"There you are!" Narcissa called.
Hermione's hand twitched, she suppressed the need to hex the witch. Her lips still tingled, every nerve in her body burned. The press and weight of Severus on her lingered in her memory.
Bloody married witches.
A tiny voice in her head tried to remind her that for a week she slept in the same bed with him. Hermione chose to ignore it. She turned to Narcissa with ill-concealed annoyance.
Draco stepped in front of his mother and gave her an uncomfortable smile.
"Severus, you are going with us."
"And who that us might be?" Severus raised an eyebrow, folding his hands over his chest.
"Zabini, Longbottom and me. I wager that you are not keen on robe fitting with ladies." Draco replied, looking more ready to run than to go shopping.
"And me." Astoria chimed, approaching Draco who gave her surprised look. "Someone has to take care of you, not to mess things up, or get hexed in the process." She smiled sweetly at Draco.
Severus narrowed his eyes at the pair before directing them to Narcissa. Hermione noticed that he looked as ready to hex as she felt. Draco chuckled tightly and nodded to Astoria.
"Let us go and save ourselves before mother decides differently."
With the annoyed hiss, Severus swiftly moved, brushing past her and remaining females without a second glance or a word. The brimming hope tumbled down into the pit of her stomach. Hermione felt the prickle of anger heating her eyes. She could scream.
With a fresh idea to give Narcissa a piece of her mind she turned to older women and Ginny when Luna peaked from behind. She wore an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry, Hermione, you will finish your- ermmmm, planning later. Trust me." Luna softly chimed from her spot.
"I still don't see why it is necessary…" Hermione looked at Narcissa, unwilling to let go.
"It is." Narcissa was calm. "The world needs to know."
"I do not care what the world needs or wants…" Hermione growled. To nine hells with this woman and her propensity to public approval.
"You may not, but it is still very much necessary. If not for the world then for the money-grabbing vultures. Have you any idea how many of those Lucius and I had to divert from Severus in the past years?" Narcissa replied calmly.
"They can't touch us; they are un-important." Hermione stubbornly shook her head.
"To you maybe. But Severus is not just your ex Professor or your ex Master. He is a Lord Prince. I didn't do my best to trust in you the knowledge and the etiquette of a high society for nothing." Narcissa raised an eyebrow. "Your bonding has to be public. It has to be grandiose. It is a statement, not a wedding."
"Statement to whom, and for what?" Hermione frowned. "Isn't the bonding a private ceremony?"
"My dear, privately- the two of you may do as you both please. You may bond whenever you wish. But a ceremony has to be public and in accordance with his status. To your new status. All those who secretly hope to separate you have to be deterred by the public announcement. Everyone who might even consider saying a word against the two of you must be silenced." Narcissa was still calm.
Hermione frowned. Ginny was nodding in approval. Luna was well- Luna. At the moment, Luna was inspecting one shelf, she turned to Hermione with an airily smile.
"I will cover the ceremony in the Quibbler, naturally. And as I have the right to an exclusive- no other paper will bother you."
"Rita will be heart-broken, I'm sure." Hermione grumbled, finally giving up. "Very well, a fast trip to Madam Malk…"
"No!" Narcissa almost shouted the word. "You are not going to buy a school uniform. We are going to Twilfitt and Tattings."
"But, they do not…" Hermione groaned.
Once, before she even came to Hogwarts to care for Severus, she tried to buy robes there. Hero or not, she was all but chased away from the shop. She had no meaningful family name to be served by the rude shopkeeper.
"You are future Lady Prince," Narcissa replied with a tone of finality.
"And you are accompanied by Malfoy, Potter and Lovegood." Ginny added eagerly. "She would not risk losing us as her customers."
"Too bad you are opting for traditional bonding. I think that a Muggle gown would be much more complementing to your figure." Luna added.
"I refuse to look like a cake decoration." Hermione grumbled.
In a way, she did relish in a thought of wearing simple robes as her wedding attire.
