It was almost as if the foundation of an entire village had crumbled into pieces. Sando Tetsuya, the Sage of Takamoto, was missing. The morning was bleak, to say the least, and it was as if the villagers' had their spirits taken away from them. Knowing that they won't be able to do anything, since the Tetsuya brothers, who were her grandsons, Shiroma and Murai, were out of the rig, for training purposes.
Sando Tetsuya was the woman, who had established Takamoto. She was more than 100 years in age but was healthy as ever. The village worshipped her as one having the wisdom of the highest value, yet she never carried an ego. Her character was perfect, and the adults strived to replicate their behaviors more like Sando.
Nakamoto village was a part of the 7th Rig. All 'Rigs' are a part of a larger empire called Ronokimura. The 7th Rig was by far the most developed and progressive. The Only reason why it was that way, was Sando Tetsuya's existence.
The people suspected that some bandits were the ones responsible for the trouble, but little did they know who it actually was.