology….

"Alright, I agree." I said after a while and nodded curtly. "I promise to stay away from him."

Severus watched at me with a very thoughtful expression before nodding back. He unfolded his arms when his lips turned into a satisfied smirk. I averted my gaze when I felt relief wash over me. My heart suddenly pounded stronger and my lungs seemed to breath in twice as much air as before. I felt my lips twitching in a small relieved smile as well.

Gentle fingers on my chin made me raise my head. I blushed when I met Severus' unguarded gaze, his eyes glinting with warmth. Slowly, he placed one hand on my waist while the other caressed my jaw to finally cup my cheek. I beamed at him and totally lost myself in the burning feeling of our touching skin. The smirk had left Severus' lips, his expression completely guarded again but I didn't care. Seeing the love in his dark eyes was more than enough for me.

I couldn't help the chuckle to escape my mouth when Severus leaned his forehead against mine. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes in contentment. My whole body tingled as the fire of happiness and love rushed through every single vein. When I put my arms around his torso, I got completely overwhelmed with my joy though. Growling quietly, I pulled my head back only to bury my face as deep as possible in his chest. Severus' rumbling chuckle vibrated against my chest and he snuck his arms firmly around my small body. I sighed deeply when I felt his scent relaxing every tensed muscle. Pulling me as close as possible to his chest, Severus buried his face in my hair.

"I missed you so much." I spoke quietly and tightened my grip.

Immediately, his whole body tensed at my words. I wanted to raise my head and look into his eyes but Severus was faster. One hand wandered in my hair while the other wandered down to my lower back. He clutched me almost desperately to his body, his cheek rested warmly against my forehead.

"I love you." His raspy voice sent a shiver down my spine. My stomach tingled overwhelmingly and I squeezed my eyes close to keep myself from moaning. I moved my hands to rest them next to my head on his hard chest.

"I love you too." My voice cracked.

I let out a shaking breath before inhaling deeply to ease my prickling body and slower my strongly beating heart. After a few wary breaths, I finally relaxed again and lost myself in the warmth and comfort of Severus' embrace. His steady breathing soothed me and eased my troubled mind…

It was only when Severus loosened his hold and moved his hand out of my hair that I remembered where we were. I took a deep breath and sighed. I didn't want to leave now and obviously neither did Severus. He kept me enwrapped in his arms and buried his face in my hair again. I felt his low growl against my cheek but refused to move.

"Your friends might start wondering if you're not returning soon." Severus muttered reluctantly.

I groaned in frustration and finally opened my eyes. Tiredly, I let them fall close again though when I took a slow and deep breath. Severus' hand wandered from my shoulder down to my lower back. I enjoyed the short sensation of his lips on top of my head before finally pulling away. I looked him deeply in the eyes and almost swooned seeing the strong love his dark eyes held. They seemed to make their way straight into my soul.

"They'll most likely worry that you finally choose to make short work of me." My lips turned in a grin but Severus merely raised his eyebrow.

"I believe I already did." He sneered arrogantly when my mouth fell open in disbelief. Quickly, I composed myself though and frowned darkly at him.

"Excuse me?! What's that supposed to mean?" I asked incredulously. Severus chuckled lowly and my stomach tingled at the pleasant sound. Smirking, I tilted my head and watched him questioning.

Severus growled and slowly lowered his face to mine until our noses were almost touching. My smirk faltered the second I felt his breath on my skin. My heart sped up when his eyes flickered down to my lips. My stomach tingled once again, my breath not more than shallow gasps. When we locked eyes again, he hummed and pulled me closer. Gently, he brushed his nose against mine, making me shiver in his arms. Heat rushed through my whole body and my heart was almost jumping out of my chest at the moment. I couldn't look anywhere else than his warm eyes.

"I suggest you rack that smart brain of yours and answer the question yourself…" Severus said suddenly and pulled back instantly – his lips turning in a very triumphant smirk.

I blinked a few times in confusion. Then realization dawned me and I felt my cheeks heating up. Embarrassed, I groaned and averted my gaze. "You're horrible."

"I know." He replied sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. "I'm the cruel dungeon bat."

I growled in disdain and cast him a scowl. I really hated that nickname but apparently Severus couldn't care less about other people's opinion. I turned towards the desk and grabbed my bag. With a wide grin, I turned back to Severus. Raising his eyebrow, he crossed his arms and watched me with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, I'm leaving then. I suppose I'll see you later…?" Inwardly, I scowled myself for sounding so unsecure. His lips twitched in a sneer and he nodded. Casting him one last smile, I swung my bag over my shoulder and made my way towards the door. My lips split my face with a very wide, beaming smile. My heart was pounding strongly in my chest when I realized that we were finally on speaking terms again.

