Chapter 16 - 16

16. T.M. Riddle's Diary

"Can't you do anything, Arya?" A very helpless Hermione asked me when she sat in the hospital wing whilst Madame Pomfrey rushed around. She had just told Hermione that she couldn't do anything else than waiting until the effect stopped.

"I don't know; I mean I never had to transform somebody in an animal or back." Apologetic I looked at her. "Please, try it. How worse can it become?!" I could feel Hermione's desperation and sighted.

"Fine but I must warn you not to expect too much, I've never done something like that." She nodded. "Lay down and close your eyes. Try not to move okay?" I took her hand in mine and closed my eyes as well. I let my magic flood my whole body until I could literally feel it pulsate everywhere. Then I concentrated it on my hands, controlled by my mind. When I let it pass into Hermione's hands I became my magic. In my mind I could see what was going on in her body, I felt the blood in her veins pulsate and every movement of her muscles. Making my way through her system I could see what was wrong. Polyjuice Potion had an effect on muscles, fatty tissue and the skin – only the upper layer – but not on the bones, the organs or the DNA of a human. The cat hair, however, had effected everything. Her DNA felt like Nala. Hermione had really transformed into a cat. But I could also see that the DNA was fading very slowly and changing its structure back to normal. There was nothing I could do to let it happen quicker. I concentrated my magic on flooding back in my own hands and suddenly I felt myself again. Opening my eyes, I realized that everything was blurred and I swayed slightly. All of the sudden, there was a firm grip holding me. I turned my head and looked into the emotionless mask of Severus.

"You silly girl, what did you think?" He seemed angry but I didn't understand why.

"What?" I exclaimed weakly. It seemed as if this had exhausted me more than I had thought. Harry, Hermione and Ron were watching me carefully.

"Arya, you have been standing there for more than an hour." Harry told me and I could feel my mouth fall open.

"And obviously, you haven't been thinking about the effect on you. I came because I felt you using a huge amount of magic at once." He let go of me now still watching me closely.

"Well thanks but I'm fine Professor. No need to worry there." I joked but he wasn't on for fun now. "Careful Jackson, or do you want to have detention?" He looked me straight in the eyes but I wasn't impressed at all. Turning my attention back to Hermione I said: "I'm sorry Hermione but like Madame Pomfrey said we can't do anything than wait. I could feel that the effect was going away but very slowly so it'll take some time." Apologetic I smiled at her and she nodded sadly. I realized that the bunch of anger behind me had gone so when I turned around I saw that Severus had left. Great, I hoped he hadn't realized why Hermione had transformed.

Hermione had to stay in the hospital wing for two months. In the meantime, we found a diary in Myrtle's bathroom signed by T.M. Riddle. Strangely, there wasn't written anything in it. I knew that it was my father's, something dark was hanging above the diary. I decided to keep it for myself for the moment. Ron remembered from a detention that a T.M. Riddle had gotten an award for special services to the school fifty years ago. When Hermione left the hospital wing in February we showed her the diary. Whilst they discussed its hidden powers I remained silent and thought about it. Why would a diary from my father appear all of the sudden? Why now?

"Arya, you've been quiet all the time now." Hermione stated and Harry and Ron looked at me as well. I snapped out of my thoughts and felt very uneasy. "Well I was just thinking…"

"If you have this look it means normally that it has to do with your father." Hermione knew me too well! So I sighted and started. "T.M. Riddle. Thomas or Tom – like he preferred – Marvolo Riddle is the real name of my father." Their mouths fell open. "I've been thinking about this for a while now. I'm wondering why it appeared from one day to another. All the time back in Hogwarts I have this feeling that something is going on and now there's the diary." Hermione was thinking now as well. "Wait Ron, you said he got an award for special services fifty years ago."

"Yeah so?" Ron, Harry and I were clueless but Hermione looked at us excitedly. "Oh wake up you three! The diary is fifty years old. And the Chamber of Secrets has been opened fifty years ago."

"You're right Hermione! Like I said, I've been thinking about this and I think that Voldemort is the heir of Slytherin. He's strong enough and definitely Slytherin through and through. He might have written everything in his diary."

"That's a brilliant theory," Ron exclaimed. "There's only one problem: there's nothing written in this diary."

The next days, we tried to make something appear in the diary, without success. Hermione spent more time in the Library, trying to find a spell to reveal hidden messages. But then – one morning – Harry and Ron awaited us eagerly in the Gryffindor tower. In an empty classroom Harry told us about how he had written in the diary and Tom Riddle had answered. In addition, he had shown him who had opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago: Hagrid.

