"Let's get Ms. Finn since she's closer," said Penny
"Let's go then kids," Cthulu replied
As Cthulu and my friends set off to get Ms. Finn they found a few things. Things that if Cthulu wasn't there would have killed them. What they found were three monsters. At least by appearance. The terrifying three lined up showing their sharp fangs and claws. Their long black and bloody fur. Their black eyes with white irises. Each one stood 5ft tall on all fours. My friends froze in fear at the sight of them. Cthulu stood there in front of my friends unfazed by their appearance. Unfazed by all the blood in the room. Even if I was in control of my body I don't know if I would've been unfazed by this sight even with my current strength. These three terrifying creatures shrieked at the top of their lungs and five portals opened letting dozens through. There must have been thousands of them that came through and called upon more. There would have had to be at least millions of them. Filling classrooms and hallways alike. It looked like everything was over. Like everyone I ever knew and cared about was gonna die to these… things. At least that is how I thought it was going to be but…. In a blink of an eye, they were all gone. Not even dust or any blood was there. No one but I knew what happened. Cthulu wasn't lying when she said that she was a god. She killed them all before anyone even realized it. Not even my friends who were there knew that it was her that did it. It looked like they blinked and everything was ok again. Like nothing even happened, Zacto killed everyone and it was like nothing ever happened here. She not only killed all of them but got rid of all the blood and atrocities that my friends and sisters would've even had the chance to see.
"Come on out Ms. Finn. It's safe now," said Cthulu
"What… just… you weren't kidding. If you could do this why didn't you….-
"Why didn't I kill him…. Why didn't I save her? It isn't my place to use my authority or abilities here in this realm. Plus the only reason I can do what I just did is because of what he did. We gods can't use our powers in any other realm than our own unless an exception is made or something like what your self-proclaimed dad just did. So don't blame what happened on me," said Cthulu
"Fine but I want my body back," said Drago
"I figured but you won't be getting your body back until we have a much-needed conversation with your mother. We will decide if your father lives or dies after. I know the situation of your birth and I know what he does to you because of it. So he gets no mercy from me," said Cthulu
"You will not kill my father…. I know that what he does is wrong and it hurts a lot. I'm the one with the scars remember. I know he makes mom happy and he pays our bill and does a lot of other things. So-
"Did you know that he beats your mother when you interrupt them from ahem… doing adult things. What about how he touches your big sister when she is asleep. What about when he tried to kill you while you were asleep. What about when he tried to summon me to kill you. What about when he sealed me inside you. Still think he doesn't deserve death," asked Cthulu
"There's no way he does that…. I know he cuts and beats me but… they are his own blood. They are his children-
"You three are his children. He became your father when he married your mother shortly after you were born. He is your father and he does that to you. He deserves death and I will be the one to kill him," said Cthulu
"What…. How do you know all of this," asked Drago
"I will tell you in due time and I know this sounds cryptic but you will have to wait to know how I know this. This is not knowledge another god can just have. Only 2 gods know of what has happened to you and your family. I'm pretty sure that not even your mother knows the full truth. So wait for me… I will give you your body back and tell you what is going on in time. Just be patient," asked Cthulu
"Bipolar much… fine I'll wait. I can never figure you out. One minute your acting as if you can and will destroy any and everything in your path if it means you aren't a queen. Then the next you are kind and loving. You sure you don't have a split-personality disorder," asked Drago
"I'm sure but you won't have to deal with that for long because I am done with this act. Just know that I will tell you in time," said Cthulu
"At least I don't have to keep struggling with trying to figure you out. Do you know exactly when you will give me my body back? Seeing as you already are occupying my body for longer than I wish," asked Drago
"Once we get to your house. After dropping off your friends of course. Do yourself a favor and help them awaken their abilities. They will become great assets in the future. I feel some similarities in your energy and theirs. So try to train them to awaken your friend's abilities. After your training of course," replied Cthulu
"What training," asked Drago
"You'll see," said Cthulu jokingly
Even though I had no idea what she means by that… I just want to see my friends safe and Rose back here by my side. No matter what, I have to save her. Zacto is gonna pay for what he did. However I'm nowhere near strong enough to beat him. I need to learn to master my powers. I guess I'm gonna have to wait to get my body back for a little longer.
After that Cthulu continued to go on to find out what could be useful in the classroom. She ended up finding a few pocket knives. Though we don't know who these belonged to. She offered Ms. Finn two of the 5 but she declined her offer. She seemed terrified at the sight of the knives. As a result she quickly moved towards the door with my friends and sister. She was very wary of Cthulu. Although it was understandable… I found that it might be a problem in the future.
"Ok now that we have Ms. Finn…. Let's go find Ms. Kells. Does anyone have a clue as to where she is," asked Cthulu
"Um… before I tell you anything… where's Drago and who are you," asked Ms. Finn
"My name's Cth- you can call me Kay. Drago is trying to keep everyone safe. This all happened because someone claiming to be his father came to try to claim him and his sisters. Fortunately he was able to fight him and his gang off but he is pretty drained right now. So he's staying hidden to try to stop anyone that might try to come for us," replied Cthulu
"I don't think he needs any help. He's quite strong and as long as I've known him…. He's never lost a fight. No matter who his opponents are or how many there are. He'll be fine," assured Cthulu
"I DON'T C- Let me rephrase this so that someone like you can understand. He is a child. He's probably scared right now. He probably said that because he doesn't want anyone to see him afraid. We have to go help him. You know what I'm going to go get him. Where is he," said Ms. Finn sternly
"He's in this room and you can't even see him can you… that's crazy that someone like me can see him but you can't. If you didn't know, he knows how to fight in three separate styles. Along with having a fighting style that's the perfect combination of all three. He also knows how to fight with the majority of all weapons. So if you think that you can beat him… be my guest to try," Cthulu said gloatingly
"That's impossible for a kid to learn. Stop making up lies. Come on kids lets go," said Ms. Finn
"She's not lying. Mom taught him how to fight because he was being bullied by kids that were grades above him. He learned how to fight with weapons from Master Kenzhan. He trains everyday after school," said Penny
"In fact he's the reason that you and the rest of his teachers are still alive. Same with his friends. If it weren't for him… you'd be dead. Doubt him again and I'll personally make sure he doesn't have to go to your class ever again. Got me," threatened Cthulu
"G-Got you. S-So we have to get the rest of the students and teachers out of here right," asked Ms. Finn
"There are no other teachers… or students for that matter. They were all killed by that light from earlier. Drago kept you all safe at the last second. No if you don't mind. Take us to Ms. Kells' class. Then to Ms. Dayton," demanded Cthulu
"F-fine it's this way. Follow close behind us Drago," said Ms. Finn