Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 94 - Brute Force 1

Chapter 94 - Brute Force 1

"You will pay for your insolence."

I was angry almost at the point of madness . These two fu*kers have really kidnapped Rosela and I was not sure , but they may also have Naga.

' Those two are definitely elementlists and from what I saw they were jumping effortlessly on the roofs of the buildings and I suspected them to be wind elementlists. Their footsteps were clearly light which was always an indication of the elementalist be being a wind type.

Damnit why did this have to happen right now? With the war going on it seemed that my enemies had become bolder.'


This is not good. The longer they keep Rosela in there the more the chances of them killing her increased.

' I have to act right now and do a surprise attack on them ,but there are to many variables.

I need some help. '



Inside the house.


The inside of the house was dark. It seemed like this room didn't have any windows as no sunlight entered here. The only source of light was a thick candle that was on the table in the middle of the room.

Right beside the table was a wooden chair and tied to it was a woman with long read hair that cascaded down her shoulders to her back. Her body was slim with a tiny waist and long legs. Her face was that of a beautiful maiden but her eyes were closed and brows furrowed and her eyelids trembled.

She was asleep by but something seemed to disturbing her .

*Turn* *Turn*

"No please...

Come back to me. Come back...




She seemed to have experienced a very bad nightmare. Her whole body was covered in sweat so much that she seemed to have been out in the rain. .

Her eyes were unfocused and red, while tears flowed down unceasingly to her red cheeks and then to her neck.

"Ha ha ha."


She was tiered and didn't seem to be able to lift a finger but she managed to just raise her head enough so she could see what was in front of her.

She raised here head and in front of her she saw two people standing , or to be more exact one human and one beastfolk.

The human seemed to be somewhat concerned about her wellbeing , but he didn't move from his spot.

The beastfolk on the other hand was just starting straight at her with hate. His slit silvery eyes released a murderous glint but he didn't attack and just stared at her without blinking.

He seemed to be waiting for something or someone.

*Tap* *Tap*

The human took two steps forward and came right in front of Rosela.

*Fshh shh*

The sound of rustling cloth was hear .

The human reached into his sleeve and took a white handkerchief .

"Here take it. Even though you are our captive you will not be harmed."


Rosela just stared at the handkerchief blankly seeming not to understand what the man was saying.

"Do you understand me?"



It seems that you are not in a good shape. You see , my friend over there is such a brute.

He dared to lay hands on a woman especially one as beautiful as you?

Tsk tsk..

If it was me I would have never hurt you."


The white, furry, wolf like beastfolk growled angrily at the man showing him numerous white sharp teeth.

"You see that ? he really has no class and is just a beast, so how about I ask you some questions and if you answer me truthfully I swear in the name of the Lord that I'll leave you and your child free."

*Tremble tremble*

Rosela's body started shaking uncontrollably and she hunched over like she was in pain.

*Rattle Rattle*


She screamed at the top of her lungs and the sound echoed over the entire house.

"Bastards.. you bastards. Give them back to me...give them back to me...

The two captors were stunned. They weren't expecting this outburst from this woman.

"Shut up."


The noise stopped.

The beastfolk had slapped Rosela so hard on the face that she had become unconchious .

A small trail of blood was coming from her mouth and her nose seemed crooked and was obviously broken.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The man shouted at the beastfolk.

"Why did you hit her huh?

Look, look what you did. You obviously broke her nose and her inner cheek seems to be bleeding. "

"She was being noisy , so I shut her up."

"You fu*ker. I only agreed to take you with me because you said you will be doing this for free and I would get all the merit.

Now tell me. How can we complete the mission if she dies before we learn what we need?

Let me tell you something right now. I don't care if this bi*h dies , but I have to get the information from her first."


"Okay , but make it quick because I'm beginning to loose my patience."