Suddenly, I was roughly spun around and pushed back against the wall. I gasped in surprise when my back hit the cold stone almost painfully. Looking up, I found Severus' dark eyes sparkling with an overwhelming passion. My heart pounded rapidly in my chest as I took shaky breaths. His hands held my waist pinned firmly against the wall. Before I could say anything, he had closed the gap between our bodies by pressing himself against me. I arched up into his broad chest, moaning quietly in the contact of body heat against my own. His hand wandered to my jaw and he lowered his head until our noses were almost touching. Automatically, I closed my eyes when I felt his quickened breath on my skin.

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all air from my lungs. Severus moved them demanding, almost aggressively but I didn't mind. My arms reached up and tangled around his strong neck. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer. That provoked a deep growl in Severus' chest. A cold shiver run down my spine, leaving goose bumps all the way. Moaning, I clutched the collar of his robes to keep him from pulling away. I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and slipped it inside my mouth, gentle but demanding - it was nothing like I had ever experienced. Unable to contain us anymore, Severus held my head in his hands and pulled me into a fiery and passionate kiss.

I suddenly understood why people described kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolved into his. My veins throbbed and my heart exploded. I had never wanted anyone like this before. Severus felt and tasted wonderful. It didn't matter that his mouth was already on top of mine, I wanted him closer. Severus' hands worked their way around my body - feeling my cheeks, my hair, my shoulder blades, the curve of my spine, my hips. I felt his strong, muscular body pressed against me, inhaling deeply the scent of potions and that special scent that was just … him. The most delicious smell I could ever imagine.

I gasped in surprise when Severus' lips left mine only to trail soft kisses over my jaw. Warmth radiated from the spot where his lips touched my neck, slowly spreading through the rest of me. Whimpers of anticipation erupted my mouth, provoking him to press his body even closer. I moaned when his tender, smooth lips sucked my sweet spot. Taking shallow breaths, I rested my head against the wall and sighed in content. Suddenly, I felt drained of all my energy as Severus' lips travelled softly back up to my jaw. His fingers gently ran up and down my spine, coaxing shivers out of my body.

Severus' hands came to a halt on my waist, his thumbs caressing me gently. When he slowly pulled back, I exhaled shakily and opened my eyes again. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as his clouded eyes studied mine with silent intensity. My cheeks still blushing hotly, I glanced up into his captivating black eyes. I watched him with wonder and love overwhelming my heart whilst Severus' eyes were full of curiosity and passion. Taking shallow breaths, he leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. His warm breath ghosted softly across my face.

Lazily, I entangled my hands in his neck and leaned my body against the cold wall. Suddenly, coming to my senses again, I shily averted my gaze and chuckled quietly. My body felt incredibly hot and relaxed at the same time. When I glanced at Severus again he was studying me with an unreadable expression. His eyes were sparkling with warmth and love.

"Wow." I murmured weakly to myself, only blushing more. That seemed to snap Severus out of his stare. The corner of his mouth lifted into a genuine smile as he raised one hand to brush some strains of hair out of my face. His fingers caressed my cheek tenderly, leaving a burning sensation.

"Indeed." Severus smirked, all love replaced by an arrogant smugness. It was everything it needed to completely ease the heavy and passionate tension between us. Chuckling again, I rested my hands on his hard chest, my fingers anxiously tracing small circles. Severus pressed his body closer to mine, his hands placed on the wall on each side of my face.

Finding myself more than trapped and unable to move, I bit my bottom lip and raised my eyebrows questioning. But I couldn't deny the flashes of joy and passion rushing warmly through my body. Somehow, I enjoyed my helpless, but secure position. Perhaps because of Severus' intense gaze boring deeply in my blue eyes – sending shivers up and down my spine. But to my utter confusion, he squinted his eyes warningly, lowering his face to mine.

"Quit biting your lip." Severus growled slowly. My face flashed at the unexpected command, my teeth immediately letting go of my lip. He hummed satisfied, his lips turning in a snarky grin, dark eyes sparkling mischievously. I hissed under my breath and rolled my eyes at him. I couldn't stop myself from laughing though. Tilting my head, I raised my eyebrows and watched him with an expectant expression. Severus raised one eyebrow in return.

"Pinning you against the wall was a great decision." He stated amused. His lips turned in a smirk however when I snorted incredulously. "An extraordinary breathtaking experience… Although, I still doubt you could've fought me. I was under the impression you were quite… distracted."

