Chapter 88 - 88

Hermione sighed and squinted at the parchment, continuing to copy information. It was the middle of the day and outside was still bright but the room was darkened, so she and Draco used few jars of bluebell flames. Bluebell flame wasn't, admittedly, the best source of light but lighting candles wasn't an option. Opening the dark drapes or lighting candles caused Severus's reaction, he wasn't saying anything but he would cover his head and grunt. Finally, she and Draco settled with a low light of bluebell flames and gave their best to work under it.

She worked almost absentmindedly, her thoughts kept sliding to the man on the bed. He was still bundled up under the covers with his face hidden in the crook of his elbow.

Why is acting so strange?

She nearly jumped when Draco lightly kicked her under the table. They tried not to talk because the sound of talking also caused a reaction from Snape, he would put the pillow over his head each time they spoke. She glared at Draco, returning the kick, maybe stronger than a tap she received because Draco hissed and narrowed his eyes at her. With a scoff, Draco pushed a note to her.

'What's wrong with you?'

'Severus is behaving oddly.' she scribbled back

'Stop obsessing, Granger. The man just snapped out of a condition he was in. This may be normal behaviour for all we know.' Draco added under her reply

'It is not! I read about it in the Muggle books you refused to read.' she pushed the not with a smirk

'Do you want us to stop working for today and focus on his problem then?' asked Draco's note and she groaned, frowning at Draco.

He's so eager not to do this. Oh no, Malfoy, you are going to help me write this for the Minister.

'No! We need to finish this as soon as possible!' she scrawled the words and angrily pushed the note to Draco.

Draco sighed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. An odd look on his face, one she couldn't quite read. He was writing a reply to her note and she frowned again.

Is he going to write essay length note to me?

'In that case, Granger, pay attention to what you do! I am fairly certain that you do not want to include that part in the new law. Or did you change your mind and do not want to help those beasts anymore?' Draco pushed the note to her with an angry glare, tapping one finger over the passage she was copying.

'Don't call them beasts.' she underlined word beasts three times and pushed the note to Draco focusing on the pointed passage.

A few moments later she grunted in frustration. Malfoy was right, she was copying the wrong and harmful to the werewolves part. Hermine flinches when the note slid to her eyesight, with an angry scrawl.

'You never had to sit at the same table with Grayback. Do not try to tell me how to call them. Whatever word I use for them I certainly wasn't trying to add the obligatory neutering. Even I think better of them than that.'

He has a point. She thought bitterly banging her forehead on the table in frustration. Draco tapped her on the head and she straightened to look at him. Draco pushed the new not to her.

'Ok, we are taking a small break. What is going on?'

Hermione looked at motionless Severus then at Draco, chewing on her bottom lip. That was a valid question. If she was just worried about his behaviour, she would look for clues or asked Draco to do it. No, it was something else. . .

Draco leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest with a smirk on his face. But, he was patient, waiting for her to figure things out. Hermione closed her eyes, suppressing a sorrowful moan when she realised what was the source of her distraction. With a sigh, she started to write and Draco leaned back to the table.

'Can I count on you to help stay for the pool exercises, massage and the bath?'

'Why? He's awake now, and I'm sure you won't repeat the same mistake.' Draco grinned at her with a glint in his eyes, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

'I wouldn't ask if he is all right, but in given situation. . . Please, Malfoy.' it was painful to write those words. What other choice did she have? She couldn't just explain the situation to Draco, and even if she had a liberty to do so she wouldn't.

There is no shame in asking for help when you need one.

The problem was. . . She had to deal with her own guilt. Severus was correct, her own consciousness was the worst possible punishment. Her own feeling of guilt. If there was a time she questioned Snape's motives, now she regained a perfect insight into them. And it wasn't even about the sharing of the memories. No, it was about her own crime and her own feeling of guilt.

Snapping out of her thoughts she noticed that Draco is observing her carefully, his eyes narrowing. He whispered, earning a grunt from the bed.

"For this part, Granger, we have to go to the library. The referenced book can't be taken from it. Misty!"

The elf popped in.

"Yes, young Master Malfoy."

"Can you stay with Severus, we have to visit the library. Inbound law books section."

"Misty can. Go." The elf made a shoo motion with her hand.

Draco nodded to the elf. And that confused her for a moment. She never expected from Draco to be civil to an elf. She yelped quietly when Draco grabbed her hand and pulled her off the chair, ushering her out of the room and into the room she didn't use since all this started.

Draco released her wrist and hissed. "What did you do, Granger?"

"Nothing." she hissed back.

"Don't lie." Draco smiled very unpleasant smile at her and Hermione frowned.

"I am not."

"Then why do you need me present for massage or pool?" now he had an all-knowing smirk that she wished to punch off his face.

Counting to ten she took a deep breath.

