Earth. The third planet from the sun. The continent of Asia. Location - The Great Asian Plains. A fictional state - Small-An. The era is digital. the year 2030.
The character
Dara is a businessman, farmer, philosopher, fond of healing folk medicine. Caught in the novels Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition, 'Jiang' Magic Coin, The Adventures of Treasure Hunters - 1 season, and Gourmet DAO. He has magical powers.
Shir Ali is a chef in a small restaurant with 4 tables. Cultivator - Culinary Tao. Works with his cousin Dara. More detailed information is found in the novels Gourmet DAO and Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition
Baraz - Retired Secret Police Officer Meets in Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition
Fang-friend of Dara, a student from Chengdu, lives on the farm at Dara, he has his own company (uncle's company) in the capital of Small-An.
Found in Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition
For those readers who are not familiar with Dara and Shir Ali from other novels, I will give a description of their characters.
Dara, he is 36 years old. Asian. Farmer and businessman. He had experience searching for treasures. The grandson of a secret police lieutenant general. Has a magical gift to revive non-living mechanisms in which there is an element of alien metal or microorganisms and viruses.
Shir-Ali, he is 40 years old. Asian. Chef in his own small restaurant. Works for Dara. Cultivator Gourmet-Dao. You can read more about it in the novel Gourmet DAO.
Actions take place in the modern world. In the 21st century, in 2030. In the country of Small-An.
In total, I plan to write from 60 to 100 chapters.
The chapter will have 1800 to 2500 words.
Thank you!