Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 14 - Making Friends 2

Chapter 14 - Making Friends 2

Three weeks has now passed since I found the river in the north and decided to make it my temporary hunting ground.

Every day I would wake up early in the morning wash my face to get the drowsiness of , and ate breakfast.

My everyday breakfast consisted of fish grilled inconsistently on a stick and some fruit I collected in the forest a day before.

I first cut of the fish's head in one swing with my sturdy cleaver, gutted it, cleaned it and then grilled it on a stick above a fire. The fish leftovers were thrown in the backyard close to the orange that now looked grander than ever before.

It had grown at least one more meter and expanded its crown to more than double than before. It had also made its thorns longer and robust, looking very intimidating as a tree.

My appetite had increased exponentially and that meant I had to eat more and more food every day. The fish and fruits were good and all but I wanted more variety and that was why I decided to hunt more variety of prey.

My first target was a kind of deer that was two meters tall with green fur , three horns two curved backwards and one in the forehead in a 45 degree angle.

I would first wear a self made camouflage outfit made of different types of shrubbery to blend in with the surroundings and then approach them slowly as to not get their attention. I would move slowly through the tall grass stopping as soon as they raised their heads and moving again when they put their heads down and started to eat.

When I was close enough I would immediately spring in attack building momentum by running as fast as I could and when I felt I had momentum enough threw a javelin that was longer and slightly smaller in girth to my previous ones.

The deer scattered as soon as they saw me dispersing into different directions escaping unscathed most of the times ,but I didn't need to succeed every time.

1 in 15 attempts were successful, meaning I had enough meat to last me at least four days even with my increased appetite. It would last me even longer but with my limited knowledge of butchering I wasted quite a lot if meat in the process.

With the dear creatures horn that was situated in the forehead I fashioned other javelins, these ones shorter than my main spear.

These spears were created to kill another type of creature I had encountered during this time and that was a mushroom boar.

It was a boar like creature of 2.5 m tall 6 meters in length that had growing on its fur different types of mushrooms with different types of sizes and colours. It had six tusks with different sizes and lengths making its face a natural battering ram.

I would never, ever wish to face it head on because the only outcome would be me becoming a bloody corpse, and that was putting it lightly.

I would ambush this behemoth when it was asleep attacking him from distance with my new javelins. The javelin would strike the sleeping boar in its hind leg leaving a small wound, but that was my intention.

The boar would wake up in a rage looking for its aggressor and when it found me it rushed over like a bulldozer taking away with it everything in its path.

When the boar rushed over I would immediately run for the nearest tree hiding from the boars rage, but that wouldn't stop its frenzied rush. It would hit the tree with all its force making it shake slightly and also breaking of some of its bark with its humongous tusks, but nothing serious for the tree.

I then would circle around the tree going into another direction where I strategically placed another javelin ,picked it up and threw it at the boar again .

I repeated this several times targeting mostly its legs hoping to lessen its mobility as much as possible .Essentially I was like a matador with a bull, but in this case it was a huge boar.

Finally when the boar was almost exhausted I would bait it one last time, taking it to a trap I had made especially for it.

I had dug a shallow whole 10 cm deep and 2 m wide, lined it up with sharp spikes pointed upwards. It was a simple but effective trap.

The trap was not far about 30 meters away making it a distance I could cross safely before the boar cached up to me.

I jumped above the trap, but the boar fell straight into it.

Hook, line, and sinker.

The boar didn't die from that little damage, but with me attacking its legs repeatedly and it falling into the trap, it had now lost all of its mobility, making it an easy prey.

While it was still dazed from falling into the trap I took the last of my javelins which was strapped to my back and rushed towards it. I did not aim for its body that was covered with a thick hide but for its soft vulnerable eyes.

I stabbed the javelin deeply into its eye and gave it a strong twist making the boar squeal loudly almost rupturing my eardrum. After doing this I immediately let go of the javelin and retreated leaving the boar dying slowly.

After I killed the boar I immediately absorbed it earning a huge amount of energy, but this was not my real goal .My goal was that I wanted to fashion leather armour from the boars thick hide making up for my lack of any defensive gear.

I took the boars hide easily after the absorption and took it to my house to tan it.

In the third week the weather was not that good with heavy rain falling for most of the day making going out just a hassle.

During that time I just stayed indoors, mostly improving my skills and attributes, this time using the interface to raise my stats instead of raising them slowly by gradually, because that type of training had stopped showing results.

They stats were now very close to the peek a human being could achieve.


Nicolas Hunter

















Thrust lv 5

Lunge forward with any type of pointed weapon to cause maximum damage.

Side Sweep lv 3

Move your weapon in a large ark horizontally in front of you for maximum AOE damage.

Downwards Strike lv3

Move your weapon in a large ark vertically down in front of you for maximum damage.

Side Roll lv4

Roll in the ground to avoid any attack coming your way.

Throw lv5

Propel your weapon of choice in the air with a movement of the arm and hand to cause maximum pinpoint damage

Jump lv3

Push yourself off a surface and into the air by using the muscles in your legs and feet.

Parry lv2

Ward of a weapon or attack with a countermove.

Side Step lv3

Avoid an attack coming your way by stopping sideways.

Swimming lv3

Propel yourself through the water with the use of your limbs.

Running lv4

Move fast on land with the use of your legs.

Carving lv2

Cut a hard material in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.


The rain finally stopped last night, meaning that today was hunting day. I prepared myself for a normal day of hunting, but that was not meant to be.

When I went to the edge of the crater I suddenly noticed something off.It was a humanoid creature that appeared motionless in the ground.

I cautiously approached it, and when I was 1 meter away I was surprised.

"A monkey?"

It was a hairy monkey that was wounded.

It's left arm bleeding while it's right arm was holding tightly the javelin that was stolen.