Chereads / The Heroes’ Reincarnation / Chapter 17 - The Witch

Chapter 17 - The Witch

The two explored the forest for another two hours. Akiol then stopped moving and said, "I think it's about time we split up. I still want to find the rest of the party."

Wrock nodded, "We can visit the other villages with the random teleport scrolls. Contact if you find anyone."

Saying their farewells the two used their teleport scrolls. Akiol found himself back in Red Bush Village. He figured he could explore around here too. Since he found a mysterious sword near Yellow Stalk what else could he find?

Akiol used the sword spin technique to find a direction to go towards. Following the direction he came across some players.

"This area is closed off, move along!"

Akiol needn't cause pointless conflict. The players weren't cocky or anything. They simply stated what they believed to be a fact, so Akiol had no issue. He waved at them and moved towards the right.

A couple hundred meters and he found more players.

"No access beyond this point, carry on elsewhere!"

Odd, are they protecting an L shaped area?

Akiol had no issues going towards the right again, so he did. Another hundred meters and he found another set of players.

"Sorry, this area is claimed, please move on."

While Akiol was frustrated that he was stopped again, the players were polite though, so this time he went left.

Akiol kept encountering players. It was beginning to be annoying.

What he didn't realize was that by changing directions each time he encountered a player he somehow wormed his way in the thing they were guarding.

It was a hut, with a small team of players guarding the entrance. Akiol approached them, intending to ask directions to another place. Just as he was about to speak one player ordered, "Scram!"

Akiol frowned, this was extremely rude compared to the other players.

So Akio asked, "Do you know where I should head to?"

"Hmph, clearly you don't know the meaning of scram. So I give you two choices, leave or die."

That line was so familiar... Ah yes it was the first players he came across. The same ultimatum, the same tone of voice. But the person looked different.

"You wouldn't happen to be part of Moon's Shadow would you all?" Akiol asked.

"Ha! Part of those clowns? Never, we are Sword Truth. Those Moon's Shadow freaks can't compare to us!" A player responded.

"Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. But I came across many players that told me to go away, and I eventually ended up here. So where can I-" before Akiol could finish his sentence a player readied his weapon and shouted.

"So you ignored our warnings and entered this area anyway!?"

"No, I just-"

"That's it, kill him!"

This was entirely unreasonable! Who were these people and why were they so unwilling to understand??

"There's no need for this. . ." Akiol tried to calm them down.

"Nonsense, charge!"

Akiol immediately pulled out his sword and jumped back, scanning the players. There were three, two warriors and a priest. The priest would be a problem. Akiol was certain he wouldn't be able to insta-kill any of the players due to their armor. So Akiol charged forth.

One of the warriors to Akiol's right swung towards Akiol's head. Akiol ducked and sliced his kneecap. Spinning he kicked the other warriors leg causing them to stumble.



Playing a small game of leapfrog Akiol used [Leap] towards the priest, who had already healed the two warriors. Akiol used a good old fashioned rider kick and landed it squarely on the priests chest.


The priest fell flat and Akiol finished them off by stabbing their neck.

A fantastic piece of news. Akiol twisted and saw the two warriors already charging at him, swinging their swords in unison.

"You dare!?"

Ignoring the angry remarks Akiol met their blades.


Akiol's strength couldn't match up to two warriors strength and was pushed back. Digging his feet into the ground he gained enough grip to free himself. Taking several steps back to gain his distance. As of late the enemies that were players were highly inexperienced, but Akiol was still held back by the vast difference in strength. Regardless he grasped an understanding of their capabilities, this fight wasn't going to be painstaking.

Akiol charged forward, the two attacked again but Akiol slid under the strikes. After sliding behind them Akiol spun and stabbed one in the back.


Seeing the low damage Akiol decided that he needed a better weapon, he still had the base sword from the slime king.

Akiol pushed the player effectively releasing his sword. He then swung toward the other warrior, who blocked the attack.

Akiol quickly stepped back. He barely managed to get damage done and the two were not giving up.

Time to step things up. Akiol used Aura Boost: Speed, and started to glow a faint yellow. Using the boost in speed he rushed towards the players, who both were surprised by the sudden increase in speed.

Akiol swung towards one of the warriors neck, which the warrior attempted to block out of panic. This attack was a feint however, and Akiol pulled the sword towards him and stabbed at the warriors neck. Effectively killing them. That left one warrior.

The other warrior was a fearful, but stood their ground. Akiol sighed at this and, through some skillful slices, dispatched the final warrior.

Akiol absorbed his sword and sighed. If only they were willing to talk. He then turned his attention towards the hut. He walked towards the door and knocked.

"I told you I don't talk to you or your kind!" A croaky voice sounded.

Akiol responded, "What do you mean you or your kind?"

"You humans, elves, beasts and dwarves. I hate the lot of you!"

"I'm not any of those though."

"Nonsense! You speak like them, so you must be one of them!"

Akiol then manipulated his body under the door. Forming himself on the other side.

"I am a slime, surely you have no qualms against my kind?"

"You dare intrude! But you are right, I have no qualms against the silent slimes. However haven't most of you gone underground?"

"I am one of the few who have came to the surface."

"Interesting. . . how very interesting." The croaky voice belonged to an old woman, she could be described as a witch. In fact her hut looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale. She clicked her tongue, turning to Akiol she then asked, "So what is it you want? Immortal life? Perhaps a deadly poison?"

Akiol could feel some sweat gathering, he quickly responded.

"No, no. I was interested in what the other people were guarding. I do not want anything."

"Have you killed them?"

"Well. . . yes."

She cackled to herself.

"Serves them right! They have been bothering me for days!" She then looked towards here shelf full of various jarred items. "I suppose I should reward you hm hm!"

Akiol refused, "As much as I would like something, I didn't do much in the first place."

"Hmm, the first thing to ever decline a reward from a witch."

"I beg your pardon?"

The witch then turned towards Akiol and asked,

"Do you know anything about witches?"