Chereads / Offworld / Chapter 3 - Home away from home

Chapter 3 - Home away from home

In the depth of a forest in an unknown land which is full of life, animals have begun to wake up.

The morning dew is sliding slowly down the leaf of what appears to be a gigantic tree, and finally after a long time down to the ground, being absorbed by the soil.

That tree is just one of the countless trees around it which from a primordial forest, untouched by human hands, and exactly in that forest a predator is looking for today's meal.

It is a huge beast about two meters tall and five meters long. It has a slim build like a panther but it's tail is a lot shorter and with black spikes protruding from it .The spiked tail looks very dangerous and possibly venomous but it is nothing in comparison with its huge razor sharp teeth that look like they can turn a rock into pebbles and it's curved ten cm sharp claws that can gut a man like gutting a fish.

The beast is stalking a group of what looks like deer but just bigger and instead of antlers in their head they have three horns, two curved backwards and another one in their forehead like a unicorn's horn. They are also green in colour but it is hard to say if is their natural colour or it is the moss that is growing in their fur.

It is approaching them slowly while blending in with the tall foliage of the trees, waiting for the opportunity to pounce and kill its prey in one fell swoop.

After about 1 minute opportunity presents itself.

The huge panther tenses his muscles making them about to explode with power until they reach their limit, and then it pounces.

The panther is like a grey bolt of lightning coming down on the unsuspecting deer, taking down the closest one to it by breaking its neck in one bite, and hitting another one close to its first victim with the tail covered in gruesome spikes.

As soon as the deer saw the panther killing one of their own they scattered in all directions while jumping, but the panther seemed uninterested in them, seemingly content with the pray it had caught.

It carefully moved the deer carcass up the tree and after that it started sniffing the air as if it was looking to find something. After a while it turned towards one direction, unhurriedly, not anymore under the cover of the tree foliage, but on the ground.

After ten minutes it came across another one of the deer like creatures, but this one was on the ground and breathing heavily. It was the one that the panther hit with its tail before .The deer looked fine with the exception of two small puncture wounds in its right hind leg, but it couldn't move at all.

The deer was poisoned by the spiked tail of the painter when it was hit earlier. The poison seemed to not be a very strong one because it looked like the deer was slowly regaining its strength but not fast enough.

The panther approached slowly, not in any rush to kill this prey in front of it, and also in alert of any other predator of this forest which would make him into its next meal.

After a careful probing of the surroundings it decided to go for the kill, but it was not meant to be, and as they say, every deer has his day .Then this was this deer's day.

Right at that moment like a meteor from the sky, a blue sphere was approaching the primordial forest very fast. It looked like a glass ball with a diameter of 30 meters that would flatten everything it landed on.

*BANG* *BOOOM* *Rumble*

The blue meteor fell in the eastern side of the forest launching in the air tones and tones of soil, rock and trees which shoot out in all directions like shrapnel killing everyone in the vicinity of the crash.

Birds rouse to the air in a panic dispersing in all directions.

Right after all the land animals also began to run in a panic and in no time there was a stampede of various animals.

There were animals being stomped to death right and left without mercy, but the other animals had only one thing in their minds and that was to get as far as possible from that noise.


After some time the blue ball was visible again after the clearing of the dust and smoke .It was intact.

It stood there in the crater it had created, unmoving but emitting from it an overwhelming aura. The crater it had created had a diameter of 4 km with a depth of 15 m. Around it was the molten earth that had already solidified .It was charred black with some places that looked like different metals molten and cooled down again.


After some time that can't be really known, our MC woke up in a daze. He looked up to see if what he had seen was just an illusion but what he saw made him more frightened. He or more specially, his house was surrounded by a dome of blue.

"What the fuck is going on. What the hell is this? What the hell is this!?"

He shouted but there was no one to answers him.

He was frightened by what was happening, but not really knowing anything he decided to head to the edge of the dome.

He touched the seemingly glass like dome because of curiosity, but more because he felt that there was something inside him that told him it was not dangerous. That feeling felt like an instinct deeply rooted in his soul.

Just after he touched it the blue dome disappeared without a trace and in his view came a deep hole.

He just stood there aghast with his mouth open and eyes bulged trying to understand something, but his mind couldn't comprehend anything.

After 1 minute of staring he took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Where in the devil's hairy balls is this place."

Naturally he didn't receive an answer but just heard his voice echoing and that just made him even angrier.

He took another good look around him to maybe find something but, nada, zilch, nothing.

After anger there came fear, and after fear came worry, and lastly he was washed over by the feeling of not giving a shit anymore.

"Fu*k this shit, I'm out."

And then he gave up trying to understand what was happening and just went to sleep.