Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 52 - New Life 6

Chapter 52 - New Life 6

Two weeks after.

I had ordered another shipment of raw ore, which I refined and turned it into swords to then sell for a profit.

The production was good with us having created 50 swords during these two weeks and were producing them at a rate of 5-7 per day.

We could create them faster, but we were trying to keep the quality of the sword high so all of the subpart creations were melted and made into swords again.

With the production being steady the next problem was to find enough buyers. Opening a blacksmith shop was a solution but for me who was trying to sell a high number of swords it was not practical.

With a blacksmith shop I could sell 2-3 swords at most and the swords that were demanded would definitely be not the swords I had created.

The most possible buyers would be some sailors that would use it for self protection while in their travels to fight against pirates and with their salary they couldn't afford the high quality swords I had made.

So they would by just subpart swords of low quality.

What I needed was someone with connections and a way to move the swords without any suspicion falling onto me. I was just looking to make money and not trying to stir the end of the pond because if I did that I was sure that some unwanted individual/s would set their sights at me.

This world had magic but let that not fool you because this world was as cruel as the old one, if not crueller.

For this task I had chosen Faley. He was definitely someone with the resources to make it happen and I was sure he wouldn't waste this opportunity to make money.


The very next day I sent word to Faley threw our predetermined way. I would hand a carved token to one of the street vendors that sold different delicacies close to the Trinity Merchant Groups branch and then he would ask me if I wanted a square piece of grilled meat or a circular one.

I would answer with "give me a triangular one". After confirmation he would notify Faley but not before telling me the place and the time to meet.


5 hour later at a random restaurant.

I was sitting at a table wait while drinking some cold fruit juice when someone caught my attention. It was Faley with Gale in tow that had entered the restaurant. He didn't look around at all and just went towards the bathroom.

I waited for a while and I also followed behind them. I passed the counter where the barkeeper was sitting there with a sleepy look, but that was just a facade.

From my estimation the barkeeper was at least a first stage Elementalist.

I paid it no mind to the slight probing glances he threw my way when I passed by him and entered the bathroom.

The bathroom was just a place in the back of the restaurant that was not really connected to the restaurant but just an extension of it. It was a small building made of stone.

After I entered in front of me didn't appear the usual components of a bathroom but just a pair of staircases that spiralled down.

I took the staircase and after about 20 steps I descended into the bottom and in front of me was a straight corridor illuminated with sun stones at regular intervals.

The sun stones were the way that most wealthy people and the nobles illuminated their homes or other places, instead the peasants and other people that couldn't afford it used candles and oil lamps.

The sun stones were not really stones but crystals with a rainbow colour that radiated white light from them. They were one of the things that the Elanor Empire had little deposit of but the Eternal Light Empire had an abundance of, so most of the sun stones used were imported from the Eternal Light Empire.

I walked past two sun stones that were embedded of the wall illuminating the black hallway, but instead of walking to the end I paused between the 2nd and 3rd sun stones and started feeling the left side of the wall with my hand.

After 30 seconds I found the bulge and pressed it inwards.


As soon as I did that a hidden door opened and I went inside without looking back.


"Hello Mr Faley, it seems that I need your help yet again."

Inside the room was Faley sitting at a simple wooden table with Gale standing to his side as usual.

"It's great to see you again so soon Mr Hunter.

After the last time I thought that you would stay away so that you wouldn't bring any more unwanted attention towards you but here you are."

"True, but I have a good offer for you."

"Oh, is it to sell some more blood core because I will by all the ones you have on hand."

"Well, no but it is something we could definitely profit from."

I took the sword I had hanging from my hip and unsheathed it in a fluid motion.



Gale was alarmed with me unsheathing a sword in front of Faley and got in between us.

"Relax I'm not going to attack you I'm just showing you the merchandise.

Here, take it."

I handed the sword to Gale who then showed to Faley.

"This looks like a good sword but why are you showing me this? Are you looking to sell it?

If you are I'm sorry to tell you that even this looks like a very good steel sword its worth only around 300 kils and I'm sure you wouldn't waste my time would you?"

"Of course not!

I know that you are a busy man so let me tell me my offer.

I'm in possession of many swords and I would like to sell them, without anyone knowing."

Foley's face became serious.

"How many swords do you have?"

"For now I have about 50 swords and you can expect a steady stream of 30 swords a week.

So what do you say?"

"Hmm, it's a good offer but I'm not sure. Will you let me think it over?"


You can keep the sword to make some test of its quality and you can be sure to expect the same from all my swords."

I stood up.

"Thanks again for meeting me in such a short notice, but I have to leave now so I bid you a good day."

After that I left and did a little walk around the city before heading home.