Dr.geulimja POV;
It was a Saturday afternoon and i was in a café with 3 of my friends:'Kaylen','Josh' and 'allegseu'. We were all talkin' about that whole myth thin' but i wasn't really interested in it but i listened anyways,but my friends soon decided to plan on goin' in the forest tonight to try and find "The cryin' girl". Pfffft...it's probably just a joke to try and trick me but they asked me to come and I only agreed to come because i wanted to see what would happen.
"Sigh, it's only midnight and i have to go meet my friends at the gates of the forest".
I'd say this under my breath as I'm packin' a bottle of water and a jacket just in case it rains.I run as fast as I can so that i can join my friends as they walk through the pitch black forests whilst they all hold on to their flashlights.