Have you ever thought how you would love to be super lucky or how it sucks to be unlucky all the time well being neither is worse.
I've never had any bad luck my family is nice were pretty well off money wise but I've never been lucky I'm still a virgin even though I'm 18! My life is boring nothing interesting ever happens I just go to school come home go to school etc... this is my life.
my name is Scott I live with my parents and little brother I just finished grade 11 and now in grade 12 I've had a few girlfriends but it never worked out I have a few good friends my life was pretty dull until I got possessed ya that was fun let me tell you how.
ps:this wasnt really a chapter more of explaining things also if people actually enjoy my writing, please comment so I'll put more chapters, out rn im doing it bc I have a good imagination and im bored.