Chapter 33 - 33

33. A huge surprise

Severus' conversation with Dumbledore wasn't of great use. To my horror, Professor Moody wanted us to experience the Imperius Curse in the next Defence against the Dark Arts lesson… I've got to say that it didn't work on me, much to Severus' relief. Instead, my arm kept burning and stitching now and then in his lessons but I was not paying it much attention.

Draco and Blaise were becoming more and more secretive. Nothing could stop them from being in a – strangely – very good mood all the time. Whenever I asked them what it was all about they grinned and left me standing alone. Boys…

"Arya, would you please stop jumping around!" Hermione said annoyed.

Today was the day Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would arrive. Every student and every teacher was outside to await their arrival. I was waiting with my friends. The excitement to see the students from other magical schools had made me jittery. Like a child at Christmas, I was jumping up and down grinning madly.

"Sorry." I wasn't… Hermione shook her head laughing as I didn't stop fidgeting around.

"Look, there!" Somebody, called and we all turned towards the Forbidden Forest. Very slowly, a huge carriage approached flying. It was pulled by huge winged, elegant white horses. As they had landed safely on the ground it came to a halt. The door opened and out stepped the tallest woman I'd ever seen: Madame Maxime.

The Beauxbatons students – all girls – had climbed out the carriage and stood now shivering behind their headmistress. Many boys stared at them, Ron and Harry too, whilst Hermione and I exchanged looks. Those girls looked spoilt and arrogant.

Madame Maxime lead her students inside to warm them up. We, Hogwarts, stayed outside, eagerly awaiting Durmstrang's arrival. Suddenly, something moved on the lake and a moment later the tip of a mast appeared in the middle of it. A huge, beautiful ship emerged out of the lake.

We watched as silhouettes disembarked the ship and disappeared out of sight for a few moments. Finally, they had arrived in the entrance hall. Durmstrang was an all-boys school. The students were muscular and seemed very athletic attiring many girls looks. They wore all the same grim expression. Dumbledore greeted their headmaster Igor Karkaroff with a hug. Together they entered the great hall, followed by the boys of Durmstrang and the Hogwarts students.

"Harry, have you seen him? That was Viktor Krum!" A very excited Ron exclaimed. He wasn't the only one who had noticed the famous Quidditch player. Many girls were discussing Krum whilst we searched a place at the Gryffindor table.

"Why did he have to sit down next to Malfoy?" Ron groaned and I turned around in my seat to find Draco sitting in my direction with Krum next to him. Blaise was with his back to me, obviously in a deep conversation with the black haired Durmstrang sitting next to him. I could barely suppress a smile as I saw them all laughing and joking around as if they knew each other for years. I wished nothing more than joining them!

As Dumbledore started his welcome speech I turned sighting. Afterwards, food appeared and everybody started eating. Ron was still overwhelmed by the fact that Viktor Krum was here and convinced the Beauxbatons girls being Veelas. He wasn't the only boy staring at them, not bothered by the fact that they were three years older. Hermione seemed very annoyed by his behaviour and I smiled to myself; she liked him…

When I had finished eating, I started observing the new students a little closer seeing as most people were still eating. The Beauxbatons girls were beautiful, no doubt, but they seemed a little unnatural. My gaze wandered from one to another and I stopped as I caught one staring up at the teacher's table. She smiled slightly then whispered something to the girl sitting next to her and they giggled. Now, they were both staring up. Feeling annoyed by their stupid behaviour I followed their gaze.


In less than a second, I returned my furious glare to the two girls who were talking again. Did they really just watch Severus? I felt my heart beating faster as I tried to control my annoyance. Why am I angry all the sudden? They looked at him… so? Shaking my head, I tried to forget what just happened but I couldn't. You don't like it! The thought popped up out of nowhere.

"You okay?" Hermione asked with raised eyebrows.

I turned to her and smiled. I caressed my forearm absentminded as it prickled slightly. "Yes, don't worry. Just had something in my eye."

"And I was afraid you tried to kill somebody with your look." Hermione laughed and I groaned. Grinning, she leaned closer and whispered: "So you did!" Grinning smugly, she turned towards Harry and Ron.

"Just don't ask further because then I couldn't answer you." I mumbled loud enough so that she could hear it.

"Don't worry, I won't." I didn't like her grin…

Dumbledore spoke up again and officially opened the Triwizard Tournament. Every student of age had to throw his or her name into the goblet of fire. After the whole ceremony had finished we left along with all the others. In the entrance hall, we stepped aside to let Karkaroff and his students pass.

Karkaroff, however, stopped dead in his track, blocking the way, staring at Harry. I turned my eyes and decided to go quickly to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands two Beauxbatons came in talking to each other. They ignored me completely. I raised my head and saw the reflections of the two girls I had watched earlier.


