"Honey," a seventeen year old girl in her school uniform exclaimed with a cheeky smile, "How does that sound?" she asked, placing her hands on the shoulders of a boy around the same age.
The young Weimin wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her a little closer to give a small peck on her nose, "Hmm...It's sweet indeed."
She giggled a little and spoke softly, "Then I would call you Honey for the rest of our lives."
He chuckled in return, "Honey is sweet and your voice is sweet, what if I get diabetes in the end if you call that with your sweet voice forever?"
She slapped his shoulder playfully, "Then I would get you an insulin shot. So just shut up."
"Yes ma'am."
"By the way you should give me a name too. A name, that belongs to us. Only us," she snuggled into his arms and looked into his eyes.
"Hmm...Good idea. If I am your Honey then you would be …. My Teddy. Yes, my Teddy."
"Eww why would you call me a teddy?"