Knock on the door stopped the conversation. Draco stands up and gives him one meek, unsure smile, guilt is still etched on the boys face. He can't convince Draco that he understands and does not hold against him his behaviour during boy's sixth year. First time around they were young, but this young. This war, damaged all the youth, creating an army of neuroethics, an army that bore the title of „hero" or „traitor", an army that will be the pillar of this society for years to come. That was a scary thought. 'Has wizarding world finally facing its decline, falling apart from the inside?' he wonders.
Lucius's head pokes through the door and Draco stiffens his shoulders and squares his face, hard look in his eyes. Lucius walks into the room. Draco turns to him
„I'll see you later, Severus." And walks out.
As the boy passes his father Lucius has a tight face and stares at Draco, the boy returns the gaze. It is painful to watch, as it was for years. He laments the misfortune of Granger being his jailor. If it was any other of his students, Draco could benefit from the company, but Granger was a thorn in the boy's foot. For years Lucius dangled her success to berate the boy, to point out his shortcomings. That was the Malfoy way for generations, you were either the best or the best was used as a bludger that constantly smacked your head. While Draco was still young, he hoped that Lucius will see the error of his ways, but Lucius was blind to his mistakes, resulting in a love-hate relationship he now had with a boy.
Lucius sighs and sits on the edge of the bed. He looks worn out and his limp is more pronounced. They are quiet, and he gives the man a space to start talking in his own time. Lucius never does anything without reason, but his reasons are questionable at times.
„I don't know what to do with him." Lucius's voice is quiet, sad and pained. Usually composed Lucius now looks as if he is ready to cry
„How about giving the boy some space, letting him find his own way?" he asks carefully, these are dangerous waters
„I am grooming him to be the head of Malfoy family once I'm gone. I do not plan on dying but I won't live forever. He has to carry on the family name."
„Presently, that name doesn't bear much prestige." He quips it's not smart to poke at that particular wound but Lucius can be so stubborn at times, and he would hate to go before he tries to fix their relationship. Lucius and Draco both, need his support now.
„That is precisely why I need him to be at the top."
„Maybe he would be if you ease up? Let's face it Lucius, our ways...we had three wars in past 100 years. Every 30 years or so we have one lunatic or another trying to colour the world. Maybe it is time for us to pull back and let the young ones take over."
„They have no respect for old ways, for traditions. We would be overrun by Muggle technology and their prejudice."Lucius sounds outraged
„No one ever managed to stop the progress." He sighs, he would hate to see the open-minded society like wizarding was to decline. Lucius hums
„Progress may come, but not in my time. Our ways..."
„Our ways can be preserved, honoured and still society can advance. You know that as well as I."
„And where would we be, where would we fit in that new advanced world?" 'Ah, here we are.' the real reason pokes its ugly head.
„We pull back. We let the young ones save it, make their own mistakes. You, your family will have its place in that new world. You have Draco to rise and carry the Malfoy name, Malfoy legacy."
„And you, my friend?"
„I am tired, Lucius, tired of wars and plots, mind games and politics. I want to perish into nothingness."
„Who would carry on your legacy? How the future would remember you?"
„Oh, I have quite a legacy, to be called 'traitor' by both the side of Light and the Dark is quite an achievement." He jokes and attempts to smile but he knows that all he managed is to curve his lips in a sour grimace „I betrayed both. I was not loyal to anyone but myself for so long that I forgot how important is to pick a side."
„You are the most loyal person I know. You are loyal to those you love," he snorts, he is not capable of love, or hate, for that matter „don't give me that! You were next to us when all others abandoned us!"
„You are family." At least this truth is simple, Lucius fells silent again, his pale face turns to the window. Silence stretches between them once again
„Is it bothering you?" asks Lucius, voice barely above whisper
„That I call you my friend? That I did not publicise your connection to my family name?"
„Lucius, how long, how well, do we know each other?"
„Too long, too well."
„Then you answer me."
„Quite right." Pale smile and at least a bit of light return to his friends face, silence once again stretches before Lucius speaks again „Do you think he will talk to me about it?"
„He might if you stop behaving like his wishes does not matter."
„I won't allow..."
„And how would you know that he would disgrace family name? You do not know what he wants. You assume the worse and fight blindly. He is your son, your only son, are you really ready to lose him?"
„Quite right." Lucius nods and stands up „Well, I'll just call..."
„Lucius...not today." His friend just nods, knocks on the bathroom door and when she peeks out murmur 'Have a pleasant day.' and hobbles out. She disappears again, to gather her things most probably. He sighed.
He needs his solitude. He needs his mobility as well, especially in the moments like this, when he feels desperately angry and powerless. Wasn't it enough that he had to suffer her company, her tantrums and mood-swings, she had no right to take it out on Malfoys! She had no right to create more drama. Merlin knows this family had enough of their own problems, especially Draco.
