Chapter 26 - 26

26. Almost as in old times

Christmas passed uneventfully. I got more presents than the years before because Draco, Blaise and Derek had sent me something. I had bought them something too as I had been in Hogsmeade.

"Don't you think, you should be with your friends now?" Severus greeted me Christmas morning, when I entered his office. As usual he was doing paperwork.

Sighting, I shook my head in disbelief. "Don't you think, you should make a break over Christmas? I mean, it's Christmas, Severus. You're supposed to enjoy today."

Severus huffed amused, putting down his feather. "Essays aren't correcting themselves, Arya!" Thoughtfully, he stared at me. All the sudden, he became serious and continued correcting his essays.

Annoyed, I sighted again stepping forward, letting myself plop down on a chair. "Severus."

"What?" He didn't look up from his paper, he didn't even stop reading.

"Can you please look at me?" Accusingly, I raised my voice.

Exhaling loudly, Severus lifted his head and watched me with a blank expression. "I'm working, Aryanna. Can't you see that?"

In defence, I raised my hands. "I'm not here to annoy you. I'm just asking for five minutes of your time! I wanted to thank you for your present. Those books about Potions and Healing are awesome!" Beaming, I returned his gaze and his eyes turned warmer.

Going back to his essay he smiled… obviously to himself, thinking that I wouldn't see it. "I saw them in Diagon Alley and thought you might like them... They're advanced stuff so if you have questions you can ask anytime."

"Thank you!" I said smiling warmly and he raised one eyebrow in amusement.

"So…" Severus said after a long silence. "What else did you got for Christmas?" And again, he was completely serious. I wasn't sure but I thought he was clenching his jaw as he asked in a colder voice.

"Well, I got some very interesting books about Herbology from Hermione. Harry got me a very high-quality feather. And Ron gave me sort of a plush blanket for Nala, chocolate and a jumper from his mum." I finished grinning but to my surprise Severus was still staring at this essay.

"And Draco? What did you get from him and Blaise?" His grip on the feather had strengthened and I glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh, they bought me a book about Quidditch."

Severus seemed to relax. "I see."

Not really listening, a grin spread on my face making his look turn gloomy. "I think they wanted to tell me something." I said laughing and he glanced up for the second time. "They put an old picture of me playing Quidditch in it with a note on the backside: 'Get your butt on a broom!'."

"Nice." Severus mumbled ironically and I grinned.

"We used to play a lot of Quidditch at Malfoy Manor. Derek and Blaise against Draco and me most of the times. By the way, Derek got me a brand-new Potions set. Now I've a high-quality cauldron, resistant against heat and magic."

"At least one of them got you something decent." Severus grumbled and I snorted.

"Oh, come on. Don't be such a poor sport, Severus! Quidditch is fun!"

He turned his eyes. "Quidditch is dangerous, I won't support you if you decided to make the team."

"Why are you so boring?" I asked sighting and he chuckled. "You are spending Christmas in your office, you prefer correcting your stupid essays instead of spending time with me and now you're even criticising my presents."

"As I said before, they're not correctin-".

"They're not correcting themselves. I know." Annoyed, I pushed back the chair and stood up. "You know, I thought you would like if I came here but obviously, I was wrong."

"Arya, I didn't- ", Severus stood up as well, remorse written on his face.

I looked at him sadly and cut him off. "Just tell me right away next time if you don't want to see me, Severus. Whatever reasons you have."

His gaze turned cold. "You're not fair. I told you, I can't tell you."

"And I said that I wouldn't ask about your reasons but now you're acting strange. Honestly, it's bothering me that I don't know why you're acting like this but I promised not to ask you so I won't."

"I have every right to keep things from you, Aryanna. You don't have to know everything!"

A sharp sting in my heart made me rigid. I knew he was right, nevertheless, it hurt to hear it from him. Severus sighted annoyed and sat down again.

"I suppose you go now. We can talk again if you accept that we both have our secrets. Go and spend time with your friends or Draco." He spat coldly and I stumbled back horrified.

"Severus- ", I asked pleading.

"Leave!" He ordered turning his attention back to his essays.

