Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 27 - Entering the City and Muffled Cries 2

Chapter 27 - Entering the City and Muffled Cries 2

After parting ways with the merchant me and Munnji decided to look for a place to eat something.

We walked slowly in the wide cobblestone paved slowly trying not to miss anything. We started at anything that peeked our interest , especially the people.The majority of them were humans with beastfolk numbering less than 1/10 of the entire population.the beastfolk were seen doing hard manual labor in contrast to the humans who seemingly did les demanding job's.

This is consistent with what Munnji told me about the beastfolk being discriminated in this continent.

The were mostly non natives of this continent , slaves of war that were dragged from their homes and then they were sold of to people who used them to do their dirty and dangerous jobs , getting in return just a meter amount of food day after day until they died.

This was also reflected when the merchant asked me for Munnji's name and not Munnji himself ,thinking that Munnji was my personal slave.

When Munnji told me about this the first time I was very concerned about the problems that would arise if Munnji entered the city. He would definitely be discriminated just because he was a beastfolk, so we decided to go with the story that Munnji was indebted to me because I saved him from some dangerous beast a long time ago and to pay that debt he decide to help me in my journey.

It was not that much of a credible story , but that would do for now.


We walked down the streets looking at the houses which looked like the ones in Earth. The architecture was very similar to XVll century Europe . From house to house there was not that much in common ,looking like all had been built by a different person. The were red and yellow in colour with some blue seen rarely.

Me and Munnji decided to stop in a building that had a picture of a roasted animal in a sign above it. It was a restaurant/bar in one of the more quiet streets which were packed with people to the brim.

We sat at a table at the corner of the place and waved at the waitress that was serving another table.

She saw me waving my hand and shouted that she would be right with us.

We waited for five minutes until she came to our table to take our order.

"Good day .

What can I bring you?"

She was a woman in her early twenties with a baby face , long black hair tied in a bun and wearing a blue color uniform with a white apron.

"We are not from these parts so we don't know the cousine . Can you recommend us something?"

"Certainly . We have fresh grilled fish , fish soup .."

I stopped her.

"Stop. Can you recommend us something that is not made with fish?"

I was so feed up with eating fish 5 times a week for the last year that I didn't want to eat any fish dish

for a long time.

" Well we also have the vegetable and mushroom soup , the roasted maki, fried rice …"

She ranted the name of a dozen different dishes ,most of which I didn't know so I chose the ones that I

heard before from Munnji. We each got the vegetable mushroom soup and their homemade bread accompanied with some type of cheese.

After we got our order we started to talk about what our next move was.

" The only money that we have is the money we took from the bandits and it's not that much. We definitely have to find a way to make money fast."

"You're right Munnji ,we have to earn some money fast but before we have to register at the city hall for a identification plate then permanent residency."

We ate our meal slowly while deciding our best course of action.

We finally decided to first get our identification plates and then look for a job before our money runs out . We decided to look for an ordinary job first so not to arouse any suspicion from the city guards .

After 30 minutes we finished our meal and left , but not before asking the waitress for a reasonable price inn . She recommended us to go to an inn not far away that was called Sleepy Sailor. It was an inn that was usually frequented by sailors that came to the city for one or two days which was the time the merchant ships they worked in stayed at the port.


Munnji and I were walking to the inn we would be staying tonight walking slowly trying to digest the huge amount of food we had eaten when I heard something.

I turned towards Munnji and asked.

"Do you hear that?"

"Yea, it sounds like..

Munnji wasn't able to finish his words because I imediately ran.