A sharp pain in my chest made me flinch. Suddenly, feeling angry and more than confused, I literally fled out of the bathroom. My friends had already left to Gryffindor tower, maybe it was better that way. I couldn't have been able to explain anything… I didn't even understand it myself!

Students were still in the corridors so I walked as fast as I could, my fists clenched tightly. The picture of Severus being watched by the two Beauxbatons girls didn't leave my mind. I clenched my jaw and passed the portrait of the fat lady in a deserted corridor. Aggressively, I opened the first door I saw and found myself in an empty, very dusty room. With a loud banging noise the door closed behind me but I didn't care.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying desperately to calm down. I felt so angry and confused. When I had realized that the girls had been the ones who had watched Severus I had been close to scream at them. I had wanted to tell them that Severus was nothing of their concern, that they had to leave him alone!

"Crap!" I cried out and let myself fall down on my knees. What's happening to me? Why do I have such a strong fixation?

The picture of me and Severus kissing came into my mind and I squeezed my eyes close. I took a very deep breath, filling every inch of my lungs with air and screamed…

In the silence of the room it sounded earsplitting, nevertheless, it felt good… sadly, only for a few moments. So when I walked back to the common room I was already thinking about Severus again. Feeling tired and annoyed by myself, I went to bed right away.

Everything will be better tomorrow, I told myself before closing my eyes.

The next morning was a Saturday, therefore we had no classes today. I wanted to enjoy the short time I had left alone until I went down for breakfast so I took a long shower. Under the hot water I felt my whole body relax and managed to shake of my nightmare and the problems I'd had yesterday.

"Arya, we're hungry, come on!" Hermione banged against the bathroom door and I groaned inwardly. That was it, my day started… and I would have to face my problems again. Those two Beauxbatons and Severus…

"You missed something yesterday evening! Ron couldn't stop talking about Viktor Krum. He was beyond annoying me…" Hermione told me as we went down the stairs. Ron and Harry awaited us in the common room and together we made our way to the great hall.

"Do you think they'll stay in the castle the whole day and do nothing?" Ron wondered thoughtfully as a few Beauxbatons passed us. Giggling, they sat down at the Ravenclaw table and I glared at them.

"Don't know. Let's find a seat. I'm starving!" Harry exclaimed to Hermione's relief. "I wished I could play some Quidditch now. It's unfair that we aren't allowed to play just for fun."

I grabbed a piece of toast. "I'm sure Fred and George would play if you asked them. I'd be in too." Mischievously, I grinned in his direction and he laughed.

"You're kidding! Fred and George are more than busy with finding a way how to enter the Tournament." Harry replied and I shrugged my shoulders.

"True. But you can ask them afterwards when they realised that there's no way. If they're not too depressed …" I chuckled as Fred and George passed us, obviously, arguing quietly about something.

"Their behaviour is stupid. I mean they won't be able to fool Dumbledore's age line." Hermione said in her typically stern voice from behind the Daily Prophet.

"Something exciting happened?" Harry asked. Hermione never got to answer, however, because Ron interrupted her as a group of Durmstrangs entered the great hall.

"Do you think Krum will play Quidditch while he's here in Hogwarts? I mean he has to practice after all." Ron's gaze was fixed on the grim looking Quidditch player who was surrounded by his friends.

Again, they sat down at the Slytherin table, next to Draco and Blaise who seemed to be looking for someone. I guess he's looking for Cho Chang, I thought grinning. He couldn't keep his eyes of her every time she entered the same room.

"You're a slimy git, Malfoy. Krum's not stupid, he'll see through you!" Ron glared at the Slytherins. Hermione and I exchanged a short look and turned our eyes.

"Oh, come on, Ronald. You're acting like a jealous girlfriend here!" Hermione snapped annoyed, making Harry and me laugh.

"Yeah, look there's another Durmstrang looking at you!" Harry said between laugher and nodded towards the door. Hermione rustled provocative with her newspaper – definitely annoyed - as I couldn't stop laughing.

"Very funny!" Ron glared at Harry and watched around. "Crap, he's really looking in our direction."

Now, Hermione closed the Daily Prophet and raised her head as well. A punch in my side made me spill the marmalade I had wanted to spread on the toast everywhere on my plate.

"Hey, what was that for?" I exclaimed indignantly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"That guy is staring at you, not at us." Confused, I followed Hermione's gaze.

In the passage between the Slytherin and the Gryffindor tables stood indeed a Durmstrang staring in our direction. The boy was tall but not as muscular as most of his friends. He had short, raven black hair that matched his very fine facial features and his green eyes.

I know this face… I furrowed my eyebrows, racking my brain. The boy's lips turned into an incredibly wide grin.