"Is that a challenge?" I asked confused, making his smirk widen. Growling, he lowered his face to mine until our noses were almost touching, a sneer on his lips. A piercing stare kept my body rigid in place.

"Don't believe for one second you could possibly fool me, Aryanna Jackson. I know precisely how to ensnare you with my voice, how much you crave and enjoy my touch... I know you!" My smirk faltered in the blink of an eye as my body reacted exactly how Severus had obviously expected. My breath quickened as my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

The low chuckle vibrating against my chest pulled me out of my trance-like state. A hot blush crept on my cheeks and I cleared my throat in great embarrassment. Groaning, I averted my gaze and scowled at the buttons of Severus' robes.

"Stop teasing me, you bloody Slytherin." I mumbled frustrated, earning me another arrogant chuckle. A cool hand on my chin pushed my head up until we locked eyes again. Severus watched me with an amused expression.

"I'm enjoying it while I can. I'm afraid you'll grow resistant over time… But as long as I've you in my class, I'm not worrying about it. I know how to get under your skin without revealing anything about you… An ability you're obviously lacking." He ended with a snarky grin and I couldn't suppress a laugh.

"Lacking? As if. I know very well how to get under your skin so don't try me." I replied warningly, making Severus snort.

"We'll see." He drawled provocative.

I scoffed shortly and nodded. "Yes, we'll see."

We stared at each other for quite some time until Severus smirked suddenly. I raised my eyebrows in return, making him shake his head. As if snapping back to reality, a thought came into my mind and I chuckled satisfied. Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"I just realized; maybe it's not wise to have a snogging session right next to the door. I mean someone could enter any time, don't you think?" I couldn't suppress the sheepish grin though. "Another place next time…?"

"Next time…?" Severus asked teasingly, his eyebrow raising higher. I scoffed and laughed quietly.

"Well, we surely don't have to. You know, I'm completely fine with us not fighting all the time and simple talking." I patted his chest and cast him a playful serious expression. "I'm not pushing you love. Take all the time y-"

"Shut up!" Severus growled warningly. I snorted and started laughing at his dark expression. Teasingly, I caressed his cheek and gently brushed some hair behind his ear – knowing precisely how much he hated such gestures. To my surprise he didn't pull away though which caught me slightly off guard. Severus smirked when he sensed my hesitation.

"Another place next time." His smug velvet voice replied smoothly. Black eyes sparkled mischievously when I looked up. I hummed thoughtfully before grinning madly.

"Great!" I exclaimed joyfully, Severus rolled his eyes. "Now that it's all settled, I should probably leave."

My amusement washed away in the blink of an eye when Severus stared at me absentminded. His expression was blank and cold again. Questioning, I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows at the quick change of mood. Then, in one swift move, he pulled me away from the wall and against his chest. His hands rested on my shoulders, thumbs caressing the skin of my neck. The infamous sneer was back on his lips when he watched me with an intense gaze.

"You might add our… experience to your list of situations I – how did you phrase it – made short work of you?" Severus raised one eyebrow in provocative curiosity. Laughing, I shook my head in disbelief but cast him a sheepish look.

"I suppose, yeah." I chuckled quietly to myself and bit my lip when I felt my cheeks heating up. Severus smirked and raised one hand to cup my chin. Gently, he freed my bottom lip with his thumb. Cool fingers caressing my cheek made me smile genuinely at him.

Severus leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Sighing, I closed my eyes and felt my heart flutter with affection for this man. I smiled loving at him when Severus merely raised one eyebrow and watched me with a stern expression.

"I suggest you leave my classroom now." He stated arrogantly, his lips turning in a snarky smirk.

"Yes sir." I retorted teasingly. Reluctantly I pulled back from his pleasant touch but couldn't hold back the joyful chuckle. Energetically, I swung my bag over my shoulder. When I turned around again, Severus watched me with a blank expression, his arms crossed firmly in front of his chest.

"Don't forget our agreement." He said quietly and I shook my head reassuringly.

"Don't worry, I won't. Like I said before, I honestly don't like it when we're fighting." I cast him a small smile.

"And neither do I." Severus replied softly, his voice thick with emotions. I nodded again, a cold shiver running down my spine at this unguarded answer. He quickly covered up however by casting me a half-hearted scowl. "Now, leave my classroom Ms. Jackson."

My lips twitched in amusement and I nodded curtly. Satisfied, Severus whirled around and walked towards his desk. Rolling my eyes, I finally turned towards the door. With a small smirk on my lips, I made my way to Gryffindor tower; deeply lost in thoughts about Severus' and my great reunion that had led to a very intense and heated kissing session.