Slowly, I left his office, angry at myself. Severus was right, I didn't need to know everything. I didn't tell him everything either. Nevertheless, it hurt so much and bothered me any minute I spend with Severus so I couldn't enjoy the time I had with him.

Harry started lessons with Professor Lupin to learn how to repel dementors. Ron and Hermione got into a big fight over Scabbers and Crookshank. Draco, Blaise and I grew even closer than we ever had been before and I wished so much to see Derek again. I had started writing letters and to my relieve Derek understood me. He told me he wasn't angry for cutting him out of my life like this.

Dear Arya,

I don't know what Blaise told you but I'm NOT seeing anyone here. Nothing against the boys in my school… but definitely not! If my brother's behind all this rumours, we'll have a little chat next time I see him! Maybe you could annoy him for me with the Chang girl he's fancying so much? Just kidding…

So, Draco told me that you won't start Quidditch until next year. Don't tell him that I told you that or he's going to kill me. Sometimes, his temper is frightening… Well not really! If you know how to handle your brother... However, I would love to hear that you're using your talent on the broom to show our beloved brothers that they're not the best Quidditch players! You can't imagine what I've to endure all summer…

Have to stop now, History of Magic is almost over and I don't want THIS teacher to find out that I've been writing a letter. I would have detention for a month…

All my love, Derek

(I changed my mind, you have every right to annoy Blaise in my name!)

The last sentence was scribbled hurriedly under the letter. I tried to suppress a grin as I read it. Carefully, so that nobody would notice, I glanced in Blaise' direction. Draco had been watching me, however, and raised his eyebrow quizzical now. Discreetly, I tapped on the letter I had laid in my opened book and he understood. He knew I had Derek's letter in my book and seeing as I had been watching Blaise like this it could only be about one thing.

Grinning, he turned back to his own book, writing something down on a small piece of parchment. Then he pushed it towards Blaise who read it with furrowed eyebrows. All the sudden, his look turned dark and he glared at Draco first and then at me. Now, I couldn't hold back my grin any longer.

"Ms. Jackson, are you done already?" The stern voice of Professor McGonagall made me flinch and I saw Blaise grinning out of the corner of my eyes.

"No, I'm not." I watched at the exercises we had to do. I had done three of four. Hermione, sitting next to me, was writing furiously without glancing once in her book.

"Then I suggest to turn your attention back to your work." Biting on my lip, to suppress the grin I nodded and took the feather in my hand but I couldn't concentrate.

So… Draco had told Derek that I would start Quidditch next year. He would hear something from me later. How about throwing him in the lake, I thought smiling to myself again. But I was more amused by Derek's request. He wanted me to pay Blaise back for him. I knew Derek would make him pay for it if he was here and I wished so much I could see him doing it. It would definitely be funny to watch! It had always been that way. When Derek and Blaise were annoying each other jokingly Draco and I loved to watch them and it was the same the other way around.

Sighting, I put the feather aside as I had finished the last exercise as fast as I could. I glanced back at the letter and grinned again. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Draco leaning back in his chair and knew that he was done too.

I looked around the room, everybody was still writing and concentrating. Even Professor McGonagall was writing something down. So, I turned to Draco and raised my eyebrows in amusement. His eyes were sparkling in the sunlight and lightening up his grin. Blaise punched him with his elbow and he flinched, his grin only growing bigger.

I snorted and earned some strange looks. Professor McGonagall, however, wasn't pleased. "Ms. Jackson, I won't ask again to turn back to your exercises."

Apologetically, I exclaimed still smiling: "I'm done, Professor."

"Then stay quiet and stop disturbing your classmates." She shot me a warning look. I tried to look ashamed but I wasn't successful. Shaking her head in annoyance at my behaviour she returned to her writing.

Grinning, I took another piece of parchment and wrote in big letters PAY BACK = CHANG Then I held it upwards, not high but enough so that Draco could read it. By his attitude I could see that he had difficulties in maintaining his composure. We were both on the edge of laughing now. Sadly, Transfigurations wouldn't stop for another forty minutes.

Now it was Draco who punched Blaise, nodding in my direction. Blaise watched around if anybody was watching us, then he looked at me and clenched his jaw. Slowly, he shook his head and turned his eyes. Provocative, I raised my eyebrows quickly and grinned. As he turned back to his book I couldn't resist the chance. Smiling, I concentrated and let a small flame appear in front of him.