It was that, a wedding. Wizards might call it a bonding but in reality, it was a wedding. Something that seemed to wrap around her brain only now. Hermione knew what she wanted- Severus. But they had that thing, an agreement, and that compatibility and… Hermione closed her eyes, trying to suppress the attack of hyperventilation.
"Ahem," dreamy voice sounded so close.
Opening her eyes, Hermione nearly jumped back. Luna was too close to her face, looking at her and tilting her head. Curios glimmer in pale blue eyes.
"Bonding isn't the same as what Muggles do, Hermione." Luna smiled in her dreamy way. "Oh, you were speaking aloud. But it really isn't. We have weddings too. Not many opt for bonding nowadays. Bonding is so much more; it is a connection that goes deep. Not all who try to bond sussed either."
"Wha-" Hermione blinked confused.
"Oh, honestly," Narcissa sounded annoyed. "Do you even remember all that I tried to teach you?"
"I- What that has to do with- this?" Hermione tried to remember the books Narcissa gave her to read over the years. Etiquette and more rules of conduct, nothing about weddings or bonding, plenty on how to make a marital contract.
"For bonding you need a pure intent, one that magic has to recognize." Ginny added and Hermione looked at her with confusion. "My parents are bonded, Hermione- it is a knowledge that gets passed down in families."
"Fine, as a Muggleborn I didn't have that privilege," Hermione huffed. "So, what do I have to do or know?"
"Oh, nothing much, the magic will do most of the work. You just need to be there and really want it." Luna almost singsong the words.
Hermione felt fear, honest and bone chilling fear. It wasn't that she doubted her own dedication, but… Hermione narrowed her eyes, turning to Narcissa.
"And you want this to be a big public event?" Her voice sounded high-pitched, even to her own ears.
"It has to be." Narcissa smiled showing too much of her teeth, and not in a nice way.
"And what happens if the bonding fails?" Hermione barked, lingering on the verge of panic. It wasn't her that she was worried about.
"It won't." Narcissa replied with such conviction that made Hermione gasp. "Now, I presume that we won't find any robes here, I suggest that we go to a place where we can dress you for the occasion properly."
Hermione nodded and sighed. Shure, she could stay and argue, but that would be a lost battle. The rest of the trip through the Diagon Alley, visit to the dressing salon and the stares on the street blurred together.
~ S ~ S ~ S ~
Severus tried to read a book, not that he was succeeding at it. His nerves still buzzing with annoyance from today's events. His shopping was fast and easy, he only threatened to hex seamstress once. The woman obviously lacked a brain capacity to realise with whom she was dealing when she proposed white dressing robes. After he pulled out his wand and Astoria's intervention, they agreed to the robes that shifted colour like the dark night sky- deep purple and dark blue.
He was home in no more than two hours. His chaperons, Severus growled, hurried to remove from his vicinity. Even Zabini found something to do, far away from him.
That was four hours ago.
Hermione still didn't come home, and Severus wondered if she decided to return to the shop. Hades gave out a loud squawk and started to crone softly, shifting from one leg to the other in a sway like motion.
"What are you on about?" Severus barked at the bird.
Hades snapped his beak at him with a loud screech, before returning to his crooning and swaying. Severus narrowed his eyes at the bird, half-worried before realisation sank in.
Hermione. The bloody bird is nowadays more attuned to her than me.
There was a faint echo of pain, of loss at that thought. Hades was his only constant companion. The only one who stayed at his side no matter what, not demanding any kind or form of sacrifice. If it weren't for Hades, he'd perish long ago. Hades kept him believing in existence unconditional love, and that he might be on receiving end of it- even if only from the bird.
"You crazy feather-duster." Severus shook his head before spinning on his heel and rushing through the door. Heart pounding in his throat while words swirled in his mind.
She returned, came- home.
They nearly collided as he exited his study.