"Oh merlin!" The piece of toast I was still holding in my hand fell on the floor but I didn't notice. The boy's eyes kept me fixed as my surprise turned into pure happiness and excitement. Returning his grin, I stood up, completely forgotten where I was.

"DEREK!" Laughing, I crashed into him, almost knocking him down. His laugh was deeper than when I had last seen him.

"I missed you too, Arya!" His hug was close to bone crashing but I didn't care. I felt so happy that he was here!

Still holding him by his arms, I pulled away. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Derek's heartily laugh, however, hadn't changed the slightest. He was the most honest and direct person I'd ever met. Chuckling he shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, I'm here with my class. Did you really forget that I'm going to Durmstrang?"

Realization hit me and I bit my lip feeling remorse all the sudden. "Oh… no… but I didn't think properly I guess."

Derek wasn't angry, in contrary, he laughed again resting one arm on my shoulder and pulling me closer. "Doesn't matter, I'm here now!"

With his green eyes, he looked me deeply in the eyes and I couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Well, you being here explains Draco's and Blaise' secretive behaviour." I told him quietly, making him grin.

"I wanted to surprise you and I think I did quite well." Raising my eyebrows provocative I came even closer so that nobody could hear us.

"I missed you so much!... And I can't wait spending time together, our brothers and the two of us, like in old times."

Amused, Derek raised one eyebrow, grinning at the people – mostly girls - that were watching us. "Always and forever, that's what we said."

We both started laughing and I saw Blaise and Draco grinning in our direction. Still laughing, Derek turned back to me. "So, where are your friends who kept a close eye on you while I wasn't around?"

Smiling brightly, I led him towards my three best friends who were watching me amused.

"Guys, this is my old friend Derek. Derek, my best friends Hermione, Harry and Ron." I introduced them to each other and to my relief they greeted him nicely, inviting him to sit down with us.

"Harry Potter, huh?" Derek grinned in Harry's direction who turned his eyes and I punched him in the side warningly. Chuckling, Derek raised his hand in a 'don't worry' manner, his gaze wandering from me to Harry again. "Just kidding. I'm immune to celebrities. Nice to meet you, Harry!"

Smiling, he offered his hand to Harry who grinned in return and shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Derek. You seem to attract some girls, by the way."

Derek didn't even look up, only turned his eyes. "To bad I'm not interested in girls."

I couldn't suppress myself from snickering as my friends exchanged short looks. Derek ignored them and wasn't offended to my relief. Grinning, he turned in my direction handing me some toast with marmalade.

"I think you should eat this. After all, I made you throw your previous breakfast on the floor." I blushed furiously whilst Hermione, Ron and Harry started laughing. With a mischievous grin Derek took out his wand and with a flick the mess I had created before disappeared. Groaning, I started eating, leaving Derek staring at me smiling thoughtfully.

"Viktor Krum, is he your friend?" Ron asked all the sudden and I glared at him but he kept his gaze fixed on Derek.

Derek shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows. "Yes, he is even if he's the strangest person I've ever met!"

"What do you mean?" Ron seemed to have forgotten his breakfast, hanging at Derek's lips.

Derek chuckled. "Well, I think you should go and talk to him then you'll find out yourself. The one thing I can tell you without having a guilty conscience is that Quidditch and loyalty towards our friends are the only things we have in common. Otherwise, we're completely different."

"Do you speak Bulgarian?" Hermione asked interested and I raised my head as well. I'd never thought about the fact that Derek was going to a school where they didn't speak English all the time.

"Yep, I do." Again, he grinned. "Way better then Viktor speaks English, I might add. I tried to teach him but it's nerve-wracking. Either we end up laughing or in a scuffle."

"And you're always losing I guess?" Grinning smugly, I pushed my plate away and glanced at him. Derek mumbled something that sounded like a 'yes', glaring at the table.

I punched him in the side and he flinched, raising his hands. "It's not my fault he's stronger."

I laughed, making him glare at me but I only laughed harder. Suddenly, Derek's gloomy expression vanished and light up. "Hey, what are you doing this afternoon?"

As I looked quizzical to my three friends, they smiled in return. "Well, nothing. I guess."

"Great, so we'll meet up. It'll be fun!" He winked with one eye and I understood. The four of us would spend some time together like in old days. I smiled at the thought, a warm, comfortable wave rushing through my body.

"I've got to go now. They're already waiting." He looked towards the entrance door where a handful Durmstrang boys stood there, obviously uncomfortable as girls passed giggling or laughing.

"Okay, see you later then." I stood up as well and pulled him in an embrace. "I'm so happy you're here!"

Seriously, he looked me in the eyes. "Blaise told me everything and I always wanted to see you. I'm glad to have this year with you."