He flinched back in surprise, then glanced at me gloomy. Draco, sitting next to him had difficulties in not laughing out loudly. His body was shaking slightly with suppressed laugher. I was surprised that nobody had noticed until now but they were all still writing.

A sudden burning feeling on my leg made me wince. As I looked to Blaise and Draco in reflex I saw that Blaise had his wand pointed discreetly in my direction with a mischievous grin on his face. Warningly, I shook my head so that he wouldn't send another spell, attiring attention. But of course, he didn't listen. Both were watching me now as Blaise fired another harmless spell. The electric wave that went through my body made me groan in surprise.

"Ms. Jackson!" A very angry Professor McGonagall exclaimed and I groaned again inwardly. Great! "Detention today!"

"What?!" I exclaimed loudly in a high-pitched voice. She, however, was piercing me with her stern look.

"I warned you and I'm not favouring you because you're in my house." Astonished, my mouth fell open. Draco smirked wildly and I would have loved to wipe it out of his face!

"Mr. Malfoy, you will join Jackson in her detention." In less than a second his smirk had vanished and been replaced by a quizzical expression.

"But I didn't do anything, Professor!"

"Obviously." Professor McGonagall said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Now it was my turn to smirk. Blaise, looked smugly to the both of us, his wand put safely back in his pocket.

At the end of the lesson, Blaise left the classroom with all the others, wearing a very smug grin on his face. Draco and I stayed behind and as soon as we were alone with Professor McGonagall he started.

"Professor, I swear I didn't do anything!" She turned her stern gaze to him but he wasn't impressed.

"Your childish behaviour is enough to put both of you in detention... And I won't change my mind." She added emphasizing every word as Draco opened his mouth again. Gloomy he closed it again and I grinned looking down.

"Hand that note to Professor Snape. I expect both of you here today at seven o'clock. Now leave." And with that she dismissed us.

As Draco grabbed his back grumpy, I couldn't hold back. "What's up, Malfoy? Got your wand in a twist?"

"This is your fault!" His gaze turned darker as he saw me snickering.

Professor McGonagall watched our little squabble with a disapproving expression.

"Nope." I said smiling broadly. "Consider yourself lucky that we're not having detention with Snape." I emphasized ironically.

"Whatever, Jackson. Whatever." Grinning he left the classroom and I followed him.

Later at lunch I was sitting with my friends.

"What has gotten into you in Transfigurations?" Hermione asked with a stern look in my direction but I couldn't hold back a slight smile.

"Well… I got a letter from an old friend of mine." Absentminded, I filled my plate.

"You never told us that you had a friend in the orphanage." Harry said carefully and I shook my head.

"No, I knew him before…" I watched around if anybody was listening but they were all chattering with friends. "I didn't always live in the orphanage. His name's Derek and he's three years older. I had three best friends before I moved. I didn't tell you because nobody should know about them but I guess you deserve to know this at least." Carefully, I watched each of them, waiting for a reaction.

"You want to protect them." Harry stated blankly and I nodded. "Looks as if we'll never know the whole story, won't we?"

I gulped and a cold wave rushed over my body. "Harry, I'm trying to protect them. When we met up in Hogsmeade before Christmas you wondered why I had been in such a good mood. Well, until that day I had pushed them away because I thought I could protect them that way. I would tell you but it's not safe!" I tried to explain and Hermione gave me a reassuring smile, shooting Harry and Ron a quick warning look.

"Don't worry, we're fine with it. Remember, tell us right away if you can't tell us instead of lying. That's the only thing we're asking." Sighting, I felt my body relax and I nodded again.

"We trust you." Harry said seriously and I couldn't turn away from his gaze.

"Thank you." I whispered and turned my attention back to my plate in front of me.

"By the way, it was brilliant how you managed to get Malfoy in detention with you. What did he do again?" Ron asked grinning and Hermione and Harry chuckled.

Ten minutes before seven I left the common room, on my way to Professor McGonagall's classroom. When I entered the only person in there was sitting with his back to me staring into space.