"He is always not too thrilled with our pool time and I never gave him a massage. It is - well - more personal and I don't want him to think… Or accuse me of…"

"Oh, I'm sure that he accused you plenty of times before but you never asked for my presence, not before he…" Draco stopped his eyes narrowed "He may accuse you but why would he think. . . What did you do, Granger?"

"Nothing..." she replied maybe a bit too sharp and too fast, and of course Draco picked up on it. "It is your father and his barbs and. . . "

"My father may talk, that won't influence Snape to think. . . Sweet Salazar, Granger!" Draco stopped talking in the middle of the line. Finally, he nodded "Very well."

"Shall we return then?" she asked feeling the sweat clamming her skin.

That was close.

"You go, if you don't mind I want to call Astoria and rearrange our time first." Sighed Draco. She nodded, but when she was at the door he called her again. "And, Granger, you owe me for this."

~ S ~ S ~ S ~

When he stayed alone Draco released a sharp exhale. He slugged into the nearest chair while his mind worked furiously, piecing the puzzle into one picture.

Bloody hell, Granger, what did you do? I told him, told him that he is wrong! And now all this mess! Snape is going to. . . well, it is Severus. . . He won't let her forget.

He stood up and started to pace, rubbing his hands over the face, occasionally ducking fingers into the hair.

And if the father gets any sniff of this. . . Merlin, what a mess. Ok, Draco - think. Snape won't say a word. Her too. But that is not a guarantee. . . And come to think of it, Severus does behave oddly, but he is not fragile. . . No, he most definitely wouldn't succumb to something like that. But it might have been part of it. . . Could it? I need to get her out of here.

He took his wand and conjure a patronus, smiling at its shape, he sent a message.

"Potter, we need to talk, but Hermione can't know. Ask for Misty and tell her to call me out without mentioning your name. It is important, it is about Granger."

Feeling slightly better he walked back to the room where Snape was still in the same position, which now worried him and Granger scribbling, tossing glances at Snape.

~ S ~ S ~ S ~

Hermione sighed, she tried to conceal the shaking of her hands but she worried her lower lip glancing at Draco. He was sitting on her sofa, reading a book. He was reading that bloody book while she was leading Severus through exercises in the pool.

Severus, on the other hand, followed her instructions meekly, almost unwillingly, shuddering from time to time but with no real effort on his part. It felt almost like he gave up even on trying. And she was out of idea how to jolt him into life once more.

Worse of all - even if she might think of something, given how her last idea wet...she was afraid to try.

But now, he was lying on the practise mat, covered with nothing more than a towel over his middle. He was on his back, eyes wide open with an indifferent stare towards the ceiling.

Taking a deep breath she started to speak.

"I'm going to use the oil Matron gave me. She assured me that it is something she requested for this purpose. She also left me exact order how to do this, and precisely what to do. I am following her idea. So I will start with your feet and legs."

Taking another deep breath she poured a bit of oil from the flask and took his right foot, spreading it evenly over the sole. Using he knuckles she started to knead the soft tissue. She tried to focus on instruction and not on the fact that he had a soft skin, soft and smooth. Not what she would expect from someone who spent days on end standing in boots no less.

Snape huffed few times but otherwise, he was unresponsive. She switched to the other foot. After a while, she took another potion of oil and gilded her hands over his calf. His muscles still too slim and thin, but she could tell that the muscle tone started to build up slowly. She massaged tender circles into the muscle, frowning slightly at the feeling of long hairs unpleasantly mushy from oil.

She found a rock-hard spot and pressed it with her thumbs, circling them in attempt to break down the knot. His leg twitched and Severus hissed. Draco raised his head from the book.

"I am sorry, Severus, but you have a knot and I have to break it down before your leg cramps out."

She tried hard not to pay attention to the scarred tissue, it was obvious that a dog bit him.

Fluffy. This is a scar left from Fluffy's bite.

Working out the knots from the other calf, Hermione tried hard not to think. She worked on his thighs muscles opting to kneel next to him and applying pressure. The thighs were weak as they looked, yes they were definitely lacking the firmness but she could feel their elasticity under the heels of her palms.

Severus growled, not looking at her when her hands slid to his inner thighs.

"I am sorry but I really don't have another way to do this, and Matron specified that I massage that part as well."

Low grunt was the only reply. That worried her. She could deal with hissing and threats, she even expected insults. But his silence and apathetic look on Severus's face were something she didn't expect.

Finally, she finished with his legs and started to massage his hands and arms. That was a familiar thing, she did that on occasion before so she was used to in, and so was he. She called Draco.

"Will you help me to turn him over?"

She would ask Severus in any other scenario, knowing that he could help, but with how he acted all day, Hermione figured it was a lost battle. Draco grumbled something but helped her, charming the towel not to slip, something she was grateful for.

Hermione purposely ignored small twinge in her belly, not really willing to explore what caused it. She was now staring at the expense of his back crisscrossed with a myriad of scars. . .