"Harry, you know that it's Voldemort you've been written to!" I exclaimed with pinched eyebrows.

"Yes so?" He asked astonished.

"Do you really believe that? Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets? Hagrid, the heir of Slytherin?" I tried to persuade him.

"No not the heir but he had Aragog, a huge spider, who killed students. I think he opened the chamber." I could only laugh.

"Gosh, you really believe that crap! Harry, you have been writing with my father who is the master of manipulating."

Despite our differences of opinion, we decided not to talk with Hagrid. At least, I had managed that. During Easter holidays we - second years - had to choose our subjects for the third year, a matter Hermione took very seriously. Luckily, I was gifted with the fairy-ability to memorize everything I heard or read. Therefore, I could learn very fast and easily. I had always been interested in healing that was why I loved Potions and Herbology so much. So I decided to go for Care of Magical Creatures as well. Hermione tried to get me into Arithmancy and Ancient Runes but I refused because I saw no use.

"Looks like I can't get rid of you, Jackson!" I heard Draco's voice next to me. Hermione and I turned around, she looking rather darkly in his direction.

"What do you mean, Malfoy?" I emphasized his name, hoping that he wouldn't start a fight now. Draco grinned evilly and spoke up, drawing attention from everybody around us.

"We'll be in the same classes next year. Wonderful!" I screwed up my eyes, not really getting where he was going with this. "That'll give me more time to annoy you. Watch out, Jackson." He laughed along with his group of Slytherin's and left. Not before stepping right in front of me and grinning evilly again.

"Why is he always coming back to you?" Hermione wondered loudly and I felt shocked inwardly. Has she realized something? "I mean he never lets a possible situation slip to annoy you." Luckily, she didn't insist on talking about it.

The evening before Gryffindor's match against Hufflepuff, someone stole the diary out of Harry's trunk. It could only have been a Gryffindor, nobody else would know our password. When Hermione and I were on our way to the Quidditch pitch she suddenly rushed away to the library. Before it could start however, Professor McGonagall announced that the match had been cancelled.

"Potter, Weasley, Jackson you better come with me." She told us and lead us back into the castle.

"This will be a bit of a shock," she said gently, leading us to the hospital wing.

"What do you mean Professor?" I asked in a low voice. Professor McGonagall was shocked, I could feel it and this made me only more nervous. I had never seen her like this.

"There has been another attack." As we saw who had been attacked we stiffened. Hermione lay on a bed with open eyes but utterly still. "She was found before the library with a mirror in her hand."

After what only seemed like minutes a hand on my shoulder tried to lead me away from her bed but I refused. When I turned around I could see Professor McGonagall looking at me worried.

"You need to go back to your dormitory, Ms. Jackson." I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have let her go alone to the library." I said angry, more to myself.

"There's nothing you can do at the moment, Jackson. Professor Sprout will be able to help her as soon as the Mandrakes are ready."

"I won't leave her!" I exclaimed coldly. I could hear her sighting. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, please go back to your dormitory." Slowly, they left. Then she turned in my direction again. "Ms. Jackson, I know there is something bothering you for quite a long time now. I think it's time to tell the truth." She looked sternly and worried at the same time but I couldn't really concentrate on what she was saying.

"I should have prevented the attacks! There have been attacks like this fifty years ago."

"How do you know this?" She sounded very surprised but I ignored her.

"I should have seen the connections right away. It has all to do with my father!" Suddenly, there was a loud bang as the door opened and in rushed Severus and Dumbledore. He closed the door behind him again and nodded at Madame Pomfrey who sat in a corner at her desk.

"Ms. Jackson, I must ask you to go to your common room now." I'd never heard Dumbledore so worried.

"I will not leave her. She's in danger!" I exclaimed angrily. Dumbledore watched me closely with an unreadable expression. "Severus, I think you need to talk to her."

"Why should she listen to him?" Professor McGonagall was mustered now.

"Because he's my dad." I spoke quietly but very clear so that Dumbledore understood me. I looked at him gloomy. I could see that Professor McGonagall looked confused and I earned a warning look from Severus but I ignored him.

"That's enough, Jackson." He tried to warn me again but I continued ignoring him, still starring at Dumbledore.

"I. Will. Not. Leave. Her!" I emphasized every word.

"Arya, I have the feeling that you know more than you are willing to say." Dumbledore stated and I laughed shortly.

"Really?! How surprising." I rolled my eyes provocative. Now Severus stepped forward, earning a strange look from Professor McGonagall again.

"Ms. Jackson, I think it's time to calm down. I will escort you back to your common room now." He looked stern and I returned his gaze darkly.

