Looking at his savings, the beard decided he did not have enough spirit stones to save the world. His plan was simple: to save the world, and then destroy it, several months later.
But he still did not have enough spirit stones to do either. So, he would start a business.
"Magic Formations and Bad Advice Shop" opened without further ado.
One the first day, he had zero customers.
On the second day, he removed the "Bad Advice" part of the sign, and he had one customer.
On the third day, he added "Free advice" to th ane sign, and he had five customers.
On the fourth day, he ran away with his customer's (who was a cultivator) spirit stones, only to get caught and time travel back to the first day.
On the first day, he changed the pricing to spirit stones and changed "Bad advice" to "free advice" and got eight new customers, three of which he pickpocketed their spirit stones and hid them in his item ring.
On the second day, he ran up to the first customer and handed them a spirit stone and ran away before the customer noticed he nicked his item ring. After that, he changed his illusion so that he looked like an attractive lady. After which, his business skyrocketed. Three hundred customers per day. He was rich! Wowee!