Chereads / The Death of a Time Viewer (COMPLETED) / Chapter 76 - First Day part 2

Chapter 76 - First Day part 2

Morgianna's first class of the day was history, and coincidentally was one of the few classes offered at the school that was segregated by year. Classes such as Magic were taught as a whole no matter what year a student was as the school believed the older students could give the new one's pointers throughout the year.

Even if the class was sure to be boring Morgianna was excited because it would be a class without any of the capture targets. Since they were all older than her they would have a more advanced history class specified to their year.

Sitting in a seat near the window Morgianna stared into the distance while she thought about her meeting in the woods this morning. She wanted to wait for him to tell her himself who he was. It is true she could use her powers to look at all the information about him but just as she wanted him to trust her, she had to trust him. If she went over his head to find out information without his knowledge then she felt like she would be doing something wrong to her friend. She decided that after class she would go back to the forest and if he was there she would tell them that she was willing to wait until he was ready.

Just as her mood was starting to improve the arrival of Angeline Roth to her peaceful morning made it once again plummet. The girl in question was already surrounded by the girls who would later be her friends, or lackeys whatever you wanted to call them. Angeline shot Morgianna a fake smile and sauntered up to her as if they were the best of friends and in the most sickeningly sweet voice the girl could muster she threw her arms around Morgianna. "Morgianna, why didn't you sit with me this morning? Don't tell me you are mad at me because the prince talked to me? I am sorry! I won't do it again if it means losing you as a friend."

Morgianna wanted to gag at the girls acting. If she wanted to play then Morgianna would play along. "Oh I didn't know you talked to one of the Princes. They are not my property so what they do is none of my business. I did not see you this morning as I was trying to cover the mark you left on my cheek yesterday when you slapped me for introducing myself."

There was a collective gasp around the room as everyone's attention was riveted to what would be said next. Angeline was caught off guard, she had come here with the intention of making Morgianna seem like the bad person but within minutes the tables had turned on her. "I...That's not true! You are making things up, trying to start problems with me." 

"So you are saying that you were not taken before the disciplinary committee by Prince Gabriel for doing exactly what I just said you did?" Angeline's face was turning red in embarrassment as whispers went up around the room about her. She knew that is she kept denying it things would only get worse. Taking her loss she moved to the other side of the room and sat down, refusing to look at anyone.

Soon a teacher arrived and class began, nobody else mentioning the altercation that had just taken place though everyone still cast glances between the girl they had thought was selfish only to find out she was not and the girl who acted like an innocent only to find out she was quite the opposite. 


As class ended Morgianna saw a familiar shadow out of the corner of her eye disappear around the corner and decided to follow it. It slipped into a nearby empty classroom and she followed wondering why he would be there. "Death, did you miss me so much that you decided to visit me at school? Or is someone about to die?"

The man in question looked at her with a blank expression, but his eyes seemed kinder than usual. "Someone is always dying my dear, but do not fret, I am not here for one of your acquaintances. I was just checking in on you... You know making sure you were not making any more work for me than need be." The last part was added hastily as he looked out the window. "Well I shall be going for now. See you next time, Morgianna. Oh and by the way, I think black could be your color." Just like that he disappeared as if he had never been there, to begin with not even giving Morgianna a chance to respond. Morgianna chuckled, it seemed death had a soft spot under all that dreary black if he came here to check on her.

Turning around to leave Morgianna came face to face with the last person she wanted to see. Angeline was standing in the doorway with a crazed grin on her face. "Talking to yourself is a sign of being crazy. I wonder if everyone knows that you sneak away and call yourself death. Were you thinking of killing someone? You must think you are something special since you caught me off guard this morning, but it won't last long. I will expose you as the villain you were always meant to be and then they will be mine."

Morgianna pinched her eyebrows and looked at the door behind Angeline with longing. Paying no attention to what Angeline said she put on a confused face. "Are you feeling alright? You are saying some weird things. I am sorry for telling everyone, please don't hurt me again." The door was open so anyone could happen by and see them standing inside. Morgianna needed to keep the act up, she had not originally planned to start so soon but Angeline struck first and Morgianna would not care to stoop to acting if it meant she lived.

"CUT THE ACT! You embarrassed me in front of Gabriel yesterday and then this morning you told the class. If I hurt you, you have nobody to blame but your own ignorant self." Angeline conjured a ball of ice in her hand and hurled it at Morgianna.

Before Morgianna even raised a hand to block the ice a gust of wind sent it flying into a nearby wall. Upon impact the ice shattered and a crack splintered the wall where it had hit. "Attacking a fellow student after cornering them in an empty classroom. How many violations do you think you have just committed miss Roth?" Prince Alaric casually stood behind Angeline with his shoulder leaning against the door frame.

Morgianna had not even seen him arrive, it was as if one second there were nobody but her and Angeline and the next he was standing there as if he had always been present. "I am sorry Your Highness... we were practicing our magic." Angeline stared at the floor her face pinched in worry.

"Oh my, you call Prince Gabriel by his first name but I get called Your Highness. Are you that close to our resident angel?" With each honeyed word that left his mouth, Angeline grew paler. "It seems to me as if you understand that lying will get you nowhere in this situation, head to the disciplinary room and we shall met our a correct punishment for your transgressions against your fellow student."

Angeline scurried out of the room at record speed, but not forgetting to send Morgianna a hateful glare before she left. Morgianna avoided looking at the vampire prince instead finding a piece of invisible lint on her uniform quite interesting.

Alaric wanted to laugh at her attempt at ignoring him. "Long time no see Bunny. Tell me why would you let someone as weak as her corner you in this room when I know she has nothing on you?"

Ignoring his jab to get her to talk she curtsied before him. Thank you for stepping in Your Highness. I should get going to my next class before I am late. It is after all only the first day." Morgianna wanted to escape as soon as possible. She had not even been at the school for 24 hours and she had already had two altercations with Angeline and been "saved" twice by the crown princes. 

"Of course, how silly of me to keep my bunny from her education. I look forward to our next conversation." Morgianna did not even have to look at him to know he was smiling. A blush crept up her face from being called his bunny. These princes would give her a heart attack one day, it seemed the more she tried to distance herself the more they did and said weird things. 'Maybe they are all secretly masochists.' She shook her head to clear it.

Leaving the room behind her Morgianna headed towards the courtyard that would hold their magic lesson and hoped beyond hope that she would be lucky enough to have a different class than the capture targets. Today really was turning into a very long day.

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