"I hope you're feeling remorse because I shouldn't be sitting here." Draco exclaimed bored not turning around and I grinned.

"Not the slightest." I chose the table next to his and let myself plop down in the chair, leaning my elbows on the desk and resting my head in my hands. "Don't be so fretful, Draco! We're having a detention together, it's a premiere." My grin was obvious in my voice and I could see him turn his eyes.

"Want to celebrate now?" His expression gave the amusement away. The corner of his mouth were twitching upwards and he had raised his eyebrows. I knew him! As I watched him I couldn't hold back my grin, I was still overwhelmed by the fact that we were close again.

"Good to see that you can have a civil conversation." The calm voice of Professor McGonagall made us both flinch in surprise. With a loud noise the door closed behind her.

"We're always civil, Professor." I stated seriously and Draco snorted.

"Can't argue with that." I heard him mumble and tried to suppress my grin.

"Seeing as you're both having an 'Outstanding' as average grade you'll be correcting first and second year's essays." Professor McGonagall ignored our comments and handed each of us a huge stack of parchment.

"Excuse me but when are we allowed to leave?" Draco asked with a trace of annoyance in his voice. Professor McGonagall, however, smiled her stern smile and we both knew the answer to the question before she answered.

"You'll stay here until you've finished, Mr. Malfoy. Therefore, I suggest you go to work."

Groaning, we both turned to our stack and started with the first page. "This is your fault." I heard Draco's accusing whisper in my direction. I hummed absentminded whilst I read the essay.

"You're the one who involved him." I stated matter of fact. "We both wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You cannot blame me!" I didn't even look up from the piece of parchment but I knew he had heard me.

"Would you both please drop this childish behaviour! It's nerve-wrecking." Professor McGonagall commanded annoyed and I lowered my head, biting my lip to hold back a grin.

"Sorry." I gave my best to sound serious but wasn't successful. She shook her head in utter disbelieve and exhaled loudly.

The following silence didn't last long. Suddenly, the door was pushed open banging loudly against the wall. In rushed a very grim looking Severus. His gaze softened as he saw Draco and me now both staring at him.

"Severus, what is it?" Professor McGonagall asked standing up. Severus, however, waved his hand in her direction for her to stay where she was.

"I just visited Lupin." The corner of his mouth twitched upwards to a grin and his eyes sparkled. "And I decided to come by and see if they're behaving." Now, Draco and I both glared at him, making Professor McGonagall smile.

"We're not ripping each other to shreds, if that's what you mean." I said with raised eyebrows and his grin grew bigger.

"Oh, I mean if you're respecting your Professor's presence. Your bickering can be very exhausting." He emphasized every word chuckling.

"You have to talk…" Draco stated ironically to himself, nevertheless, we all heard it.

"Sorry, but did you just accused our gloomy Potions Professor of 'bickering'?" I asked in faked astonishment and Draco turned to me grinning. Then he looked at Severus with raised eyebrows who returned his gaze with the typical 'dare me' expression.

"Yes, I did." Professor McGonagall's gaze went from one to another in pure confusion.

"Careful, Malfoy." Severus said darkly but he only continued grinning.

"You don't scare me. As long as you're not in your classroom you're not my teacher."

"Would someone please explain me what's going on here?" Professor McGonagall loudly interrupted their conversation.

Grinning Draco turned back to his stack of parchment, glancing shortly in my direction. I returned it and gave Severus a reassuring smile.

"He got you there, Severus." Severus watched me annoyed before looking at Professor McGonagall.

"I came here to tell you that they're only bickering because that's their way of having a conversation if somebody is with them who doesn't know about them." At her quizzical expression, he sighted. "They're on speaking terms again, deeply lost in their brother-sister relationship." Severus said ironically and crossed his arms.

"Very funny, Severus." I exclaimed loudly.

"Anytime." Now, it was his turn to grin. Then he turned to her again. "I'm leaving. If you can't handle the two of them, send me a note." Followed by our glares he left the classroom with a smirk on his face.

"Idiot!" Draco and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, then we started laughing.

"May I remind you that you'll have to stay here until you finished correcting the papers?" Professor McGonagall interrupted us sternly and we turned our attention back on the essays, still shaking with laugher.