"I told you, I won't leave Hermione. She's a muggleborn and as we know muggleborns aren't really safe these days. Whoever did this might come back."

"Jackson, I can assure you that she will be protected by Madame Pomfrey." He tried to convince me.

"You don't understand! I have to be the one to protect her." I sounded slightly helpless now whilst they looked surprised.

"Why do you think that?" Dumbledore asked me with furrowed eyebrows. I didn't answer him.

"You are feeling remorse." Severus stated surprised and I raised my head slightly in surprise. "You think she's here because of you." Now the three Professors were watching me carefully and I gulped.

"Tell me, what have you been doing with your friends?" Severus asked strictly now, watching me very closely. Professor McGonagall interfered however and spared me an answer.

"That's enough Severus, however you know this! Ms. Jackson, this is not your fault. I understand your urge to protect your friend but by staying here you cannot help Ms. Granger." She said gently. I remained still, starring at Hermione.

"Ms. Jackson, whatever you know, it's important that you tell us now." Dumbledore insisted.

"I'm sorry, but I can't" I told them quietly.

"You are protecting your friends again right? You have been doing things you are not allowed to do." Severus said matter of fact, he knew me too well. "She's here because of you, you didn't protect her." He said provocative and snapped me out of my stiffness.

"Oh don't you dare, Severus Snape!" I spat angrily, Professor McGonagall looking at us sternly.

"Well, it's true, isn't it?" His lack of emotions made me only angrier.

"That's enough Severus!" Professor McGonagall said with raised voice but he ignored her so she turned to Dumbledore who remained silent. Now she was speechless.

"Fine, I think it's my fault that she is here. And you know why? All because of my bloody father!" I almost screamed and I felt tears of anger making their way down my face.

"Your father? What does he have to do with all this?" Asked Severus quietly.

"He's the heir of Slytherin, he opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago even if everybody thinks otherwise, he's behind the attacks this year! It's my damn father who is back in Hogwarts this year!" I fumed.

"How did you find out about all this?" I remained silent and tried to gain control over myself. My whole body was shaking from anger.

"Arya, listen to me." Severus spoke gently now but I was in a state of trance, trying to calm down. Blurred, I could see him kneel in front of me and felt my hands in his. "Aryanna Jackson." He emphasized pressing slightly my hands, trying to make me look at him. Slowly, I lowered my head and met his gaze. He was worried.

"Tell me what's going on, please. I only want to help you." Gulping I looked up and saw Professor McGonagall with a flustered expression and Dumbledore watching me closely.

"Tell me." Severus insisted again. I remained silent for a while trying to concentrate myself.

"Ron found out that T.M. Riddle hat gotten an award fifty years ago for special services to the school. When Professor McGonagall told us that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened at the same time it was clear for me that my father is the true heir of Slytherin." I couldn't look Severus in the eyes so I stared at Hermione whilst he still held my hands. "Furthermore, I could feel him since I'm back this year. I sense him everywhere every time and I hate it!" Desperation dominated my voice now and I lowered it even more. "I wanted it to stop so I tried to find out where it was coming from… In Myrtle's bathroom it's very strong, I can sense death and dark magic there. Professor," I looked at Professor Dumbledore now. "Did Mourning Myrtle died in this bathroom fifty years ago?" He didn't react at first but then he glanced at Severus shortly and I knew I was right.

"Aryanna, I want you to go to your common room now!" He said with a stern look and I nodded slightly. Severus stood up now, releasing my hands and nodding once in agreement. "But first, I need to ask you if there is anything else you need to tell us. Anything." Dumbledore looked me straight in the eyes. Oh if you knew! I shook my head. "No Sir, nothing more." He kept his gaze a little longer than necessary and I knew he didn't believe me but let me leave anyway. On my way out I avoided Severus' gaze. I could hear Professor McGonagall speak to Dumbledore.

"I must ask you not to tell anyone Minerva. If Aryanna is ready, she and Severus will tell you the truth but until now I must ask you to trust me."

Some days later, Ron and Harry snuck out to go and talk with Hagrid about the Chamber of Secrets. I refused to go because I didn't want him to think that we had the same opinion. It took them a few hours and when they came back they looked awful. They told me that Cornelius Fudge and Lucius Malfoy had taken Hagrid to Azkaban and that Dumbledore had lost his post as headmaster. Then they had followed some spiders into the Forbidden Forest where they had met Aragog. They told me what he had told them. Hagrid hadn't opened the Chamber of Secrets and Aragog hadn't killed the students fifty years ago. They knew now that Mourning Myrtle was the one who had been killed.