"Where have you been? I had a half…" He started in an attempt to hide his excitement behind his words. But stopped, faced with two angry brown eyes.
"If you ever, ever again, leave like that and send me on a shopping spree with those…" Hermione hissed at him, choking on her words while anger vibrated in her voice. "I swear to Merlin, Severus, it will be the last thing you did in your life."
Severus blinked. Relief from seeing her return to him, of her own free will trumping even his ingrained need to reciprocate in kind to her attack. Instead he started to laugh.
Hermione glared at him.
"Laugh now but wait until you learn what Narcissa has in mind." She huffed, her face twisting in a grimace of worry.
"And what did Mrs Malfoy do now?" He managed to choke out through chuckles.
"Ah nothing much." Hermione smirked at him. "Just a traditional bonding ceremony. With all the wizarding Brittan present, and one media representative."
"Yes, I am well aware of that." Severus nodded; he didn't see the need to this level of distress.
"Severus, first- we can't bond before and make all this a show for public eyes. But secondly, and more importantly- traditional bonding, Severus." Hermione deflated visibly, her anger shifting to despair. "I spent hours looking in books. Do you know what the requirements are for that? We might as well cancel the whole thing off now."
Severus flinched, feeling like she kicked him in the stomach. His eyes narrowed at her. Nearing her, he hissed.
"Breaking out of our deal, Miss Granger?"
"No, of course not." She shook her head, looking like a puppy lost in the rain.
He blinked, not realising what was wrong. Was she afraid that traditional bonds couldn't be broken- they could, under certain circumstances...? If she did spend her time in the library, she'd know that.
No, that's not it. So, what then?
The ceremony was fairly simple, it didn't require anything complicated or untoward. It only demanded...
Traditional bonding, unlike the modern version, did not rely only on the intent. The magic required went much deeper, seeking the true connection. Love.
She is… She does not believe that the ceremony will work.
Something in his chest constricted, shrinking painfully. The second, underlying feeling spreading warmth. On top of it all, the icy hand of fear and doubt gripped his throat.
"And who do you think will fail the test?" Severus hated himself, but he had to ask that question.
Hermione widened her eyes and stared at him. Emotion switching so fast in her eyes, too fast even for his trained eye to detect. Finally, her brows pulled together in a frown.
"Look, I know…" Hermione sounded determined. "Well, you still… And I know that you have to find the wife and that I am the least of all evils, that you feel maybe obligated to me. Which you are not. Or perhaps, I am the most manageable one…"
Severus started to laugh. Does she honestly see herself as someone manageable?
"It is not funny. You certainly won't be laughing when the bonding fails." Hermione crossed her arms, sparks shining in her eyes.
"The bonding won't fail." He declared. How can it fail, you silly witch?
She blinked at him again. He could see the wheels in her brain turning, the teeth mincing on her lower lip told him as much. The echo of his grandmother's words scratched on his brain. But the words of love felt foreign and heavy, too heavy for him to utter them.
He could not speak the words, but there were other things he could do, he could show her…
Closing the space between them, he leaned and pressed his lips to hers. Hermione, gasped in surprise, but leaned into the kiss.
"No, the bonding, most definitely, won't fail." Severus murmured against her lips, blending the words into the kiss.
He could feel her relax, melt in against him. Her arms fluttered, still indecisive, before timidly pressing against his sides, bunching the fabric. Severus deepened the kiss.
Suddenly they both twitched, separating as something grabbed them by the robes at the knee height. Frowning Misty's face between them.
"Not here, no good doing here." Squeaked the elf, before pulling them in an unexpected apparition.
They landed in a heap of tangled limbs and twisted robes on the bed. Severus wanted to bellow, to decapitate the elf, but he stopped himself. Hermione was still clinging to him, bunching his robes in one hand while with the other she tried to remove all the wayward hair from her face. He growled, and she began to giggle.
He could spill his wrath on Misty's head later, after all the elf had the point- for what he had in mind, the bedroom was a more appropriate setting.