With a last typical grin, he turned around and left with his friends who glanced curiously in my direction. Thoughtfully, I sat back down with my friends.

"Well, he's nice." Hermione said smiling and I nodded happily. "You really missed him, didn't you?"

"Oh yes. I haven't seen him for five years. And now he's here for one year. I still cannot believe it!"

Laughing, Hermione and I turned towards Ron and Harry who were in a discussion about Quidditch again. We exchanged looks, only laughing more. Boys…

Later, after lunch, I didn't go with my friends back to the common room.

"Ready to have some fun?" Derek showed up behind me, scaring me to death.

"Merlin! You don't need to startle me like this." I replied but he grinned.

"So, where are we going? I was told you knew where to go…" Quizzical he looked at me and now it was my turn to grin.


Together, we went out of the castle and down to the hidden place at the black lake. Derek was amazed by the sight so we sat down.

"The weather's nice here. In the north, it's way colder. Very boring actually!" I chuckled, watching him closely. Derek had grown into a really handsome guy. His hair, face and whole build was masculine but matched perfectly together.

"Did I change much?" Derek asked smiling, not looking in my direction. I smiled to myself, amazed by the fact that he was still able to see through me that easily.

"You're still you." At this he chuckled and turned to me.

"And you're still you." He became serious suddenly. "Well, not quite… You seem a lot more troubled and thoughtful." Thoughtfully, he watched me and I fidgeted nervously with my hands. I hadn't thought that it was that obvious. After all, I gave my best so that my brother wouldn't notice and therefore neither Blaise nor Derek.

"I'm fine." I said quietly.

"Whenever you're ready to tell me, I'm here." Of course, I couldn't fool him…

"Sorry, we're late. Parkinson didn't want to let go of Draco…" Blaise' voice made us whirl around surprised. A smirking Draco and a now laughing Blaise were watching us.

Derek helped me up, a curious look in Blaise' direction. "Who's Parkinson?"

The three of us exchanged smug grins, making Derek look very confused. Laughing, I felt pity and gave an explanation. "Oh, she's a Slytherin girl who's convinced that Draco's in love with her…"

Draco contorted his face in disgust. "She's a very annoying nag!"

"You're a Malfoy, the best she can get." Blaise chuckled and Draco shot him a dark look but he was unimpressed. Then he turned towards Derek. "You managed to surprise Arya quite well."

Derek and I exchanged a smile and he nodded. "Yeah, but only with your help."

"It was definitely worth it! I mean I was annoyed when nobody wanted to tell me what's going on." A thought popped into my head and I looked at Draco quizzical. "Did you tell Severus that Derek was coming? Because I think he knew about it…"

Draco grinned, obviously to himself, then gazed at me. "No, I didn't. But I think you told him about Derek and that he's going to Durmstrang?"

Confused, I nodded, not really understanding where he was going with this.

"He's not stupid, Arya. I guess he found out somehow. I'm not telling him everything after all. He's your friend, not mine."

I blushed as he said it like this. Nervously, I lowered my head, not knowing what to say now.

"Wait… Severus as in Severus Snape? The guy who raised and then dropped you?" Derek asked with furrowed eyebrows looking from Blaise to Draco who nodded.

"Yep, that's him. They're on speaking terms again."

Derek beamed happily in my direction. "Why didn't you tell me? That's awesome."

I snorted quietly but they all heard it. Annoyed, I looked at them. "I wouldn't say we're on speaking terms. It's more than strange now because we have some disputes."

Whilst Blaise and Derek exchanged a look, Draco watched me closely and I realized he knew something was definitely wrong. Luckily, he decided not to start arguing in front of Blaise and Derek.

"I would say that's normal, isn't it? I mean Blaise has some disputes too with his girlfriend." Grinning, he turned towards Blaise whose expression was near to killing him.

Slowly, he stepped forward, one hand raised making Draco's smirk only grow bigger. "One more word about Cho and you're doomed, Draco!"

Obviously, it had taken me some time to realize what Draco had indicated before. Accusingly, I turned towards my brother who tried to calm Blaise down. Derek in the background was doubling over with laughter, watching the scene in front of him.

Severus, my boyfriend? Thoughtfully, I shook my head. Surely, Draco hadn't meant it… The thought of Severus and me kissing came into my mind. The only person one's supposed to kiss was girlfriend or boyfriend…

"Arya!" Draco's voice snapped me out of my thought. Derek and Blaise were sitting on the ground, shuffling some cards. Draco was watching me intensely, making me shiver. "Do you want to play a card game?"

I nodded and sat down with them ignoring Draco's curious and worried gaze. We played a few games until the setting sun coloured the sky orange. We arrived just in time before dinner started, Derek sitting with me and my friends again.