Chereads / The Tide Turner / Chapter 7 - The Tide Turner

Chapter 7 - The Tide Turner

Cal began to search for a way out of the forest, relieved to have left Orcara'a den. She marked her route by pulling down long fronds of kelp and tying one to another as she went.

Now I can find the place again quickly, she thought, and we can escape fast if we have to. She felt guilty about leaving Jake in that foul place. "But she had to do it. He couldn't make it any further," she told herself. "And she did agree to help."

Cal had heard stories about Orcara - that Duskins travelled from their homewaters to seek her cures; that she could heal a broken fin by laying her hand upon it. However, there was other tales - from urchin farmers who said she caused their crops to fail and storms to ravage the seabed; rumors that she could actually sour the currents and even transform herself into a seal to prey on unsuspecting pups. She was currently known to practice charms and chants. Pelin had always dismissed these whispers with scorn. He said Orcara was simply a solitary creature of the kelp, lost in her own weird mysteries. But what could he say when he found out what Cal had done; not only ignored his warnings, but befriended a Creeper and take him into Strapkelp, to Orcara herself? She shuddered to think of her father's rage. Yet Cal hadn't intended it all to happen. The sea had carried her to Jake and wrecked his boat - maybe wayward currents really were causing disruption. Had they brought the Bloodfin too?

The Bloodfin! Cal had an idea. If she could find them and discover why they'd come to Silvertail waters the pod would be grateful - then her father might forgave her for what she'd done. It was a dangerous plan. The Bloodfins' intensions were certainly not peaceful. But Skimmer would help her track them. She'd be safe with him...

Cal continued on through Strapkelp. Twice she doubled back on herself but at least the trail show where she'd passed. When at least she emerged from the forest she spotted a broken lobster pot and dragged it over to mark her exit.

Then, without looking back she swam up to the ridge and signaled urgently for Skimmer. But Skimmer didn't appear. "Where are you? I need you - it's important." Cal repeated her call in every direction, but there was no sign of the ray. Annoyed, she set off alone.

Cal was a fast, agile swimmer, but how could she begin to find the Bloodfin by herself? There was nothing for it but to return to the shallows and try to trace their scent.

As Cal streaked through the water she puzzled about everything that had happened since she left home. Who was this Creeper boy with the Delphine breath? There was no natural explanation for Jake's presence in the water. Since the moment she'd pulled him out of the storm into the cave some echo of a half-forgotten tale had been lurking in the back of Cal's mind. She had tried to dismiss it, too extraordinary to consider, but how it plague her once more.

Many seasons before a pod of Drifters, nomadic Delphines, had stayed for a while at the sunken village, with the Silvertails. Pelin had reluctantly allowed Cal to befriend a young Drifter who had told Cal a secret. She'd overheard the Elders of her pod discussing a prophecy and talking of a stranger. A fearful time would come, they'd say, when the currents grew unruly and the Sea Spirit would be tormented by treachery. But one would come with the power to stem the dark flow. One who was of their kind but not of their kind. He would be called the Tide Turner.

"What dose it mean?" Cal had asked.

"I don't know," she replied, "but they spoke in hushed voices and they were afraid. I dare not listen longer." Cal remembered asking her father about the prophecy later. He'd put down his tools and swept the hair away from her face, plaiting and trying it at the back, as he often did, so that he could look into her eyes. A tiny shrimp had spurred across Pelin's tail and he'd scooped it up in his hand. "See the little shrimp?" he'd say, he'll cuttle around here, grow old and die in a handful of seasons. He doesn't worry himself with thoughts of destiny. Even the blue whale doesn't pounder on the sweep of the tides." He let the shrimp scape away. "Doesn't fret about the future, Cal. Just learn to use your time well and be grateful for it."

Then he'd grown solemn. Cal guessed he was thinking about her mother, Sylla. She ask no more. But the story had haunted her.

Suddenly there was panic in the water. A shoal of mackerel flashed past. Hundreds of skipjack tuna raced frantically behind them and a seal dived across her path. Like all Delphines, Cal was sensitive to any variation of mood in the water. She smelt danger, she tasted change and felt minute vibrations across her skin. Instinctively she dived, down to the seabed where she hid among the broad leaves in a salt cabbage patch.

Moment later the cause of the panic appeared. A bolt of blue marlin streaked right over her head. Cal could make out their rapier-like spear and sickle-shaped tails and there, among them, two Bloodfin! The battalion of terrifying predators sped into the distance and was gone.

Without a second taught, Cal shot out of the cabbage patch and followed. This was her chance. It was the only way to find out what they were doing in Silvertail waters. "If I stay in their slipstream I'll be safe," she told herself, pushing the limits of her strength to keep them in sight. :They must have just fed because they're only cruising. If they were hunting I'll never keep up."

Cal swam streamlined now, arms at her side, using only her powerful tail. to people her through the water. But she knew she couldn't keep up that speed for long.

Luckily, just as she felt her body tiring, the big fish slowed, scattered and came to rest, weaving discontentedly above the seabed, prodding stones and shells with their spears. The two Bloodfin disappeared between some pillars of rock. Cal stopped a few yards off. The marlin didn't seem to notice her but she was taking no chances. She worked her way forward, gliding in a low, wide arc beyond them, and came to a cluster of thick chimney crags, ragged with weed. Sharp voice came from within.

Cautiously Cal peered between the cages. There they were - six young Bloodfin, not much older than herself, armed with knives, spears and harpoons.