He rolled them to the side, freeing their limbs but twisting the robes further, until the point where he banished them with an annoyed flick of the wand he managed to dig up from his pocket.
Hermione gasped and he held his breath.
Did I make a mistake? Am I going too fast?
His panicked train of thoughts cut off suddenly as her lips captured his in a rushed, hungry kiss. His hand found the swell of her breast and he abandoned her lips leaving a wet trail of kisses and nips down her throat and collarbone. His fingers trailed the outer rim of the swell while he focused on a darkened center.
Severus relished a feeling under his tongue. The slightly peaked bud grew and hardened, he could feel every wrinkle and nod. His other hand played with the other nipple. Hermione tangled her fingers in his hair, rhythmically squeezing in accordance with her sighs. Her entire body moved in a pulse like motion, arching off the bed and falling down again.
The throb between his legs pushed him to move lower. The pain in his scalp stopped him. Hermione pulled on his hair, still tangled with her fingers forcing him to climb back up.
Severus looked at her flushed face and burning eyes, her voice breathy.
"Too long…" Hermione managed to sound incoherent and yet to deliver her message precisely. "Need you now. Everything else can… Later…"
She didn't need to ask him twice. With only a slight miss in an aim, he managed to find her core and slide inside. The groan escaped his lips, she was hot and slippery, like a silky glove. Her muscles tightened around him as if they tried to trap him. She moaned and the sound went straight to his balls.
Her legs pressed on his sides and he felt a push of her heels, locked over the small of his back. She moved as much as their position and his weight permitted her, wiggling, and clenching her inner muscles.
"I won't last long…" he tried to warn her, not happy with what he had to say.
"Don't need you to last… Need you to shag…" Hermione breathed into his mouth, pulling him for a short kiss. "Need Earth to move…"
Like she was trying to confirm her statement Hermione pressed on his back while rhythmically clenching her muscles around his prick. His hips lost a battle, setting into thrusting motion. Not slow and languid, the way he imagined their renewed intimacy would start.
His body developed a mind of its own, spurred by the sounds of her sighs and moans. But most of all, by the look in her eyes.
She didn't close her eyes but chose to lock her gaze with his. Severus was mesmerised by the desire mixed with myriad of other emotions, the misting of her gaze with each thrust. Her body beneath him moved, not in sync but in a primal rush urging him to do the same.
He was so close, his balls screamed for release and he gritted his teeth, resisting the urge. The moment her body stilled, eyes wide and unfocused he allowed himself release, slamming at her in full strength. Her muscles tried to push him out and keep him inside at the same time, while her body arched forcing him to move as well.
Inarticulate shriek mixed with his grunting. So much needed release felt painful and blissful. His eyes never left hers- and that, that gave the new dimension to the experience. It was as time had stopped, but the Earth did move. It shook and shattered.
And, the moment was gone.
Back in the reality of the bedroom, he rolled off. More a precautionary measure, his strength suddenly drained. Their bodies- sticky with sweat, breath to heavy for either of them to speak. She turned her gaze to him- happy and tired, her curls wet from perspiration stuck to her flushed face. She mouthed one soundless thank you.
His heart was beating hard against his ribcage, and it had nothing to do with the vigorous act they just shared but everything with the witch lying next to him- smiling at him and thanking him for Merlin know what.
Throat too constricted for the words beat in the pulse of his drumming heart. He pulled her against his chest, against his crazy-beating heart and closed his eyes. She buried her face in his sweaty chest.
After a long stretch of silence, Severus whispered. "The bonding won't fail."
Her breathing was soft and rhythmic, and Severus was sure that Hermione already was asleep, and that his words were in vain. But, the soft press of her lips over his heart told him differently.
He may not say the words he should, but it seemed that he did manage to say at least something right. To let her know, to show her. How…? Severus decided to think about that later, for now it appeared that she finally knew- and that was good enough for him.