Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 99 - Brute Force 6

Chapter 99 - Brute Force 6

The attack of the wind paladin was quite a powerful one and it may even go head to toe with my most powerful attack I had in my arsenal beside 'Deeep Blue Impact' and that was my 'Wave Breaker'.

"If you really want to kill me you have to go for the head.

But what do I know ,I'm just showing off."


The smile that this man showed to them brought the commander and the paladins no warmth at all, but only managed to a sense of danger.

When the man first arrived he looked like a mad beat that would trample everything on his path , but now...


The man's bloody apperance and that disgusting smile that made fun of them definitely looked like some of the depictions on the walls of the church.

" What happened to you. Did you become mesmerized at my apperance?



'What the hell is he talking about? Did the attack from before mess with his head and that's why he is making no sense?'



The two sides just stared at each other but no one made a move.

The commander and the paladins seemed to have lost their purpose for fighting but the didn't let their guard down.

"If you really are an ally as the commander said then why did you barge in the camp so brazenly?

Don't you know that this is punishable by death?"



"Why are you laughing."

The water paladin shouted.

"Don't you realize that people are dying every second on that wall to protect the city and you instigate fights as you please?

You are a disgrace for every elementlist who are fighting tooth and nail with their lives at stake."

"Oh really?

Then tell me 'paladin', what have you done for this city in the meantime.

Let's me guess..


"What did you say?"

The wind paladin stopped him.

"Stop. There is no more reason to fight.


I'm afraid that you still have to come with us."


The man's face became serious.

" I've had enough of your meddling.

Munnji come here."



Someone landed heavily beside the man.

' It's a beastfolk? '


" Took you long enough."

"Yeah well I didn't want to get caught up in your anger ,so I just waited for you to calm down."

"Doesn't matter.

Have you brought what I asked?"

"Yes It's all wrapped up , nice and tight. The slaves are bringing it right now."

As Munnji finished his words the minotaur came over holding something on his shoulder which was wrapped up in a black cloth.


The minotaur bowed towards me and then put the thing down at my feet.

All this time the commander,the paladins and the soldiers just looked at the thing the minotaur brought.

I looked at the commander.

"How about we make a trade? "

"A trade? What trade?"

"Oh just I'll give you something and in turn you forget about this whole thing.

What do you say?"


You think that you can bribe your way out of this?


I'm sorry, but that won't work.

I'm grateful for your help today , but even I don't have that kind of power."

"Hahahaha , is that so?"


Munnji smiled to the bafflement of all.

"You know I have an acquaintance that is a merchant and do you know what he told me?

He told me that if you are offered to trade something never say no before seeing what is being traded.

So, take a look."

*Whoosh* *Bam*

I kicked the thing towards the commander.

"What are you wanting for. Open it."


The commander was looking at the thing the man kicked over.

It was something about two meters long and 50 wide . The commander wasn't sure what it really was , but he had a pretty good idea from the smell.

He squated down and unwrapped the thing carefully and as he expected , it was a corpse.

He looked up at the man.

"What's the meeting of this?"

"No meaning. I'm going to trade 'that' for my pardon."

"Is this a joke.? You want to trade a corpse ?"

"Tsk tsk, why don't you take a closer look at it. You may find you two are acquaintances."


*Tremble tremble *


The commanders eyes widened and his mouth remained open , but nothing came out of it.

It seemed like he was being choocked by an invisible figure.

"Hey, what happened?

Why are you acting like this?

Hey ,hey are you listening ?"

The wind paladin was shouting at the commander , but the later did not respond. He seemed to have retreated inside his own world.

' this..

He managed to kill this guy only by himself?'

The commander had finally recognized the dead body. It was the elementalist who sneak attacked him on the was and then almost killed him.

"You have my word.

You are free from any accusation."


The two paladins were shocked.

' What just happened for him to pardoned him so fast?

Is this a dream?'