(A/N: Another long one, but I just loved to write it. Next ones will be shorter. I think. Most likely. Who knows...)
As Mew left, Ahsoka quickly went inside and found the younglings, staring outside in confusion. They had no clue what was happening, as some of their masters had left to protect the others.
"Come her younglings. It isn't safe in the temple anymore."
Standing behind Ahsoka were Aldos, Kaara and Voro. As the latter were of the Togruta race, presumably, the younglings didn't feel any hesitation at coming near them. They were witha Jedi after all.
"Follow me quickly. Once we are outside we will meet up with a friend of mine who can get us out. Kaara, Voro, could you to get to the holocron vault and salvage as many of them as you can? I don't want the holocrons to fall into the wrong hands."
Kaara and Voro nodded and disappeared faster than the eye could see, stunning Ahsoka with their speed.
While Ahsoka and Aldos were gathering up the younglings and the few Jedi that had remained in the temple, Kaara and Voro had arrived at the holocron vault. It was stacked in a giant hallway, hundreds of thousands of holocrons decroating the shelves and wallls.
"Kaara, you take the left side, I will take the right. If we do it right, we can gather them within ten minutes."
Voro said as he took out multiple time space bags.
Kaara did the same and they got to work.
In ten minutes, they had gathered not only the holocrons, but also emptied the rooms that had all the necessities for lightsabre making and other important facilities.
Having done their job, they returned to Ahsoka, the only thoughts in their mind to get some praise from their creator for a job well done.
While the younglings were gathered around and the important articles were being collected, Mew had arrived in the room of Palpatine. He had returned to his original form, but around him were more than a few dozen ghost type pokemon.
These were the few that had played with him and Anakin when he was in this world.
Once they heard what had happened, one pokemon in particular had been very adamant in coming along.
This pokemon was Mimikyu.
It had become good friends with Anakin, even if it was one sided.
So when he had heard about the basterd that had almost turned Anakin crazy, a mean streak of viciousness was born inside of Mimikyu. He had gathered a lot of his ghost type friends, Haunter, Ghastly, Gengar, Litwik, Lampent and even a few of the Yamask evolutionary line.
There were a few more that were helping, though they were a bit more laid back, more to the point of haunting the target than killing them. The latter being what Mimikyu had in mind.
Having shared their less vicious plans with Mew, Mew didn't mind at all, leaving the taks to the ghost types.
Mew didn't really like being near the palpatine guy at all, so this was a blessing. This way he could find the Skywalker children while his descendants dealt with the Sith. Truly an win-win situation for him.
As Mew left, Mimikyu smiled widely, his cloth showing a tear from which pure darkness and madness was seen. Palpatine had just ordered the clones on Coruscant to engage the temple Jedi, so he had become a little more laid back now that his plans were on the verge of fruition.
He had not even noticed the temperature in the room slowly lowering. Only when his breath could be seen did he notice the slight formation of ice starting to form on the windows.
A shiver crept up his spine as haunting giggle could be hear all around him.
"Show yourself!"
Palpatine snarled, as lighting formed on his wrinkled hands.
Shadows elongated, showing vicious grinning faces on the ground.
Bloody hands swiped along the walls, leaving trails behind as the walls seemed to visibly age.
The lighting in the room took on a purple color, as it danced to an unfelt wind.
And appearing in front of Palpatine was a worn out doll from a yellowish mouse. The color was faded, with the face painted on as if the one who made it had run out of thread.
Having no clue as to how this cloth appeared on his desk, Palpatine moved forward to throw it in the trash can.
His hand stilled mid air as the head of the doll flopped sidways, staring Palpatine straight in the face.
A child like voice could be hear.
"...You ...See...Me?"
The voice said again, a tear like smile appearing on the dolls face from which darkness spilled. Beneath the dolls cloth, a dark apparition appeared, leaving the cloth behind and revealing its full length to palpatine.
The darkness filled the entire room, all the other ghost pokemon having already fled at the act Mimikyu was doing.
Palpatine became as white as a sheet, his eyes bloodshot as blood began to seep from them.
A silent scream came from his mouth as he couldn't seem to breath.
Then nothing.
His body just stopped working as he sagged back in his chair, his heart having stopped beating.
A light glimpse of a soul leaving the body could be seen. One that was quickly grabbed by a big firm hand.
Having appeared behind Mimikyu, after it had done its job and covered itself, Dusknoir had patiently waited for his food to arrive.
Once the sould had appeared, Dusknoir grabbed it tightly and swallowed it whole.
Snickering at their mischief, the ghost pokemon soon left the room.
Once they left, the room reverted back to its previous state, leaving only the fearstricken face on the body of Palpatine as evidence of what had happened.