This story follows Kiyoshi, a smart and decent 16 year old boy, who is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life after high school is over. Kiyoshi is having trouble with this and asks for help from his friends Yuri, a fellow classmate who is innocent and loves all things cute, Hiroshi, a dude who is popular with the ladies and plays sports, and Mai, an outgoing friendly person who loves reading novels. Kiyoshi and his friends are just starting their Junior year at Sobu High School.
To begin with, Kiyoshi informs his friends about his troubles and asks for their help. He asks them to meet up afterschool so they can help him out. On the very first meeting they had, they all soon realise that they all need help with figuring out what they want to do with their lives after high school ends. Very soon meeting up afterschool becomes a regular routine for this group of friends. They each want to help one another find something they want to do with their lives after high school.
Furthermore, After spending a lot of time with Kiyoshi and the others, Yuri starts to develop secret feelings for Kiyoshi, however Kiyoshi is so hung up on the question," What am I gonna do with my life after high school?" that he doesn't even notice they are slowly starting to change. They are all starting to become closer and closer each additional day they spend with one another.
Finally, Kiyoshi starts to notice everything that is going on around him. He is not prepared to deal with it and ends up having a lot more on his plate than he can handle. He starts to face another problem after another.