Wasn't it enough that he had to go through all embarrassing moments with her as a witness. He couldn't put his finger on what annoyed him more, he was finally ready to put the life behind and that he got saddled with 'miss prissy' or that his body decided to seemingly 'embraced life'. Of course, with all the touching and skin and parading in those skin tight clothes, she didn't help at all...or rather she helped but not in a way he appreciated. She was annoying, prissy, smug, know-it-all, a child with a major chip on her shoulder...but Merlin – he wasn't blind or disjointed from the Without his walls, if nothing, he was more attuned to every single stimulus he encounters. It was as if he spent last 17 years numb and now those years decided to elicit payback with interest.
She walks through the room and curls up on her sofa. He doesn't understand why Lucius insist on calling that sofa in the first place. It is an atrocious white piece with four huge fluffy pillows. Uncomfortable to sit on it, you could either lean your back and have your legs stick out or sit so you could place your feet on the ground and have good 5-10 cm of air before you could lean on. The only person who could find this thing fitting might be Hagrid. It was a wedding gift from some distant relative, and for years they joked that they have to find someone they don't like and give it away.
'Well, it seems that Lucius did find someone he doesn't like to get rid of the atrocity.'
"That was rude to your hosts and uncalled for, Granger." he chastised her
"How would you know if it was uncalled?" she replied tersely
"You have no right to meddle in their affairs."
"It is stupid, he should find his balls and tell his parents that he loves the girl. We are in 21 century in Merlin's name! Gods, arranged marriage!" she foams
"You miss 'dirty mouth' do not have to get married like that, so stay out of other people's affairs!" if he could get up he would strangle her, or shake her until that brain of hers starts working
Misty pops up and offers her a book. She takes a book and frowns, then lowers the book on the trunk she uses as a side table and starts pacing angrily, mumbling in her chin. She is irritating!
„Granger, sit down and be put." He growls. She glares at him but sits down. 'Why is she angry, after what she did today...she has no right to be angry.' The book is obviously from Malfoy library or Misty wouldn't deliver it, she should be grateful that they allowed her to use their books. „What. Is. The. Problem. Now?"
„Look what that woman sent me to read!" she hisses and reads the title „Young ladies guide to etiquette"
„And? You ask 'and'!" she's acting like someone set her knickers on fire, brat „Who does she thinks she is? I know how to behave properly!"
„Do you?" he is really mad now, she wasn't satisfied with making a bad situation worse between Lucius and Draco, she is angry at Narcissa for wanting to help. He thinks that Narcissa is more than generous, given that book is part of her heirloom.
„I do, thank you very much." She's insulted
„You do not exhibit that knowledge or is it neglected for the enjoyment of your surroundings?"
„I do dare you?!"
„How... you little..."
„I what? You are self-centred, dour, unpleasant, ungrateful prat."
„Be careful, Miss Granger, your etiquette starting to show off." He hisses. Now he has to struggle with his anger and his magic that tries to give in to his anger „Did you even read the book?"
„I just got it." She nearly yells now, throwing her hands around
„Before." He speaks slowly „"
„No, they don't have it in Hogwarts library. And why would I? I know how to behave,..."
„So, are familiar with each and every protocol of wizarding high society?"
„No," she eyes the book if nothing Hermione never managed to resist a chance to learn something new "not like I'm going to need it." she replies with high pitched voice but eyes the book again, she's wavering
„You will if you plan to attend to at least one Ministry event."
„I don't need Mrs Malfoy to teach me! I will tell her..."
„You will do no such thing." He starts to lose battle
„How can you be like that? How can you live with yourself? I'm busting myself to help you, to keep you alive."
„Yes...feel free to walk away." all the bitterness and resentment he feels about that particular act of poured into that sentence, but she is in a world of her own and doesn't hear
„How can you be mean to me but nice to that prat?! You are not my teacher anymore, you can't tell me what to do. I will have a conversation with Mrs Malfoy..."
„No, you won't! You've done quite a lot for one day!"
„Done what? If Draco can be a prat so can I."
„You are doing a stunning job at proving that." He dampens and she glares
„He is just..." she's shivering holding her wand, not pointing at him but she is in a fighting stand
She stops talking and just blinks at him, he can feel magic rippling through the air. Hades is screeching loudly. They really should place them in the other wing of the Manor, Malfoy's are trying to tear it down anyway, if he flattens it he would do them the favour, not disservice.
The door open with a bang, Lucius, Potter and two Aurors barges into the room. She moved and now stands between him and the door. She is mad at him, and still positioned to fight and protect him. She is completely mental, he needs to get rid of her!