Chereads / The Endless Dungeon / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3- Tutorial (Phase: 2)

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3- Tutorial (Phase: 2)

[Health: 100/100]

[Thirst: 100/100]

[Hunger: 100/100]

[Level: 0]

[Xp: 0/1]

[Status: Naked, Cleansing, Detoxified]

-I'd say that's probably the most I can get out of this pool. So now what?

I surveyed the area in a little bit more detail after carefully climbing out of the elevated pool. I proceeded to walk down a set of marble stairs to the stone cave floor beneath it.

[(Water of Cleansing) deactivated]

Looking back at the pool I noticed it looked a lot like an altar of some kind. It was made of polished marble bricks and the sides were engraved with many hieroglyphics and diagrams of things I couldn't understand.

I hadn't noticed many details about the area I was in until now. Though, I suppose that may be normal for someone focused on not dying.

The area I was in was kind of small. It was very much like the stereotypical cave with stalagmite and such. The most notable things about the room were the alter pool in the center of the cave and a massive double door on the opposite side from where I stood.

The double door was Humongous and made of polished marble. It had gold ring handles and was covered in shiny gold inscriptions.

-I think I'd hurt myself if trying to open that.

The only thing I could really do was look around.

-I wonder if this is like a tutorial quest or someth—?

[All (Phase: 1) tutorial requirements have been met proceeding to next phase.]

-So, this is a tutorial.

['Quest Log' Module activated]

I begin furiously looking around to see if there were a new "button" on my HUD. I felt supremely self-conscious doing that. It felt cringy to use my videogame knowledge now that it had become a reality.

To my surprise, there weren't any new "buttons" on my HUD.

-Maybe it's voice-activated.

"Open Quest Log!"


Even though nobody was there to hear my cringieness as far as I knew, it was still very embarrassing for me regardless.

-How the hell do I open this thing?

Immediately after thinking those words a box with an interesting UI popped up in my face. It was semi-transparent and I could see both it and what was actually in front of me quite well.

[Quest log]

[Active: Tutorial (Phase: 2)]

Wondering how to open the quest to examine it further, I tried thinking it open.

[Tutorial (Phase: 2)]

[Quest type: Boss quest]

[Success condition/s: Kill (The Holy Sacrifice)]

[Failure condition/s: Death]

[Reward: Translation (1/5), (Stat Menu) Module, (Inventory) Module, (Ability Menu) Module, (Level Up) Module]

-Wow, this really is like a videogame.

Initially, I was excited by the quest requirement, but then the reality of the situation set in as well as a looming sense of dread.

-Where is it?

Paranoia washed over me as I began to understand what I was going to have to do. I backed up against the cave wall expecting to be attacked at any moment. Needless to say, I was quite scared. Petrified even. Could you blame me? I was completely naked and unarmed.

[Health: 100/100]

[Thirst: 99/100]

[Hunger: 100/100]

[Level: 0]

[Xp: 0/1]

[Status: Naked, Terrified, Paranoid, Uncertain, Cautious]

After waiting against the cave wall for what felt like a couple of minutes. I slowly and quietly crouched down to grab a sharp stone on the ground next to me. Gripping it tightly, I slowly stood back up. Carefully stepping forward I made sure not to make any noise.

Cautiously navigating around to the other side of the pool, I was surprised not to find the boss. Flipping around, the marble stairs seemingly invited me to climb them.

-It's in the pool, isn't it?

I felt my pounding heart send vibrations throughout my body. Flexing my fingers and furrowing my brow, I slowly approach the steps.

"hhhhh" I let out a quiet sigh to alleviate some tension.

Halfway up I was startled by the lack of there being any water.

Once I reached the top of the steps I slowly leaned over to see at the bottom was a marble casket with gold trimming. It was surrounded by the last of the remaining water that was draining away into grates made from gold. At the top of the casket, there was an opening revealing the face of a rotting person reminiscent of a mummy without the toilet paper.

-I have to fight a mummy?

Too many movies had solidified the fear of mummies into me.

On further observation, I noticed that on the casket there had been a vertical ornamented protrusion planted halfway inside, right above where the mummies chest would've been.

-A sword!

But it appeared to be placed vertically into the coffin. To me, the scene seemed like the start of a bootleg King Arthur movie, but something told me it wasn't intended to be pulled out.

Leaning back into a normal stance I thought to myself.

-How am I supposed to get down there?

Stepping back, I turned around and carefully walked back down the steps.

-What now? What would I do If this were a movie?

"pfft. As If I didn't already know."

Slightly chuckling I begin looking for a secret button at the base of the stairs.


"hmmm." I rubbed my chin quizzically.

After quite a while of searching, I still hadn't found a button. I was on the verge of giving up on searching for one.

-I should've known movie tropes wouldn't work in rea— Wait. Found it.

Pressing down on the marble button, I heard from the other side of the pool the sound of a contraption turning and marble blocks grinding against each other.

Walking back around the pool to the steps, I witnessed as the stairs inverted revealing an opening leading down to the bottom. Standing on the topmost stair I could see into the newly formed passage.

I picked up the sharp rock I had set down and gripped it tightly. Holding it up above my head, I was prepared for a fight if the situation called for it. Despite that, I was still quite scared.

I slowly walked down the stairs and approached the casket in front of me.

Looking at the "person" in front of me was disturbing, to say the least.

Its skin was white and thick. It was as if multiple layers of Its skin kept growing and growing but never fell off. Its lips were punctured by pearly white teeth, yet its lips perfectly conformed around them as if it weren't punctured at all. Its lips were massive and brown, many layers of skin could be seen peeling off of them in flaky chunks. Its eyes were forced shut by bloated layers of skin. The worst part hands down was its scalp. it was falling apart from the light breeze revealing long strands of brown that were hair trapped underneath the flakey mass.

It was immediately clear to me that these were the effects of prolonged exposure to the water. I at first thought it was an undead mummy but observing it up close and knowing the effects of the water I knew that this person had never died.

-This is terrible.

I teared up slightly, knowing full well what I was going to have to do next. Yet, my emotions were debilitating my ability to do it. I didn't know whether or not this was the right thing to do.

-Its okay. It's a boss. All bosses are evil in videogames.

I tried convincing myself that what I was doing was okay. I didn't succeed in doing so.

Reaching out, I wrapped my hands around the base of the blades handle. Closing my eyes, I let out one long sigh while I prepared my conscious for the evil I was about to commit.

[Health: 100/100]

[Thirst: 92/100]

[Hunger: 97/100]

[Level: 0]

[Xp: 0/1]

[Status: Naked, Disgusted, Uncertain, Sympathetic, In Denial]