"Yeah ..You are the first thief in the ghost academy", the scheduler sighed.
Adhira's brain just fused out.."What nonsense are these two crazy idiots spouting ? I don't have any recollection of the memory..But they are telling me that I am a thief..Am I really a thief ?" she felt irritated.
Seeing her weird expression, the scheduler answered, "You don't need to worry about the past incidents..It happened long ago..Even the punishment was over !!"
"What was the punishment ?"
"To clean the ghost school thrice"
"Ufff....Thank God.....It's just cleaning right ? Then it must have been alright". Adhira breathed in relief.
"It took you an entire year to clean", the scheduler answered solemnly."After one year, finally , you got a chance to go out once and you messed it up.For now, you should worry about the current situation,the things you have done and the punishment, the dean is going to give to you", the scheduler answered in a serious tone.
"Now, tell me what the have I done this time?", Adhira freaked out in anxiety.
"You saved someone"
"Isn't it a good thing to help fellow beings?"
"Had you not interfered, he must have been dead"
"OMG...Adhira !! how sweet you are...You saved someone who is about to die..The dean will not punish you this time", Adhira patted her own shoulders in excitement.You have done a great deed and definitely you must have accumulated a generous amount of good karma this time.Her wide grin couldn't stop displaying her happiness.
Both the robot and the scheduler stared at her as if she has gone crazy.
"You can help your fellow ghosts..not fellow human beings", the robot answered in a programmed voice.
Adhira's smile suddenly disappeared in the next instant.
"What do you mean by that ?", she questioned.
"The first rule of the ghost world is, No matter what, you must never interact with the human beings. You should never make your presence visible to them"
Adhira's dreams suddenly crashed down. She doesn't remember how she died..But at this moment, she could feel the death of jumping from a 33 storeyed building.
"Did the human being whom I saved, saw me ?"
"Mm", the scheduler answered. So far, whatever mistakes you made, only the principal used to allocate the punishment for you. But this time, your involvement with a human being has been escalated to the dean.
'Just for stealing, I was imprisoned for one year in the name of cleaning by the principal. Now, that I have done something this big...What kind of punishment will I get this time ? That too, the dean will be giving the punishment....', she started racking her brain.
"It's already late..first you scan the details and let's head inside..The dean is already waiting for us", the scheduler rushed her.
Left with no choice, she scanned and walked inside the gates...As she approached the gloomy building, the creepers that covered the building, suddenly raised up, showing an entrance door. Both Adhira and the scheduler, entered the building through the door and immediately the creepers dropped down covering the building completely.